Hour Of The Wolf radio show has Triptree

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online Audio - Hour Of The WolfHour Of The Wolf, is a two-hour live radio program on WBAI (99.5 FM) in New York presenting Science Fiction and Fantasy. Each program promises either a reading, radio drama or interview, often the entry will be quite mixed. The long running program also sometimes features live call-ins. Hour Of The Wolf has for a long time had a rudimentary website, but actual listening to the broadcast is made rather difficult by its lack of radio syndication, lack of a podcast and unwieldy hours of broadcast (5am to 7am on Sunday mornings). You can however with a bit of finesse use the WBAI archive, to catch recent shows. I’ve managed to navigate some of the playlist archives and found a few gems I think everyone will appreciate…

September 9th 2006 – Guest and SF author Barry N. Malzberg talks about James Triptree Jr.! |MP3|

August 26th 2006 – An ARTC Radio Drama entitled Hour Of The Wolf and a radio dramatization of James Triptree Jr.’s “Houston, Houston, Do You Read?”. |MP3|

August 5th 2006 – The guest is Julie Philips author of James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon. |MP3|

With no RSS feed or podcast we’ll just have to keep checking the website to see what new, or old, shows catch our interest.

Deadline for Mark Time Awards Fast Approaching

SFFaudio News

Mark Time AwardYou only have only two weeks left to get your entries in for the Mark Time and Ogle Awards – the deadline is March 1st. As you all know, the Mark Time is presented every year to acknowledge the best Sci-Fi audio in the universe, and the Ogle is presented for best Fantasy audio. Last year’s winners included Colonial Radio‘s awesome production of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

Check out all of last year’s winners, and get your entries in today!

via [Audio Addicts]

Also important, our very own SFFaudio editor, Danielle Cutler, has been added to this year judicial panel for both the Mark Time and Ogle Awards. Smart thinking that, Dani is our resident audio drama expert!

GenderTalk talks to Samuel R. Delany about his novel Dhalgren

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online Audio - Gender TalkGenderTalk is the leading worldwide weekly radio program that about transgenderism. Each week GenderTalk presents news and information that aims to challenge traditional views of gender. No, we haven’t changed focus, instead there is a particular GenderTalk episode that has an interview with Science Fiction author Samuel R. Delany about his novel Dhalgren!

Samuel Delaney, author of “Dhalgren”, an apocalyptic tale which received rave reviews on its release in 1975, which went on to become one of the bestselling science fiction novels of all time, and which is being reissued today. He has received two Hugo and four Nebula awards for his Science Fiction writing, which presents groundbreakingly diverse gender, sexual and racial imagery. Delaney is well known as the first ‘out’ gay African American science fiction writer, and we spoke with him about diversity themes in his work and in the world of science fiction. Delaney currently teaches creative writing at Temple University.

You can download the entire show |MP3| but to get to the interview scroll ahead to the 64 minute mark.

For more Delany goodness be sure and check out the recent episode of Starship Sofa too |MP3|!

Review of Airborn by Kenneth Oppel

SFFaudio Audiobook Review

FULL CAST AUDIO Audibook: Airborn by Kenneth OppelAirbornSFFaudio Essential
By Kenneth Oppel; Performed by a FULL CAST
10 CDs – 10.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Full Cast Audio
Published: 2006
ISBN: 1933322543
Themes: / Fantasy / Parallel World / Alternate History / Airships / Swashbuckling / Pirates /

…the pirate airship was already adjusting its course, keeping pace, and as it forced us closer to the waves, we would have less space to manoeuvre. There was a great flash from the pirate ship’s underbelly and a thunderous volley of cannon fire scorched the night sky across our bow.

A voice carried by bullhorn shuddered the air. “Put your nose to the wind and cut speed.”

The story of Airborn is told by 15 year old Matt Cruse, a lowly cabin boy on the a ziz-like commercial airship called the Aurora, primarily used as a passenger liner, the Aurora also carries industrial an commercial goods between continents. Matt was actually born in the air and dreams of becoming an officer one day, not only to further his career as an airman but also to better support his family back home. One day, while aloft and on watch, Matt spies a damaged hot air balloon drifting in the South Pacificus. Only Matt’s natural aptitude in the rigging can save the dying man carried in it. When Matt rescues him the feverish old man’s words are of an amazing, and highly improbable creature he’d spotted in the sky. A year or so later, young Kate de Vries, who was granddaughter to the hot-air balloonist, comes aboard the Aurora. Kate herself has dreams of following in her grandfather’s flightpath and becoming a famous naturalist. They might never have discovered her grandfather’s secret though, had it not been for sudden and vicious pirate raid lead by the legendary air-pirate Szpirglas (pronounced Spear-glass). After the attack and crash-landed on an uncharted island off the regular air-routes it is up to Matt to discover the secret of Kate’s grandfather, repair the damaged airship along with the crew and win the heart of Kate herself. If Matt can just pull it all together he might even live long enough to attend the Air Academy and become a officer.

This is a simple, almost classically structured, juvenile adventure story in the Heinleinian tradition. What is so different about this novel is that it isn’t set in a familiar setting – no spaceships and farm boys here, instead we have an alternate history/alternate universe tale, set on Earth, but an Earth which has place names subtly altered (The city of Vancouver is called Lionsgate City, the Pacific ocean is the Pacificus). Most importantly a flourishing airship economy has made the world of Airborn a cross between a benign steampunk world and pneumatic tube etherland of alternate science and technology. The successful airships industry is buoyed not by helium or hydrogen but instead by a mango scented and plentiful noncombustible gas: hydrium. Also in use are ornithopters, which are a fun but failed technology in our world, though they seem to serve well enough in Airborn, at least for short hops. The world’s extant empires are all subtly altered too, it appears that the expansive British Empire centered in “Angleterre, is tempered, perhaps by a more vigorous Germanic or French empire? North America itself is cut-up into “Kanada” and the “American Colonies”. The Aurora itself though is the primary setting of the novel. As a commercial passenger airship it is based out of Lionsgate City (Vancouver) and plies the airways of the Pacific to Sydney, Siberia and beyond.

There is a tremendous difference between a FULL CAST reading and a regular audiobook. A full cast audiobook, and by that I mean a FULL CAST AUDIO production, is as close to an audio drama as you can get without actually becoming a dramatization. Each character has his or her own actor, this along with descriptive text and punctuating music transmogrifies the unabridged words into vibrant mental images. I’d be willing to bet that if you were to hook-up a person listening to Airborn to a Functional Magnetic Resonating Imaging machine the FMRI would show tremendous activity in the visual cortex. There is a sequel, called Skybreaker in the release pipeline coming from Full Cast Audio, if it lives up to the standard set in writing and production it will be an SFFaudio Essential too.

Hour 25 interviews Laurell K. Hamilton

SFFaudio Online Audio

Hour 25Hour 25 has posted an interview with Laurell K. Hamilton who talks with host Warren James about her recent novel Danse Macabre, which continues the adventures of monster hunter Anita Blake. Also on the plate is her novel Mistral’s Kiss. The show is in the m3u format, which does not make listening portable. You can listen to the entire show, via THIS link, or just the interview via THIS one. Promised future guests include: Vernor Vinge, William Tenn, Steven Barnes and Alan Dean Foster.

Dragon Page Cover To Cover interviews Robert J. Sawyer

Online Audio

Dragon Page Cover To Cover LogoThe latest Dragon Page Cover To Cover podcast has an interview with Science Fiction author Robert J. Sawyer who talks about his new novel Rollback, which is coming to hardcover in April and which was previously serialized in Analog Science Fiction magazine (unfortunately no audiobook for it is planned at this time). You can download the |MP3| directly or subscribe to the show’s XML feed:
