2 versions of Cold Equations up on Zombie Astronaut

Online Audio

MP3 webzine - Zombie AstronautThe Zombie Astronaut has just posted up two adaptations of the same script. And though they the script is flawed, audio drama fans shouldn’t pass-up this opportunity to listen to two dramatizations of an iconic story, let alone one with an identical script. Compare and contrast:

Cold Equation was adapted for both NBC’s X-Minus One and WMUK’s Future Tense (based on the short story The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin). The story was first published in the August 1954 issue of Astounding Science Fiction Magazine. The script for both productions was by George Lefferts. He not only fundamentally changed one of the characters (perhaps in a bid to make an unpalatable idea less so), he also changed the name of the radio drama, dropping the “s” from the original story’s title. Both these decisions make the drama less powerful than it should be. The ideas presented in The Cold Equations are supposed to be hard, are supposed to be frustrating. The removal of the “s” from the title also ignores the brutal truth that there is more than one kind of calculation going on in this story. This tale is not just a physics lesson, it is also a philosophical treatise…

What’s one little rule?

H amount of fuel will power a ship with a mass M safely to its destination.

H amount of fuel will not power a ship with a mass of M plus X safely to its destination.

She was 5’2 with brown curly hair and her name was X in an equation that would have to be balanced.

WNBC X-Minus One |MP3| August 25th 1955
WMUK Special Projects Future Tense |MP3| June 22nd 1973

SFFaudio Author Focus month "H.G. Wells" Arpil 2007

Author Of The Month

H. G. WellsLast year in the Spring we had our first ever “Author Focus Month” (on Harlan Ellison). This month, we’re going to reach back to the late 19th century and early 20th for our next author! Throughout April 2007 we’ll be giving particular attention to H.G. Wells. Wells is well represented in audio, with stories, novels and non-fiction all available from professional publishers and amateur narrators. We’ll bring reviews of some of these, links to FREE online sources for more and anything else H.G. Wells related that we can think of. Some of our podcast partners will also be providing Wells content for the occasion. If it hasn’t been declared officially anywhere else you heard it here first… April 2007 is H.G. Wells Month!

H. G. Wells Month – Review of The Invisible Man by H.G. Wells

H.G. Wells Month - SFFaudio Review

LibriVox - The Invisible Man by H. G. WellsThe Invisible Man
By H. G. Wells; Read by Alex Foster
13 MP3 or OGG Files – 4 Hours 54 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: 2006
Themes: /Science Fiction / Invisibility /

The narrator, Alex Foster, has a great voice for this tale. It’s a radio voice. There are few, if any, errors. And very importantly, it isn’t an American accent. The story takes place, if I understand my geography correctly, near London, so having an accent from that area is a plus. And yet, the text is very clear, with no misunderstanding, even by an American such as myself.

Interestingly, the description for how invisibility works is strikingly believable. In high school chemistry class, they had you put a certain amount of water in a beaker, put in a Pyrex rod, add a certain amount of a clear liquid, mix it, and boom (well, it was a surprise, anyway), the Pyrex rod that’s in the liquid vanishes. The index of refraction of the water was altered to match that of Pyrex. The Invisible man is invisible because he’s not only transparent, but in index of refraction matches that of air. Yet, Wells doesn’t go so far as to tell you the details on how the thing works, exactly. Just enough to get you going. Masterfully done.

Now, the story has been done again and again in literature. Typically, the rip offs change the man’s character greatly. Sometimes they come up with solutions to his various problems. Problems? Sure, well, he’s only really invisible when he’s naked. That’s a decided disadvantage when it’s winter. And in summer, the bug bites must be terrible. The solution was actually presented in the book, though the author chooses not to have the character use it.

Wells clearly wanted to have the book stand on it’s own. Not a serial like Tarzan. So, the Invisible Man is smart enough to be dangerous, but not smart enough to live forever. Many of the rip off’s, including a TV series, have the Invisible Man with a support network, and enough smarts to do interesting things as a serial.

The original book stands the test of time. Speaking of time. The Librivoxrecording of The Invisible Man is only about five hours long. Keep in mind that reading the text yourself is typically about three times faster. So this is a fairly short piece of entertainment. It’s broken up into fairly short readings. Sometimes three chapters in a single file, but always under about 35 minutes. The chapters must be very short. In any case, it means one can get through a whole scene, and have a convenient break point.

Now, I mostly listen to these things while doing something else. This summer, I’ve listened to several books while gardening. I bought a non-motorized lawn mower so that i can listen while doing that task. Most of my listening time, however, happens during my commute to work. In a break with tradition, I actually found myself speeding up a little during the most exciting parts. (This doesn’t get me to speeding, exactly, as I drive slower than the limit as a fuel conservation measure – which saves me more than an estimated $100 per year). It’s an hour each way, so it’s roughly ten hours a week. Against ten hours a week, a five hour book is pretty easy. The Tarzan books were about eight hours each. And when I listened to those, it was about one per week. Imagine reading fifty books a year.

SFFaudio: Our 4 Year Mission

SFFaudio News

Happy birthday to us! It’s SFFaudio.com‘s fourth birthday. We’ve been through a lot in these four short years. But our mission isn’t over, not by a long shot. That said, we can probably sit back for a few minutes to celebrate with this cake…

SFFaudio.com's Fourth Birthday

“Audio…the aural frontier. These are the voyages of the website SFFaudio. Our continuing mission: to explore cool new audiobooks; to seek out new audio drama and new podcast… to boldly post stories that no-one has posted before.”

Thanks so much to all the SFFaudio staff. You are both beautiful and smart. And to our readers… I must compliment you on your extremely good taste in websites. Please, keep visiting. No presents are necessary, but if you’ve really got the urge to give… consider this:

Starting tomorrow, and for the entire month of April, we’ll be bringing you stories, reviews, online audio and more focused the works of H.G. Wells. If you know of some H.G. Wells audio out there, please clue us in! Thanks again.

The Time Traveler Show has Jack Williamson and Frederik Pohl

SFFaudio Online Audio

Frederick Pohl and Jack Williamson

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler has traveled 30 years into the past to record his latest Time Traveler Show podcast (#15). The show is composed of a Science Fiction convention panel with Science Fiction Grand Masters Jack Williamson and Frederick Pohl! It is a panel discussion that was made in 1977 at “ConFusion.” The topic of the panel is “The Art, Science and Combat of Collaboration.” Which is most appropriate as these guys frequently collaborated on novels like Farthest Star and The Starchild Trilogy. They also talk about their experiences with other collaborators like James Gunn, C. M. Kornbluth, and Lester del Rey.

To read the complete show notes for podcast #15 click HERE or download the show in the MP3 format directly by clicking HERE.

To keep the show automatically downloading, subscribe to the podcast feed:


New Releases

SFFaudio New Releases

Five new titles have been released recently – we haven’t heard any of these in yet, but if you have, let us know what you think of them!

Infinivox Science Fiction Audiobook - Second SkinSecond Skin
By Paul J. McAuley; Read by Jared Doreck
MP3 Download or 1 CD – 64 minutes
Publisher: Infinivox
Published: March 2007
ISBN: 1884612555
The spy fell toward Proteus in a thin transparent bubble of carbon, wearing a paper suit and trussed up in a cradle of smart cabling like an early Christian martyr. Somewhere down there was Ben Lo’s wife. But he musn’t think of that. If he did…No, he couldn’t remember. Something bad, though. This space opera is part of the author’s Quiet War series.

Terra NovaTerra Nova
By Tom Williams; Read by ????
MP3 Download- Approx. 13.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED?]
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books / Fictionwise.com
Published: March 2007
ISBN: 1587491338
Humanity is all but annihilated by a mysterious, alien race, known as the Enemy. Military pilot Mikael Svensson narrowly escapes destruction, only to land on the paradise planet Terra Nova. He seeks to do the impossible: oust the enemy from Terra Nova.

Fictionwise - True CaderiTrue Caderi
By Michelle Levigne; Read by ????
MP3 Download – Approx. 9 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Awe-Struck E-Books / Fictionwise.com
Published: March 2007
ISBN: 1584293098
A ruthless pirate of space, Adlan Caderi, searches for his long lost daughter, Qinda, and seeks to use her special mind talents, unique to a race of female pilots known as Leapers, to dominate the universe. However, Qinda, unaware of her Leaper talents, and her husband and infant son are fleeing their own enemy, Haynash, who also wants Qinda for her special genetics. To escape Haynash, Qinda seperates from her husband and son only to become Caderi’s unwilling guest. Qinda must find a way to reunite her family, escape Haynash and decide if she will aid in her father’s quest for domination by becoming a true Caderi.

Over Flat MountainOver Flat Mountain
By Terry Bisson; Read by Alec Rowell
1 MP3 Download – 34 Minutes 4 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Fictionwise.com / ElectricStory.com
Published: February 2007
“CD” is one of those few bold truckers who make the run over Flat Mountain, a gigantic peak that thrusts beyond the atmosphere in what had once been the Appalachians.

Heaven - Season Two: HellHeaven – Season Two: Hell
By Mur Lafferty; Read by Mur Lafferty
Publisher: Podiobooks.com
Completed: March 2007
Kate and Daniel are reunited at last, but they have to return to their
duties in traveling the afterlife. There are stolen souls suffering
without cause in Hell, and only they can help. Kate is back in her
corporeal body, but keeping memories of her time as pure soul energy,
recently touched by the divine. Daniel carries the magic of an old god
and the sword of a death goddess, as well a grudge against the deity
who tricked him into losing nearly everything. As they search for the
missing souls, Kate and Daniel have to come to terms with themselves
and see if their friendship – not to mention the cosmos – can handle
everything they’ve been through thus far.