The Devolutionist by Homer Eon Flint a free UNABRIDGED SF novel

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Maria Lectrix podcast has just finished podcasting a complete short novel by Homer Eon Flint. The original publication date was 1921, but it was later released as half of a1965 Ace double novel. Homer Eon Flint was a promising young writer of Science Fiction, Fantasy and mystery stories when he was killed in 1924 under very mysterious circumstances.

Science Fiction Audiobook - The Devolutionist by Homer Eon FlintThe Devolutionist
By Homer Eon Flint; Read by Maureen O’Brien
10 MP3s – 3 Hours 50 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Maria Lectrix
Podcast: 2007
In this 1921 novella, four friends travel telepathically from Earth to planets in other solar systems, where they encounter strange alien societies. The story stands alone, but is the third in a series of four about travel to other planets by various means.

Check out the new Maria Lectrix all Science Fiction podcast feed:

Sounds Like Canada Interview with Robert J. Sawyer

SFFaudio Online Audio

CBC Radio One - Sounds Like CanadaCBC‘s flagship morning programme, Sounds Like Canada, recently captured an accessible interview with Canada’s foremost SF author Robert J. Sawyer. Here’s how the official program log reads:

Robert Sawyer has won an armload of awards for his science fiction novels including the Nebula and the Hugo. His books often look at the intersection between science and religion and present complicated science and tech ideas in a clear way. His new novel is called, Rollback and it’s the story of a geriatric husband and wife who undergo a rejuvenation procedure. Big ethical questions emerge when the husband’s “rollback” to his mid-twenties is successful but his wife remains eighty-seven. Shelagh speaks with Robert Sawyer in Toronto.

Host, Shelagh Rogers, really knows how to wring goodness from her guests. Sadly, this segment was not included in the “Best of Sounds Like Canada Podcast” for April 25th. So we’ve rectified the situation. You can download the 23 minute interview via our MP3 link.

Darker Projects completes Autumn a ZOMBIE audio drama

SFFaudio Online Audio

Darker Projects - PodcastsDarker Projects, in association with Infected Books presents David Moody’s vision of apocalyptic horror: Autumn.

In less than twenty-four hours a vicious and virulent disease destroys virtually all of the population. Billions are killed. Thousands die every second. There are no symptoms and no warnings. Within moments of infection each victim suffers a violent and agonizing death. Only a handful of survivors remain. By the end of the first day those survivors wish they were dead. Then the disease strikes again, and all hell breaks loose…

Yep, it’s a zombie audio drama! Cool huh? All six parts of the complete adaptation are available now. I’ve been listening, it’s dark and moody, well paced with good acting and is getting eerier every episode. Check it out for yourself…

Darker Projects - Audio Drama - Autumn by David MoodyAutumn
Based on the novel by David Moody; Adapted by Paul Mannering
6 MP3s – Approx. 2 Hours 42 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Darker Projects
Podcast: 2007
Download direct:
|Part 1 MP3| Part 2 MP3|Part 3 MP3|
|Part 4 MP3| Part 5 MP3|Part 6 MP3|

Or subscribe via the feed:

Read-Along Adventures features COOL downloadable read-along books

SFFaudio Online Audio

ReadAlongadventures.comJoey Chivers’ read along site is another in the recent spate of Record/Book combination sites we’ve been telling you about. Here’s how Joey describes his her mission:

“Remember those great read-along books and tapes from when you were a kid? We sure do. In the days before computers and DVD and VHS, this was the next best thing to watching a movie or a TV show. You put in the tape, open the book, and read along with the cheesy voice over and cool sound effects. And there was no way you could possibly forget when it was time to turn the page.”

More than two dozen adventures have been converted from paper and cassette books into flash animated e-books with accompanying audio. The craftsman-like translation from hard-copy to electronic version has produced an effect very much like the original books. If you’re feeling nostalgic, or have young kids yourself you should definitely download a few. Available on the site are:

Star Wars, Star Trek, James Bond, Mary Poppins, Indiana Jones and many others. Check them all out HERE.

Joey has also assigned himself herself the task of cataloging an ongoing list of all the Read-Along books that have ever been published. If you have some Read Along records or tapes that you think probably aren’t yet listed head on over and look.

*updated May 10th 2007

BBC Radio 2 Science Fiction Comedy pilot Daydream Believers

Online Audio

Our UK correspondent, Roy, has written in with a last minute addition… Daydream Believers on BBC R2 13:00-13:30 Saturday 5th May (hey that’s today!) Roy writes:

“This is apparently a pilot show only, but the BBC has promised a series if successful. SF Comedy (of both the TV & Radio varieties) often falls flat on its face and is one of the most difficult sub-genres, but Mitchell & Webb are riding high on TV at the moment so there is cause for optimism.”

I’m gonna give it a try, here are the details if you’d like to too…

Online Audio - BBC Radio 2Daydream Believers
1 Broadcast – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 2
Broadcast: Saturday 5th May- 13:00-13:30
“[A] Sci-fi comedy in which David Mitchell and Robert Webb star as tetchy novelist Ray and his flatmate Colin and, in a parallel space adventure concocted by Ray, as Baron Amstrad and his bothersome android companion Info.”

This show has already aired, but it is available via ‘listen again‘ service. Thanks Roy!