Four H.P. Lovecraft Lectures

SFFaudio Online Audio

Yog RadioSure we point you towards actual recordings of H.P. Lovecraft’s stories – that’s nothing new – but surely you’d like to go deeper. How about some lectures on Lovecraft himself? Ya, we see you nodding that head… POOF! Your wish is our command…

Posted below are a series of four linked lectures titled H.P. Lovecraft and The Occult. These were recorded at Treadwell’s Bookshop in Covent Garden, London, UK. The speaker is Justin Woodman, a Social Anthropology lecturer at Goldsmiths College (University of London).

Lectures - H.P. Lovecraft And The Occult by Justin WoodmanH.P. Lovecraft Lectures
By Dr. Justin Woodman
4 MP3s – 5 Hours 26 Minutes [LECTURES]
Podcaster: Yog Radio /
Podcast: May 2007
Lecture #1 – HPL: Fabulist, Myth-Maker & Shaman |MP3|
Lecture #2 – Legends of The Necronomicon |MP3|
Lecture #3 – Chariots of The Dark Gods |MP3|
Lecture #4 – Chaos, Cthulhu & Contemporary Consciousness |MP3|

An alternative to the download is the podcast feed for Yog Radio which is right here:

[via Joseph Remy’s Lost Carcosa blog]

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC2 plans a Star Wars documentary

Online Audio

Our eagle eyed U.K. correspondent, Roy, sez that BBC Radio 2 has something of interest starting later this week…

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of the original Star Wars movie, BBC Radio 2 has a two part programme that will feature interviews with the actors, musicians, producers and directors who worked on (or were influenced by) the film….

Online Audio - BBC Radio 2Star Wars – 30th Anniversary
2 Parts – Approx. 50 Mins [DOCUMENTARY]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 2
Broadcast: Fridays May 18th & 26th 2007 @ 19:00-19:30 (U.K. Time)

It is likely that both parts will be available via BBC R2’s ‘listen again‘ service. Thanks Roy!

Happy Mother’s Day Fantasy Fiction

SFFaudio Online Audio

Marsha Loftis' Family Of 7 BlogMarsha Loftis’ Family of 7 blog features one of the shortest, and perhaps cutest of podcasts of anthropomorphic fiction ever. It is the story of a kitten named “Sniffles” who needs both an owner and a new name. In Kitten Story our hero Sniffles visits a pet zoo, leaves the city, and goes to the top of a mountain. You’ll dig the surprise ending too!

Morgan's Kitten StoryKitten Story
By Morgan; Read by Morgan
1 MP3 File – 1 Minute 37 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Morgan’s Kitten Story Podcast
Podcast: May 2007

Subscribe to the feed:

Also available, but no longer in the podcast feed is Cinderella Story , also by Morgan, which is a Battlestar Galactica -style re-imagining of the Greco-EgyptianCinderella fairy tale |MP3|.

James Patrick Kelly wins Nebula Award for his podcast novella Burn!

SFFaudio Online Audio

James Patrick Kelly receives a Nebula Award for his novella BURN

Congrats to SF author, and all around cool guy James Patrick Kelly! His novella Burn has just WON the NEBULA AWARD for BEST NOVELLA! That’s him receiving it above. Jim had released Burn as both a paperbook (through Tachyon publications) and as a FREE podcast last year. To make the podcast even more accessible Jim re-jiggered the 17 separate podcasts of the entire novella into just 4 handy-sized MP3s – and it is still completely unabridged! Get them now…

By James Patrick Kelly; Read by James Patrick Kelly
4 MP3 Files – 5 Hours 49 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: James Patrick Kelly’s Free Reads
Podcast: 2006
Download the novella: Part 1|MP3| Part 2|MP3| Part 3|MP3| Part 4|MP3|*

And don’t forget, you can catch plenty more Jim Kelly short stories on Jim’s Storypod podcast (available exclusively through

*New links to the files on Internet Archive (the originals crashed Jim’s site)

Starship Sofa podcast talks about Science Fiction’s authors and author/editors

SFFaudio Online Audio

Starship Sofa PodcastTony and Ciaran’s Starship Sofa podcast is chugging along, talking about Science Fiction in literate hour (or so) long chats. Below we’ve linked to the latest author and author/editor shows but you’ll also find email shows, shows on TV programmes and movies, a couple Christmas specials and even a theme show on religion in Science Fiction in their podcast feed. And if you surf over tho their website you’ll find the links to their older episodes too!

Recent shows author and author/editor shows:

Show #32: Classic Author: Jack Vance |MP3|
Show #33: Classic Author: Clark Ashton Smith |MP3|
Show #34: Classic Author: H.G. Wells |MP3|
Show #35: Classic Author: Charles Beaumont |MP3|
Show #37: Classic Author/Editor: John W. Campbell |MP3|
Show #38: Classic Author: Harry Harrison |MP3|
Show #39: Classic Author: Kurt Vonnegut Jr. |MP3|
Show #40: Classic Author/Editor: Frederick Pohl |MP3|
Show #41: Classic Author: Damon Knight |MP3|

To subscribe to the Starship Sofa podcast plug this feed into your podcatcher:

Steve The First & Steve The Second

SFFaudio News

CBC Radio OneGood news everyone! Just announced over on the Inside The CBC blog was a rough summer 2007 outline of programming for CBC Radio one. In the section on CBC drama it was announced that the summer season will include a re-broadcasts of the 2005 comedy Science Fiction series Steve The First, and 2006 follow-up series Steve The Second – both these shows were written and starred Canadia: 2056 star/scribe Matt Watts.

Unfortunately there was no word on the languishing Adventures Of Apocalypse Al, comedy/SF series that was penned by Babylon 5 creator J. Michael Straczynski. That show was recorded last year but has yet to be broadcast.

Posted by Jesse Willis