Links to James Patrick Kelly’s Burn crash the JPK website

SFFaudio News

James Patrick Kelly with Neubla Award for his novella Burn - photo by Ron Hogan

James Patrick Kelly has written in to say that you folks are downloading his Nebula Award winning novella Burn like it was a planet on fire!

Jim writes: “I had to move the files because a flood of listeners exceeded my bandwidth and crashed my site. So I moved them to the Internet Archive, which means that the links on your site are broken.”

Thanks for the new links Jim! I’ve now changed the post that includes the four MP3s that make up Burn.

For more James Patrick Kelly goodness try out his FREE READS podcast or subscribe to his StoryPod podcast on Audible, which is soon to include his best known novelette: Think Like A Dinosaur won the 1996 Hugo Award, the Asimov’s Reader’s Poll Award, and the SF Chronicle Award. It was also nominated for the Locus Poll Award, the HOMer Award and the Nebula Award.

SFFaudio in Salt Lake City, Utah May 2th – 27th 2007

SFFaudio News

CONduit XVIICONduit is an annual general interest Science Fiction and Fantasy convention held every May in Salt Lake City, Utah. Conduit 17 (called “Shadows Of Conduit”) runs this year between May 25th and 27th. We’ll be there, represented by our resident Web Kzin, SFFaudio co-founder, and professional SF author Scott D. Danielson.

If you’re going to be there too, look for Scott at one or all of these panels:

Friday, 3:00PM Podcasts: SF On The Web
Panel: Pam Oberg, Scott Danielson
Imagine listening to your favorite authors, artists, actors, and professionals talk about their work while you are at work or driving to work. Imagine listening to a convention panel, a decades-old radio interview, or a group of fans raving about the latest games while you
clean, jog, or mow the lawn. Enter the brave new world of podcasts. Our panelists discuss what podcasts are, where to find them, what to expect, and will even peer into the shadowy realm of iTunes voodoo.

Friday, 4:00PM The Viability Of Artificial Intelligence
Panel: Eric Swedin, James Brown, Scott Danielson (M), Eric James Stone
Research into artificial intelligence has been criticized for not advancing at the same rate as much of computing. Some have theorized that this is because we are simply incapable of creating intelligence — at least in the way we understand it. Will we ever see a Neuromancer?

Saturday, 11:00AM Take Me To Your Leader
Panel: James Brown, Scott Danielson, Eric James Stone (M), Ann Sharp
The Aliens Have Landed! Now what? Let’s have fun talking about what
impact the alien invasion (or a friendly visit) would realistically have on Earth. And what WOULD an alien really say at first contact?

Sunday, 10:00AM The Movies Of M. Night Shyamalan
Panel: Eric Swedin, Scott Danielson, Janus Daniels
The Sixth Sense. Unbreakable. Signs. The Village. Lady in the Water. M. Night Shyamalan has been hailed as the next Alfred Hitchcock. Is that accurate? Will he be able to keep the freshness of his directorial vision or is he destined to be just another Hollywood director? What are the themes that frequent his work? We discuss this intriguing newcomer to the movie scene.

Review of Here Today …Gone to Tomorrow edited by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg

SFFaudio Audiobook Review

Science Fiction Audiobook - Here Today ... Gone TomorrowHere Today …Gone Tomorrow (Asimov’s All Time Favorite Time Travel Stories)
Edited by Isaac Asimov and Martin Greenberg; Read by various
4 Cassettes – Approx. 6 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Dercum Audio
Published: 1998
ISBN: 1556562586 [out of print]
Themes: /Science Fiction /Time travel /Anthology /

Stories: “Try and Change the Past” by Fritz Leiber, read by Bill Fantini; “A Loint of Paw” by Isaac Asimov, read by Bill Fantini; “The Long Remembering” by Poul Anderson, read by Nelson Runger; “There Is A Wolf In My Time Machine” by Larry Niven, read by Bill Fantini; “The Light Of Other Days” by Bob Shaw, read by Nelson Runger; “The Kings Wishes” by Robert Sheckley, read by Nelson Runger; “The Little Black Bag” by C.M. Kornbluth, read by Ann Wilcox.

Old school. That’s what this collection of time travel stories is, with all the blessings and baggage that implies. The stories concern mainly white men, with women appearing mostly as henpecking baffles for their claustrophobic concerns, and, in general, the voices presenting the stories are brusque and hairy-chested, like those from a third grade filmstrip on pool safety (and if that simile has any resonance for you, then I think you appreciate what I mean by “old school”). A female voice does narrate C.M. Kornbluth’s “The Little Black Bag”, but the story is so piquant with elitism and misogyny, it might as well be read by a Victorian-era Harvard College president.

The cover claims the stories were hand selected by Isaac Asimov from his own personal library, and the photo shows the great one with his trademark facial fur and engaging grin in front of a tall shelf packed with his own works.* Happily, his own works do appear in this collection, but only in the delightful – a word to describe almost anything Asimov uttered aloud – introduction he delivers himself, and the brief, forgettable story “A Loint Of Paw” which he does not.

The list of authors is impressive. The stories, however, while enjoyable, are neither essential nor groundbreaking. The best of them, and the only one to offer even a glimpse of the wistful ache that is the primary motivation for the idea of time travel, is Bob Shaw’s “The Light Of Other Days.” I was caught off guard after the relatively bland intellectual exercises of the forgoing stories because this one starts out looking similarly simple and heartless, yet builds to a subtle and profoundly moving finish.

As a whole, this is a decent collection, but not one I’d risk any injury rushing out to acquire. If it falls in your lap, or if you are a rabid fan of old school SF, I’d give it a listen. Otherwise, I think you could easily find something more satisfying to fill your ears with.

[editor’s note – the cover depicted above does not match Kurt’s description. Kurt’s scan of his copy of this audiobook was not available at the time of this post]

Posted by Kurt Dietz

LibriVox goes to sea for Jules Verne and Edgar Allan Poe

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVoxAvast me hearties! LibriVox, that isle of audio sanity in an ocean of in, has been all at sea of late, but not in a bad way, not at all. The vast crew of LibriVox has been making sea Science Fiction stories – specifically with two speculative fiction classics from the 19th century. The completion of one of them was the subject of a March 25th commentary on the history of SF sea stories. That really warms my cockles, and may even warm yours. Have a listen to one or both of the titles listed below, I’m guessing they’ll shiver your timbers. And be sure to note the COOL NEW PODCAST FEED FEATURE found on completed LibriVox titles…

LibriVox - The Mysterious Island by Jules VerneThe Mysterious Island
By Jules Verne; Read by Mark F. Smith
Zipped MP3s or MP3 Podcast – Approx. 22 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: May 2007
A story of castaways, similar to Robinson Crusoe and The Swiss Family Robinson, this book details the escape from Civil War-era Richmond, Virginia, of five Northern men who dared to go aloft in a balloon in the midst of a hurricane. Deposited on a lonely island in the Pacific, they make do with Yankee ingenuity where Chance has left them nothing. Only later do they find they have a hidden benefactor: Captain Nemo, of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, who resides, alone, secretly on the island. In time, the tiny colony becomes so prosperous that it is able to rescue another castaway from an island a hundred miles away. But all their work will come to naught – their island’s volcano is about to awake!

Podcast feed:

LibriVox - The Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym by Edgar Allan PoeThe Narrative Of Arthur Gordon Pym
By Edgar Allan Poe; Read by various authors
Zipped MP3s or MP3 Podcast – Approx. 6.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: April 2007
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket is Edgar Allan Poe’s only complete novel, published in 1838. The work relates the tale of the young Arthur Gordon Pym who stows away aboard a whaling ship called Grampus. Various adventures and mis-adventures befall Pym including shipwreck, mutiny and cannibalism. The story starts out as a fairly conventional adventure at sea, but it becomes increasingly strange and hard to classify in later chapters, involving religious symbolism and the Hollow Earth.

Podcast feed:

Prometheus Radio Theatre podcasts The God Of Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs

SFFaudio Online Audio

Prometheus Radio Theatre Prometheus Radio Theatre‘s podcast has a two part reading of The God of Tarzan. The reading is by Steven H. Wilson, the talented narrator who completed Lester Del Rey’s Badge Of Infamy from our ongoing SFFaudio Challenge. If you aren’t a regular listener to the Arbiter Chronicles, and shame on you if you aren’t, have a listen to this public domain Edgar Rice Burroughs short story that’s in their podcast feed. It’s terrific!

The God Of TarzanThe God Of Tarzan
By Edgar Rice Burroughs; Read by Steven H. Wilson
Podcaster: Prometheus Radio Theatre
Podcast: May 2007
Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3|
Or subscribe to the podcast to get both parts:

posted by Jesse Willis

Ray Bradbury’s The Veldt on BBC Radio 4 next Tuesday’s

SFFaudio Online Audio

Our U.K. contributor “Roy” has found an SFFaudio gem in the Radio Times schedule for next…

Online AudioAfternoon Play: The Veldt
By Ray Bradbury; Performed by a Full Cast
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4
Broadcast: Tuesday 22nd May -14:15-15:00 (U.K. Time)
“An updated version of a classic SF story by Ray Bradbury, adapted from the stage play by Mike Walker, about a playroom that becomes a beguiling tempter, drawing two young children into secret, deadly adventures”

This should also be available via the Radio 4 Afternoon PlayListen Again” service for 7 days following the broadcast.

posted by Jesse Willis