AUDIO ROUNDUP: Masters Of Science Fiction

SFFaudio Online Audio

Masters Of Science FictionMasters Of Science Fiction aired its first episode last night on ABC stations in the USA. We’ve got all the audio dope on this video program…

HERE‘s an audio recording from NPR and TV critic David Bianculli talking about the show. What makes this series so intriguing is that it is using actual Science Fiction stories (GASP!) for its episodes…

The first tale was based on John Kessel’s A Clean Escape (which was previously adapted into a Seeing Ear Theatre Original Playhouse audio drama (no longer available online). Hardcopies of this audio drama can be found in an out of print collection, available on (and one is currently on on

Seeing Ear Theater, Volume 1
By Terry Bisson, Brian Smith, James Patrick Kelly, Allen Steele, John Kessel and Gregory Benford
FULL CAST PRODUCTIONS with introductions by Harlan Ellison
2 Cassettes – Approx 3 hrs. [UNABRIDGED DRAMATIZATIONS]
ISBN: 0787118133
Date Published 1998
Published by Dove Audio

Stories Included:
“They’re Made Out of Meat”
“The Toxic Donut”
Into The Sun by Brian Smith
Think Like a Dinosaur by James Patrick Kelly
The Death of Captain Future by Allen Steele
A Clean Escape by John Kessel
The Bigger One by Gregory Benford

Also, has an |MP3| interview with Sam Waterson about his role in the Masters Of SF first episode A Clean Escape (and irreverently about his role on Law and Order).

More, WUNC in North Carolina has a terrific radio interview |MP3| with Kessel about the adaptation of his short story A Clean Escape to TV.

PodioMedia Chat Interviews Gregg Taylor

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Podiobook ChatCross-posting from the other direction:

The newly-named PodioMedia chat has started off its second season with an interview with the mastermind behind Decoder Ring Theatre, Gregg Taylor. I love listening to interviews with Gregg. There is no mistaking the wit and sense of humor (whoops, I’m writing about a Canadian- that’s humour) that make Decoder Ring productions such a joy to listen to. He just sounds like a wonderful person!

PodioMedia Chat is the former PodioBook Chat (I am sure a new logo is forthcoming!). Host Chris Moody realized he had so many people beyond strictly podiobook authors he wanted to talk to, he needed to change the name! It’s now open for all forms of entertainment podcasting and podcasters, and all of those involved in this growing medium.

He all ready has an impressive list of interviews in just 17 episodes alone. From Podcasting for Dummies co-author Evo Terra, to Sonic Society‘s Jack Ward, Scott Sigler to CC Chapman, it’s a broad mix of entertainment creators who chat with Chris about what they love about what they do.

Head over and subscribe today!

Silent Universe episode 6 out now

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - J. Marcus Xavier's Silent UniverseThe slicker than ever audio drama, Silent Universe, is out now with “Episode 6.” J. Marcus Xavier’s podcast series is tight and the show is flowing super-smoothly. This time around there’s a free upgrade to the “64kbps stereo” edition in the feed too. Normally you’d have to pay to get the premium sound edition like this. Download direct |MP3| or plug this URL into your podcatcher to have a listen:

A new CBC document CHILLS all CBC bloggers

SFFaudio News

Inside The CBC BlogThe “Inside The CBC” Blog (the official blog for the English language Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) has a frightening news story about a new CBC policy. It states:

“any CBC employee who wants to start a personal blog which ‘clearly associates them with CBC/Radio-Canada’ now requires their supervisor’s permission”

This really stinks! The whole idea is draconian, unconscionable and stupid. We must stop this.

The article also cites the same CBC document as saying:

“Further, the blog cannot advocate for a group or a cause, or express partisan political opinion. It should also avoid controversial subjects or contain material that could bring CBC/Radio-Canada into disrepute. To start and maintain a blog of this kind, you need your supervisor’s approval.”

Let’s see… does advocating that CBC should air The Adventures Of Apocalypse Al, a show that it commissioned, hired actors for, recorded and completed only to shelve count as ‘bringing CBC into disrepute’? Who’s going to make that call? The very thought of this irks me to no end. This will hurt us, the listeners (and viewers) of CBC.

I hardly think it likely that our own little FREE APOCALYPSE AL campaign is the primary target of this new CBC brass policy, but it still sucks for us anyway. We can’t let CBC start standing for “Coverup and Banning Committee.”

Please consider adding your comments to the original post – let us not allow CBC to become something less than the greatness it has always been. Long live the CBC as a great communicator.

Old Man’s War to become an AUDIOBOOK

SFFaudio News - Science Fiction Audiobook

Blog - John Scalzi's WhateverJohn W. Campbell Awardee (for “Best New Writer”) John Scalzi has posted some very exciting news to his Whatever blog:

“I had a nice chat with the producer of the audio version of Old Man’s War about the status of that; it’s in production now and everything about it seems to be moving along swimmingly. Neat.

One thing for folks who are interested in the audio version to be aware of: it’s going to be sold online only. I think this is fine, myself; it’s being produced by Audio Renaissance, Tor’s corporate cousin, so it won’t be at all difficult to find online once it’s done (I imagine it’ll be at and iTunes, etc), and not having to fiddle with packaging means it’ll be ready to go more quickly once it’s done. Also, you know. It’s not as if most of my readers don’t have that whole online thing going on.

I’ll keep you all plugged in with how the audio book version is coming along, and when it will be available, etc. For now, know that someone somewhere is reading OMW, in mellifluous tones, into a microphone, for you, eventually.”

And the plan is to have SFFaudio favorite narrator William Dufris narrating! Cool huh?