Canadia: 2056 Season Two update

SFFaudio News

Canadia 2056Matt Watts, creator, scripter and actor in the comedic Science Fiction radio series Canadia: 2056 wirtes:

“We recorded the first two episodes of the new season of Canadia last week… It was fun to have the cast together again… Currently, I’m writing the next two episodes, which record at the end of the month. So there.

The plan is to re-air the first season starting in January, then continue on with the new episodes.

And I can finally say that the show will be airing in two timeslots.

Wednesday’s at 11PM and then Friday’s at 11:30AM. It’s Afghanada’s timeslot again… Which I love because it must confuse listeners to tune in one week and hear a seriously dramatic show about Canada’s involvement in the war in Afghanistan, and then the next week hear a retarded show about Canada’s involvement in an outer space war.

Still no update on podcasts… People are working on it. And the CD’s are scheduled to come out… Sometime… Maybe around Christmas. Ho, ho, ho.”


P.S. FREE Apocalypse Al!

BBC World Service RADIO DRAMA: Aliens From Cyberspace

SFFaudio OnlineAudio

BBC WorldserviceBBC World Service’s “World Drama” slot currently has an online listenable radio drama specially commissioned for BBC World Service. Here is the description:

“A comedy inspired by incredible – and totally untrue – events. Set in the glamorous world of Hollywood, it deals with the possibilities that the internet now offers in helping people find true love. But have you ever wondered who you were chatting to? Or which planet they might be from.”

Aliens From Cyberspace
By Gary Ogin; Performed by a FULL CAST
1 REALAUDIO File – Approx. 60 minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
BROADCAST: October 2007

Cast: Alun Armstrong, Lorelei King and Joanna Riding

Director: Marion Nancarrow

Click HERE to access the RealAudio or WindowsMedia file.

Meta SFFaudioAlso, on Sunday October 14th will be switching over to WordPress. A technical change that should go off without a hitch and provide more functionality for readers. But, our RSS only subscribers should take note, our new RSS feed will be:

ARTC Podcast performs Heinlein’s Solution Unsatisfactory

SFFaudio Online Audio

ARTC PodcastThe Atlanta Radio Theater Company has just completed podcasting all three parts of their production of Robert A. Heinlein’s Solution Unsatisfactory. Heinlein’s original short story was adapted by Daniel Taylor and the Atlanta Radio Theater Company. This is an archive recording of their 2001 DragonCon performance (we reviewed the studio recorded CD version back in 2004, click HERE to read it).

Solution Unsatisfactory by Robert A. Heinlein“Solution Unsatisfactory”
Adapted by Daniel Taylor from the short story by Robert A. Heinlein; Full Cast Production
3 MP3 Files – Approx 70 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Atlanta Radio Theater Company
Podcast: October 2007
“Solution Unsatisfactory describes an American supersecret project to develop an atomic superweapon that proves vital to the Allied triumph of World War II. ‘So what,’ you say. ‘That’s old news.’ And you’d be right, the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 were the final nails in the coffin of WWII. But what’s weird is, Solution Unsatisfactory was published in 1940, a full half decade before the atom bomb was even known to exists by the general public. What’s more, Heinlein’s story goes on to foresee the coming cold war with the Soviet Union and the concomitant race to arm with atomic weapons. Heinlein’s story doesn’t actually foretell the same events that happened, but the similarities are pretty eerie.”

Download the three parts |Part 1 MP3|Part 2 MP3|Part 3 MP3| or subscribe to the feed:

Meta SFFaudioAlso, on Sunday October 14th will be switching over to WordPress. A technical change that should go off without a hitch and provide more functionality for readers. But, our RSS only subscribers should take note, our new RSS feed will be:

Season Four of Robotz of the Company Coming Soon!

Online Audio

Fall is the time of year for season premieres, and Dream Realm is no exception in that department. Their flagship series Robotz of the Company is about to begin its 4th season of zanyness!

It will kick off at the end of October with their Halloween special Night of the Living Gunk– and you don’t want to miss it!

They also have two promos for ya- so you podcasters and radio folk download these links and spread the bot-word on your shows!

Promo 1:


Each season keeps getting better and better- so if you’ve never heard the botz before, click the link, take a listen and catch up! You’ll be glad you did. :-)

New Fan Audio Drama For Buffy Fans

Online Audio

Yes, it has been awhile since I have jumped in and brought you awesome SFF Audio news- but I have a couple awesome things to tell you about!

The Joss Whedon world has been buzzing with anticipation of the very first Buffy The Vampire Slayer fan audio drama! Today is when the first episode hit everyone’s ears!

It’s also the second Joss fan audio drama ever created, beginning with Sonic Cinema’s Firefly: Old Wounds audio drama. (However, it is not a Sonic Cinema production. There was a little confusion about that.)

One of the writers/producers of this fan audio, and extreme Whedon fan girl Tabitha Smith, had this to say about the upcoming release:

“I’m more then a little bit thrilled that this project is coming to our listeners. With 65 cast members, 35 crew members and 12 episodes, it’s been a massive undertaking… but now we’re finally ready to release our first episode and I couldn’t be prouder of our team!”

I very much enjoyed the first episode, though I will tell you if you have not seen any of the television series, you might be a little lost. I look forward to hearing how the “season between the seasons” progresses!

You can subscribe now, or head to for all sorts of goodies and subscription information!

Radio Drama Revival’s Month of HORROR AUDIO DRAMA

Online Audio

Radio Drama RevivalThe WMPG radio show (and podcast) Radio Drama Revival airs a series of truly terrifying theater throughout October! If you live in the Portland, Maine area turn your FM dial to 90.9/104.1 Thursdays 1PM EST. If not, have a listen to the podcast feed or download the shows manually from the show’s website. Host Fred Greenhalgh has packed his Halloween month shows “to the gory brim” with a mountain of haunting tales. The broadcasts culminate in a three-part live radio drama event to be held on “All Hallow’s Eve.”

The fright fest kicked off earlier this week (October 4th) during WMPG’s “Begathon” pledge drive with…

Based on a story by William Hope Hodgson
Broadcaster & Podcaster: Radio Drama Revival
Broadcast & Podcast: October 4th 2007
Produced by: Mind’s Eye Productions
An unsettling tale of a ghost ship found afloat deep in the ocean.

In the coming two weeks:

(Oct 11, Oct 18) will feature an adaptation of Mary Shelley’s

Based on the novel by Mary Shelley
2 Broadcasts – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster & Podcaster: Radio Drama Revival
Broadcast & Podcast: October 4th 2007
Produced by Quicksilver Radio Theater

October 25th:

If You Take My Hand My Son
By Mort Castle
1 Broadcast – [RADIO DRAMA]

Halloween night (airing between 8:30 and 10PM EST):

The Statement of Randolph Carter
Based on the story by H.P. Lovecraft

God of the Razor
By Joe Lansdale

Dark Passenger
By Frederick Greenhalgh

Keep radio drama revived by subscribing to the podcast’s feed: