New podiobooks from Lafferty and Sigler

SFFaudio Online Audio

Two of the original podiobook stars have brand new podcast novels out today!

Fantasy podiobook - Playing For Keeps by Mur LaffertyPlaying For Keeps
By Mur Lafferty; Read by Mur Lafferty
STATUS: Begun November 1st 2007
Keepsie Branson owns a bar in the shining metropolis of Seventh City. This is an urban landscape overflowing with egotistical heroes and manipulative villains. In a world like this, where there are lots of ‘supers’, there are a few folks with superpowers that just don’t measure up.
Listen to the promo HERE.

Horror podiobook - Nocturnal by Scott Sigler
By Scott Sigler; Read by Scott Sigler
STATUS: Begun November 1st 2007
Something lives deep beneath the streets of San Francsico. Something that has been there for centuries, something that comes out at night … to feed on the dregs of society. A sub-culture, with its own myths, its own legends of leader named The King that will lead them out of bondage, and their own demon, a hunting shadow known only as Savior.
Listen to the promo HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

KFAI’s Sound Affects airs The Case Of The Disappearing Witch

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online Audio - Radio Show - Sound Affects A Radio PlaygroundSound Affects: A Radio Playground will be airing a ZBS radio drama entitled The Case Of The Disappearing Witch on its next broadcast. The show can be heard via live streaming on Sundays and is also broadcast on the radio in the Minneapolis/St. Paul. region – 90.3 FM Minneapolis, 106.7 FM St. Paul. Even better, the program is archived on the KFAI website for two weeks after the broadcast.

Radio Drama - The Case Of The Disappearing WitchThe Case Of The Disappearing Witch
By Meatball Fulton; Performed by a full cast
Radio Broadcast – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: KFAI / Sound Affects
Broadcast: November 4th 2007 @ 9:30-10:30 PM (Central Time)
In a little theatre, off off off Broadway, Simon Gray is attempting to direct a production of Macbeth, but every actress that plays Witch #3, disappears. Simon calls in his old friend, Mojo Sam. When Mojo sees an actress vanish before his eyes, he brings in Little Frieda, a girl who looks about 12 years old, wears pigtails that rise straight up in the air when she senses danger, smokes Havana cigars, and has no pupils in her eyes. She can see thought forms. When she finally talks Simon into allowing her to play Witch #3, Little Frieda also disappears, in fact, right on stage, “Poof!” she’s gone. But then, in the Realm of the Muse, Little Frieda meets the real Witch #3, and she is sizzling mad and out for revenge.

Posted by Jesse Willis

ABC Radio National airs vintage Australian Ghost Story: The Illumined Grave

SFFaudio Online Audio

ABC RADIO NATIONAL's Book ReadingABC Radio National’s Book Reading show is airing a new season of nineteenth century crime fiction, from both Australian and foreign authors. The crimes this week are all supernatural and horror related…

The Illumined Grave
By Mary Fortune; Read by Bill Young
3 Parts – [UNABRIDGED?]
Broadcast: Monday October 29th, Tuesday October 30th & Wednesday October 31st
Broadcaster: ABC Radio National / Book Reading
Born Mary Wilson in Ireland, Mary Fortune traveled with her father first to Canada and then to the Australian gold fields in 1855. She lived a colourful and precarious life in colonial Australia, a life reflected in her choice of pseudonym “Waif Wanderer”. Fortune made a living as a poet, wrote articles and stories and has become known as the earliest Australian crime writer. The Illumined Grave appears to be one of her ghost stories.

After the Accident
By Edward Dyson; Read by Gabriel Andrews
1 Broadcast – [UNABRIDGED?]
Broadcast: Thursday November 1st
Broadcaster: ABC Radio National / Book Reading
Edward Dyson was born near Ballarat in Victoria in 1865, and he received an interrupted education as his family frequently moved in search of work. But his experience of growing up in the company of miners became a creative store for the short stories and poems he would write as an adult.

The Cask of Amontillado
By Edgar Allan Poe; Read by ????
1 Broadcast – [UNABRIDGED?]
Broadcast: Friday November 2nd
Broadcaster: ABC Radio National / Book Reading
First published in the November 1846 issue of Godey’s Lady’s Book which was, at the time, the most popular periodical in America.

No podcast feed is available for these, but online listening is available for a few days via either RealAudio or WindowsMedia streams. Check that out HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC7 For Halloween Week


BBC 7's The 7th DimensionBBC 7’s The 7th Dimension has two ghoulishly good readings airing this week as well as a lengthy radio dramatized version of the most famous vampire story ever told:

The Fall Of The House Of Usher
By Edgar Allan Poe; Read by Sean Barratt
STREAMING AUDIO – Approx. 30 Minutes – Stereo – [UNABRIDGED]
Broadcaster: BBC7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Sunday October 28th and Sunday November 4th
Poe’s chilling short story about a family’s descent into madness.

Trouble With Lichen
By John Wyndham; Read by Joanna Tope
5 Parts – [ABRIDGED]
Broadcaster: BBC7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Monday through Friday at 6.30 pm and 12.30am
“Biochemist Diana Brackley and her boss Francis Saxover have discovered that a rare strain of lichen can slow the ageing process. Idealistic Diana embarks on a lifelong mission to ensure that their discovery will benefit man-, and more particularly, woman-kind. But the trouble with lichen is that there’s not enough for everyone…”
Directed by Eilidh McCreadie.

Adapted from the novel by Bram Stoker; Performed by a full cast
7 Parts – [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Monday – Friday at 6pm and midnight (concludes Tuesday 6th Nov)
A chilling dramatisation of Bram Stoker’s vampire tale. Young solicitor Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania and his encounter with Count Dracula has unsettling consequences. Frederick Jaegar stars as Dracula, and the cast includes Bernard Holley, Phyllis Logan, Sharon Maharaj and Finlay Welsh. Dramatized for radio in 7 parts by Nick McCarty and first heard on Radio 4 in 1991, the director was Hamish Wilson.

Posted by Jesse Willis Promo MP3

SFFaudio News

Meta SFFaudioThis may be a first, a promo for a website. SFFaudio does not podcast, but we’ve been asked more than a few times to give a promo to podcasts and radio shows that we talk about. Now we can reply with an actual professionally recorded promo – created for us by Gregg Taylor of Decoder Ring Theatre. If you’re a podcaster, have a radio show or are podcasting your novel plug our slick 33 second promo |MP3| into your show and we’ll add yours to the list of promoters below along with a link to where listeners can hear your promo (if you have one).

The penultimate installment Look Into The Sun on James Patrick Kelly‘s Free Reads podcast has just run our promo! Listen to a promo for JPk’s Free Reads podcast and StoryPod (an Audible Podcast) |MP3|.

The Sci Phi Show podcast has played our promo! Here’s the The Sci Phi Show‘s own promo |MP3|.

The LibriVox community podcast has played our promo! Here’s a link to the FLASH animation promo for LibriVox.

The Sonic Society podcast has played our promo. Here’s the SS promo |MP3|.

The Beam Me Up podcast and radio show in Rockland Maine has played our promo.

KFAI’s Sound Affects – A Radio Playground has played our promo! Tune in to Sound Affects between 9:30-10:30 PM (Central Time) in the Minneapolis/St. Paul. region – 90.3 FM Minneapolis, 106.7 FM St. Paul. Listen to the hilarious promo for it (performed by the original Arthur Dent) |MP3|.

Ken Newquist of the Nuketown Radioactive podcast has played our promo! Here’s the Nuketown Promo |MP3|.

Escape Pod: The Science Fiction Podcast Magazine has played our promo! Woot! Here’s the vintage, but oh-so-cool promo |MP3| for EPod!

The Slice Of Sc-Fi podcast has played our promo! Go check out Slice Of Sci-Fi’s site the best source on the net for news about TV and Movie SF.

The Dial P For Pulp podcast has played our podcast! Listen to its own pulpy promo |MP3|.

The Forgotten Classics podcast has played our promo! Go have a listen to this thoughtful literary podcast.

The Frequency Of Fear podcast, hosted by the zero-g zombie with an A+ podcast has played our promo! Listen to this fantastically awesome promo for TFoF |MP3|. Yarrrg!

The Time Traveler Show has played the SFFaudio promo! Joy! Have a listen to a modern |MP3| and vintage |MP3| versions of The Time Traveler Show‘s own promos.

Dragon Page – Cover To Cover has played our promo! This venerable program doesn’t seem to have a promo so I’m going to plug the show with their podcast feed:

Jack Mangan’s Deadpan podcast has played our promo! Why not have a listen to the deadpanningest podcast on Earth!?!?!

The Rev Up Review has played our promo! Have a listen to the RuR promo then go subscribe!

Paul Campbell of Cossmass ProductionsEstavlin’s Legacy (a podcast audio drama) and Rebels Of The Red Planet (a podcast novel from the SFFaudio Challenge) has played our promo a half dozen times! We love Paul! Here are his promos for Estavlin’s Legacy |MP3| and Rebels Of The Red Planet |MP3|.

Bill Hollweg from Broken Sea Audio Productions‘ podcast of The Planet Of The Apes has played our promo on the final installment of their fan amalgam of the Pierre Boule novel and the Michael Wilson/Rod Serling film. You can subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Ulysses Galactic Guides and Bounties, one of Broken Sea Audio Production`s many original audio drama podcasts has played our promo! Check out the show HERE.

The Buffy Between The Lines podcast audio drama has played our promo! Check out the show and the promo |MP3|. Buffy Between The Lines is a fan-created by Buffy fans from around the world. Each season focuses on the “summer” spaces between the seasons of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer TV series. Cool huh?

Dani Cutler’s Truth Seekers podcast has played our promo! Have a listen to the Truth Seeker’s promo |MP3|.

PodioMedia Chat has played our promo (in advance of airing the interview with me, Jesse Willis). Have a listen to PMC’s |MP3| promo!

Posted by Jesse Willis

Podcast novel: Steve Libbey’s The Bloodbaths

SFFaudio Online Audio

One of our scouts in the U.K., codenamed Nick, points us towards a new podcast novel. Nick sez:

“Steve Libbey, the co-author of the excellent Secret World Chronicle is podcasting his book, The Bloodbaths. It’s also available in other formats, which the publishers are hoping will encourage people to buy a commercial copy.”

The Bloodbaths is the first book in a new creative commons series called “The Aqua Pura trilogy”, it takes place in a fictional world similar to that of the ancient Roman Empire. New chapters are being added every weekday until it is complete!

Fantasy audiobook - The Bloodbaths by Steve LibbeyThe Bloodbaths
By Steve Libbey; Read by Veronica Giguere
Podcast novel – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Subatomic Books
Podcast: Oct. 2007 – ???

Subscribe to the podcast feed with this url:

Thanks Nick!

Posted by Jesse Willis