StarShipSofa has MP3 fiction: London Bone by Michael Moorcock

SFFaudio Online Audio

Star Ship SofaIt seems the StarShipSofa boys blagged their way into a goldmine of goodness from none other than Michael Moorcock! There’s already been a “gonzo” podcast about their Paris adventure. Still to come is a video (and audio – we hope) edition of the actual extended interview. And, today saw the release of some fiction – an unabridged reading of a 1997 Moorcock short story called London Bone. This tale comes in as the first of a new regular (or semi-regular) feature of Wednesday podcast releases of short stories on SSS.

London Bone by Michael MoorcockLondon Bone
By Michael Moorcock; Read by MCL
1 |MP3| – Approx. 1 Hour [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: November 28th 2007
My name is Raymond Gold and I’m a well-known dealer. I was born too many years ago in Upper Street, Islington. Everybody reckons me in the London markets and I have a good reputation in Manchester and the provinces. I have bought and sold, been the middleman, an agent, an art representative, a professional mentor, a tour guide, a spiritual bridge-builder. These days I call myself a cultural speculator.

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Arrivals – Christmas “Card” and more

Science Fiction Audiobook Recent Arrivals

The holiday season is upon us. Don’t forget that favorite stocking stuffer―audiobooks. The gift of the word that can be heard!

By Orson Scott Card; Read by Scott Brick and Stefan Rudnicki
2 CDs, 2.5 hrs – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Published: 2007
ISBN: 9781593976316

The children come from many nations and many religions; and while they are being trained for war, religious conflict between them is not on the curriculum. But Dink Meeker, one of the older students, doesn’t see it that way. He thinks that giving gifts isn’t exactly a religious observation, and on Sinterklaaus Day he tucks a present into another student’s shoe.

This small act of rebellion sets off a battle royal between the students and the staff, but some surprising alliances form when Ender comes up against a new student, Zeck Morgan. The War over Santa Claus will force everyone to make a choice. This audiobook is a must-give stocking stuffer for every Ender fan on your Christmas list.

magickingdom150.jpgMagic Kingdom for Sale – Sold
By Terry Brooks; Read by Dick Hill
12 CDs -14 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audiobooks
Published: 2007
ISBN: 9781423350125

Landover was a genuine magic kingdom, with fairy folk and wizardry, just as the advertisement promised. But after he purchased it, Ben Holiday learned that there were a few details the ad had failed to mention.

The kingdom was in ruin. The Barons refused to recognize the king, and the peasants were without hope. A dragon was laying waste the countryside, while an evil witch plotted to destroy everything.

Ben’s only followers were the incompetent Court Magician; Abernathy, the talking dog who served as Court Scribe; and the lovely Willow – but she had a habit of putting down roots in the moonlight and turning into a tree. The Paladin, legendary champion of the Kings of Landover, seemed to be only a myth and an empty suit of armor.

Metal Swarm by Kevin J. AndersonMetal Swarm; Book Six in the Saga fo Seven Suns
By Kevin J. Anderson; Read by David Colacci
16 CDs -19 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audiobooks
Published: 2007
ISBN: 9781597372275

For years, the alien Klikiss robots have pretended to be humanity’s friends, but their seeming “help” allowed them to plant an insidious Trojan Horse throughout the Earth Defense Forces. Now, in the aftermath of a devastating war, swarms of ancient black robots built by the lost insectoid Klikiss race continue their depredations on helpless worlds with stolen and heavily armed Earth battleships.

Among the humans, the Hansas’ brutal Chairman struggles to crush any resistance even as King Peter breaks away to form his own new Confederation among the colonies who have declared their independence.

And meanwhile, the original, voracious Klikiss race, long thought to be extinct, has returned, intent on conquering their former worlds and willing to annihilate anyone in the way.

StoneheartStoneheart; Book One in the Stoneheart Trilogy
By Charlie Fletcher; Read by Jim Dale
Playaway Digital-10 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Scholastic
Published: 2007.

Here’s an audiobook we received from Playaway. We reviewed the Playaway earlier this month. Read the review.

We also have a special discount code for first time purchasers.

To receive 20% off, just go to and during checkout enter this code:


This title is also available as a 6 CD set from the publisher, Scholastic. And yes, Jim Dale is the ever-popular narrator of the Harry Potter series.

A city has many lives and layers. London has more than most. Not all the layers are underground, and not all the lives belong to the living. Twelve-year-old George Chapman is about to find this out the hard way. When George breaks the head from a stone dragon he awakes an ancient power that has been dormant for centuries. Now that George has disturbed the fragile truce between the warring statues of London, he is forced into a race for survival where nothing is what it seems and and it´s never clear who to trust. And this is just the beginning as the statues of London awake…

SFFaudio’s Make An Audiobook Win An Audiobook Challenge (#1) NEWS!

SFFaudio Update

Meta SFFaudio - SFFaudio Contest - Make audiobook win an audiobookWhoa… retro! Yes we’d almsot completely forgot about our First SFFaudio Challenge.

When I first thought up the idea I didn’t think it’d generate much interest – it was just an idea – maybe somebody would do one or two. Boy, was I wrong! Wonderfully wrong!

Six audiobooks from the first challenge were completed within a year of the announcement. And since we’ve long since run out of prizes I figured we’d run out of challengers too, especially considering we’ve got the All New 2nd Annual SFFaudio Challenge to consider. But, I’m pleased to say I was wrong.

Scott D. Farquhar from Prometheus Radio Theatre (and Star Surgeon fame) has written in to claim The Black Star Passes by John W. Campbell. This is one of the titles from in our first SFFaudio Challenge!

Scott released Star Surgeon through both and This time, Scott thinks he’s going to release The Black Star Passes through alone. Which I think is absolutely terrific.’s system will allow people who appreciate Scott’s narration to drop a dime or three in his virtual hat, as it were. 3/4’ths of every dime will end up in Scott’s hands, which means that he might be inclined to make even more audiobooks for us! Woot!

The Black Star Passes by John W. Campbell

Look for the first few chapters of The Black Star Passes to show up on in the near future.

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC7’s The Seventh Dimension has a Arthur C. Clarke short story Summertime On Icarus

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionOn Friday BBC7’s The 7th Dimension will rebroadcast an UNABRIDGED reading of Arthur C. Clarke’s short story Summertime On Icarus. This hard-sf tale, first broadcast in 2005, was first published in Vogue magazine’s June 1960, as “The Hottest Piece of Real Estate in the Solar System.”

Everything had been carefully planned, years in advance, as part of the International Astrophysical Decade. Here was a unique opportunity for a research ship to get within a mere seventeen million miles of the sun, protected from it’s fury by a two-mile-thick shield of rock and iron. In the shadow of Icarus, the ship could ride safely round the central fire which warmed all the planets, and upon which the existence of all life depended.

BBC 7 Unabridged reading Summertime On Icarus by Arthur C. ClarkeSummertime On Icarus
By Arthur C. Clarke; Read by Tim Pigott-Smith
1 Broadcast – [UNABRIDGED]
Broadcaster: BBC7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: Friday November 30th 2007 @ 6:30pm and 12:30am (UK time)

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Red Monday Audio Drama explodes into existence today!


Red Monday - Audio DramaGuess what today is? Yup, it’s Red Monday! That countdown clock website turned out to mean something after all! I got this chilling email early this morning…

You are receiving this message because you asked to be notified of the “Event.” Consider this your notification. We weren’t able to stop it. It has already occurred.

> A nuclear weapon has just exploded in Los Angeles.
> Millions of people are trying to get out.
> ..three are trying to get in.

Hi, I’m J. Marcus Xavier, executive producer of Red Monday–the all-new action / adventure audio drama from StarKnight Productions. The countdown clock has finally reached zero, and Red Monday has arrived. The premiere episode is now live and available for FREE download at Please visit and listen.

Check out the site where you can download the first episode for free. Subsequent episodes sell for $1.67 each or just $4.99 for the entire series.

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC WS: The Internet Wants A Chat – A Radio Drama

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC World ServiceA BBC World Service play that just aired is available throught their “listen again” feature until the weekend…

Strange goings on in the world wide web is a matter of national security. When the virtual world gets a mind of its own, there are those in the real world who are not happy. Control of the internet is at stake and I.T. experts are forced to contain – and eradicate – a bloke called Binge, who wakes up in the virtual world, and just wants to get a life.

The Internet Wants A Chat
By Thomas Crowe; Performed by a full cast
1 Broadcast – 1 Hour [AUDIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC World Service / World Drama
Broadcast: Nov 24th 2007 @ 20:01 GMT

Posted by Jesse Willis