Wormwood Season One wrapped

SFFaudio Online Audio

I received an email from Bradford R. Bowman, who among other things runs a cool blog about crossbows (it needs updating with more posts Bradford!). Bowman had this to say:

“Hey, I just thought the site [SFFaudio.com] might mark the season finale of Wormwood, which in my mind was really the highlight of the year in audio drama. They hint at plans for a second season, but it would be great if could urge them to that end. I mean, we have to know what happens to Sparrow!”

Good idea! I’ve just finished listening to the season finale of Season 1 – “It has all built to this moment…” – and boy did it finish cool, very, very, VERY cool! I previously described this show as “one part Twin Peaks, one part mystery, one part supernatural” after hearing the Season Finale I’d like to add a couple more descriptors: “Wicker Man-esque” and “Lovecraftian!”

Podcast Audio Drama - Wormwood: A Serial MysteryWormwood: A Serial Mystery – Season One
By various; Performed by a full cast
24 MP3s – Approx. 9 Hours [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Habit Forming Films / WormwoodShow.com
Podcast: July 2007 – January 2008
Tragedy forced Doctor Xander Crowe down the pathways of the occult and he was forever transformed. Now, chasing the vision of a drowned woman, Crowe finds himself in the haunted town of Wormwood, where evil lurks in the shadows and stains the souls of its inhabitants.

Subscribe to podcast with this feed and get all 24 first season episodes:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Review of I Am Legend and Other Stories by Richard Matheson

SFFaudio Review

Science Fiction Audiobook - I Am Legend by Richard MathesonI Am Legend
By Richard Matheson; Read by Robertson Dean and Yuri Rasovsky
10 CDs – Approx. 11 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 2007
ISBN: 9781433203299
Themes: / Science Fiction / Horror / Vampires / Noir / Science /

“Come out Neville!”

Would it be fair to say that I Am Legend is one of the greatest novels of the 20th century? No, I personally wouldn’t argue that. I’d argue that instead it is one of the greatest novels of all time. The very first review on SFFaudio was an out of print audiobook from Books On Tape. I bought it on eBay in 2003, I haven’t seen it for sale since. It was a “double novel” audiobook entitled I Am Legend / The Shrinking Man two of Richard Matheson most famous works. As I said in that review, “I Am Legend is one of the best audiobooks I’ve ever listened to.” That same recommendation goes for this edition. The novel alone is worth killing for. If you’re a fan of Matheson, the included short story collection is a bonus.

I Am Legend is a classic vampire story with the standard man against nature, man against himself themes. It is the psychological journey, of Robert Neville, is the very last man on Earth. Every night male vampires pelt his suburban Los Angeles home with rocks and the female vampires expose their nakedness to him – these, his former neighbors – lust for his blood. During daylight hours, Neville repairs the damage to his home, restocks his larder, and his bar, with canned foods, and whiskey. He needs the whiskey, for his other tasks are to suppress the lustful desires he has. He has a deadly lonliness within him. He’s found the only way to keep himself from going mad is to keep busy, drink heavily and try not to think about what’s happening outside his home at night. Since the plague hit, and his wife died, Neville has had to learn the lathe, for turning stakes, and become a microbiologist – he’s used all sorts of techniques to keep the vampires at bay – and he’s curious as to why some work and some don’t. Garlic works, but mirrors don’t. Holy water doesn’t, but crosses do, at least sometimes. It’s enough of a puzzle to turn an everyman into an experimental scientist – and that journey of science, and the lessons of about the world Neville learns along the way are rewarded in what I can only describe as the best ending to a novel ever.

Some will argue that I Am Legend is one of the greatest novels of the 20th century. I’d argue that it is one of the greatest novels of all time. But that said, I’d still argue that Richard Matheson is a very limited writer. He can’t seem to tell more than one kind of story. As I learned from the ten short stories that round out the later discs of this audiobook, (and my previous experience reading The Shrinking Man), breadth of storytelling is not Matheson’s strength. His strength in I Am Legend is the perfect storm of the “psychology,” “science fiction”, and “noir.” In his other works Matheson doesn’t hold all three, (or any other two) in such a perfect molecular bond. The elements that make up I Am Legend play-out absolutely perfectly. But in the later horror stories of this collection, written between the early 1950s and the late 1980s the psychological element is always present, but that’s about all. Stories included are:

Buried Talents,” “The Near Departed,” “Prey,” “Witch War,” “Dance of the Dead,” “Dress of White Silk,” “Mad House,” “The Funeral,” “From Shadowed Places,” “Person to Person.”

The premises in these tales are all drowned out by the continuing theme of ‘solitary psychology’, repetitions of ‘solitude and isolation’ in everymen, becomes wearisome and frankly boring. I found my mind wandering off in nearly every short story. None held my attention very well. There was one story about a house haunted by an angry writer “Mad House“, and that was an interesting premise, but it didn’t pay off. Another, about an everyman’s visit to a witch-doctor sounded interesting, but then it made me sleepy. The final story in the collection, “Person To Person,” started off very promisingly. An everyman is woken up by a telephone ringing late at night. But the ringing doesn’t stop when he picks up the phone. He consults doctors about this ringing, found only in his head, but there is no medical reason why it should happen. Soon thereafter, a psychiatrist suggest he try to stop the ringing by visualizing the act of answering a phone in his head. Lo and behold this works, and on the other end of the line is a man claiming to be from a top secret government agency! They are conducting telepathy trials – or at least that’s what the voice says. Unfortunately, the premise then is completely overwhelmed by that same recurrent theme: Psychology, psychology, psychology. Is the man crazy? Is it a mad scientist? Sadly you won’t care. These stories all disappoint. As a booster of short fiction I find myself surprised to be writing this – just forget about these short stories, the novel alone will provide more than enough value. But on the other hand, fans of Matheson’s short work should take note that the short stories are not included in the audible.com and iTunes versions. All ten short stories are exclusive to the CD and MP3-CD hard copies available through Blackstone Audiobooks.

Narrators Robertson Dean and Yuri Rasovsky split duty on this collection. Dean reads the novel and Rasovsky the short stories. Dean has a deep voice, and paints effective emotion in what is essentially a straight reading. I think I still prefer Walter Lawrence’s version (out of print) but this is a good reading. Rasovsky, on the other hand, injects a ferocity into the emotions of Matheson’s characters, his voice is raspy, almost scarred. Unfortunately the stories were not engaging, this despite Rasovsky’s best efforts. Blackstone has outfitted the audiobook with a dark out of focus cover that depicts a silhouette of a man walking a lonely street in the big city. Meh. Finally, I saw the latest movie version recently, I had low expectations so I was happy to see it was pretty good. I bring this up because, I think it important to note that the “Legend” of Robert Neville is a legend for an entirely different group in the book than in this film version. That is to say, if you only watched the movie, listen to the novel – it has a big surprise in store.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Fangoria Radio interview with Richard Matheson

SFFaudio Online Audio

Fangoria RadioFangoria Radio, which airs on Sirius channel 102, has an interview with Richard Matheson and Richard Christian Matheson (RM’s son), about I Am Legend and the new film version. Have a listen |MP3|.

Posted by Jesse Willis

NPR: Auto-Obituary includes Babylon 5 quotes

SFFaudio Online Audio

NPR - National Public RadioAmerican Army soldier and blogger Andrew Olmsted used some poignant Babylon 5 quotes in his final blog entry – his own obituarty.

“‘I will see you again, in the place where no shadows fall.’
Ambassador Delenn, Babylon 5

I don’t know if there is an afterlife; I tend to doubt it, to be perfectly honest. But if there is any way possible, Amanda, then I will live up to Delenn’s words, somehow, some way. I love you.”

Have a listen to the NPR story HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

PUBLIC DOMAIN AUDIOBOOK: The Master Of The World by Jules Verne (via LibriVox)

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVox.orgMark F. Smith, the narrator behind The First Men in the Moon, Greylorn, Tarzan Of The Apes, The Mysterious Island, and plenty more public domain Science Fiction, has released another classic SF novel through LibriVox.org. Mark sez of his latest: “This book is a sequel to an earlier Verne novel, Robur the Conqueror, but enough detail is given to fully appreciate this story without having first read the other.”

Librivox Science Fiction Audiobook - The Master Of The World by Jules VerneThe Master Of The World
By Jules Verne; Read by Mark F. Smith
18 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: January 2008
Chief Inspector Strock gets the tough cases. When a volcano suddenly appears to threaten mountain towns of North Carolina amid the non-volcanic Blue Ridge Mountains, Strock is posted to determine the danger. When an automobile race in Wisconsin is interrupted by the unexpected appearance of a vehicle traveling at multiples of the top speed of the entrants, Strock is consulted. When an odd-shaped boat is sighted moving at impossible speeds off the New England coast, Stock and his boss begin to wonder if the incidents are related. And when Strock gets a hand-lettered note warning him to abandon his investigation, on pain of death, he is intrigued rather than deterred. Set in a period when gasoline engines were in their infancy and automobiles were rare, and when even Chief Inspectors had to engage a carriage and horses to move about, the appearance of a vehicle that can move at astounding speeds on land, on water – and as later revealed, underwater and through the air – marks a technological advance far beyond the reach of nations. It is technology invented by and for the sole benefit of a man who styles himself (with some justification) “The Master of the World.”

Subscribe to the complete podcast audiobook via this feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Couple of Sci-Fi Talk Interviews


There’s a couple of interviews over at Sci-Fi Talk:

Leelee Sobieski on In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale |MP3|.

Richard Patternson, the Visual Effects Supervisor for the web series Sanctuary |MP3|.

And various interviews with the cast of Cloverfield |MP3|.

Posted by Charles Tan