3 FREE The Twilight Zone Radio Dramas in MP3

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Twilight Zone - Radio DramasRich Carlson, he of Radio Tales Of The Strange & Fantastic, has written in to remind us of The Twilight Zone radio dramas over on the Twilight Zone Radio website. Rich sez:

“3 free episodes!”

And indeed there are three full length professional Twilight Zone stories each running about 40 minutes long. Nice find!

“Five Characters In Search Of An Exit” |MP3|
“Ring-A-Ding Girl” |MP3|
“Long Distance Call” |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

Mark J. Ferrari and Peter S. Beagle at The Agony Column


The Agony Column The Agony Column has some new interviews up on their website:

Mark J. Ferrari |MP3|

Peter S. Beagle |MP3|

Posted by Charles Tan

SciPodBooks Podcast: A dramaztized The Statement Of Randolph Carter by H.P. Lovecraft

SFFaudio Online Audio

SciPodBooks PodcastThe Sci Pod Books podcast, run by Mark Nelson, has some of the best free audiobooks on the net. Nelson is a busy guy of late, as he is transitioning from an amateur audiobook narrator to professional audiobook narrator! Look for more of his work promoted here soon. On his free podcast you’ll find an unabridged dramatized reading of one of my favorite H.P. Lovecraft tales The Statement Of Randolph Carter as well as the first chapter of his reading of Plague Ship by Andre Norton – with more chapters to come. Also available, and complete in three parts is: Police Operation by H. Beam Piper!

Subscribe to the feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

The Space Show, interview with Donna Shirley on Science & Science Fiction

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Space ShowDavid Livingston, who hosts The Space Show, interviewed Donna Shirley, the former manager of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program. Shirley was also a director of the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame (in Seattle, WA). You’ll need to bear with the programs flaws, there are lots of clicks, buzzes, pleas for donations and copyright notifications. Listen directly |MP3| or use the podcast feed:


[via Marooned: Science Fiction books on Mars]

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Radio 4 presents: The Listening Room

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 4Our resident agent in the U.K., Roy, tells us that the latest issue of the Radio Times has a BBC Radio 4 show that may be of interest…

The Listening Room
By Steve Gough; Performed by a full cast
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4 / Saturday Play
Broadcast: January 26th 2007 @ 14:30-15:30
In this psychological thriller exploring truth, confidentiality and morality, it is the year 2035 and Kathleen works on a national helpline in a call centre named The Listening Room. Late one night, she receives a call from a man named John who holds a terrible secret. Over the past three years, he claims to be responsible for the “disappearance” of many foreign nationals and illegal immigrants who are perceived by those in the British Interior Ministry to be an unacceptable threat to the State. Kathleen listens with horror, bewilderment and disbelief, but the strict professional code she works to has been drummed into her. Confidentiality is paramount and must never be broken – even in the most extreme case. As she’s drawn in deeper, Kathleen starts to feel that even her own sanity is under threat.

This should be available through the “listen again” feature for 6 days following the broadcast.

Posted by Jesse Willis