PodCastle Features “Goosegirl” by Margaret Ronald

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcastle PodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast, features “Goosegirl” by Margaret Ronald. |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at http://feeds.escapeartists.net/PodCastle_Main

Posted by Charles Tan

Bibliophile Stalker asks: Who are your favorite narrators?

SFFaudio News

Bibliophile Stalker - A blog on speculative fiction, gaming, anime/manga, pop culture, and life in general.Charles Tan, of Bibliophile Stalker (and SFFaudio) is asking a cool question over on his blog… sez Charles:

I just finished with my SFFaudio duties and while I don’t really listen to audiobooks or fiction podcasts, I’m always looking for people overlooked in the industry and in this case, it’s people reading the stories in audiobooks and podcasts (in the sense that they’re not as popular as authors or editors unless they’re celebrities in the first place or the authors themselves).

So my question is, who are your favorite readers? Stephen Eley? Mur Lafferty? Or the author of the piece?

Personally, I’ve got a whole lot of favorites – to name just a few:

-the gravitas of George Guidall
-the Englishness of Simon Vance
-the joviality of William Dufris
-the sexy Samantha Eggar (oh how I miss her)
-the gravel voiced compassion of Bruce Weitz

There are newcomers too – gotta love that Mark Douglas Nelson (formerly Mark Nelson). But if you pinned me down to just one, I think I’d have to say my favorite narrator is Pat Bottino – he’s got this quavering immediacy that’s almost otherworldly. There are lots more too. I do like author read books, William Gibson’s reading of Neuromancer is awesomeness, but all-in-all I think I prefer the professional actors (especially the stage trained ones). So who’s on your list?

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Release – A Sheckley Trilogy

New Releases

A new release from my favorite Audiobook publisher Wonder Audio.  Okay, you got me.  I’m the publisher, so of course it’s my favorite.  But did you know we don’t review Wonder Audio titles at SFFaudio.com.  Conflict of interest and all that, since I’m an editor here.  But you know if I did review one, it would really rock ;)

A Sheckley TrilogyA Sheckley Trilogy: Three Classic Tales of Science Fiction
By Robert Sheckley; Read by Mark Douglas Nelson
2 hrs. – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Wonder Audio
Availiable at Audible and iTunes

Robert Sheckley, master of the science-fiction short-story form, created numerous tales of dark humor. He had an entertaining gift for looking at society with a warped mirror, enabling us to see ourselves in a clearer reflection.

Keep Your Shape” is from the perspective of an alien race with the unseemly ability to change shape. In “The Seventh Victim“, murder is legal and sanctioned by society, and the gunman’s victim is a beautiful woman. And when a spaceship filled with diverse alien life forms is stranded without a star drive, they only have one chance of getting home again. That chance is with a “Specialist” from Earth.

These three works were originally published in Galaxy and The Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy in 1953.

New Hour of the Wolf Episodes

SFFaudio Online Audio

Hour of the Wolf, a radio program on WBAI 99.5, features some new SF&F personalities. As usual, these can only be streamed.

30th Anniversary Tribute to “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” |Stream|

Marly Youmans |Stream|

Sir Arthur C. Clarke |Part 1| |Part 2|

Dan Braum |Stream|

Ellen Datlow |Stream|

Posted by Charles Tan

The Agony Column Interviews Peter F. Hamilton

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Agony Column The Agony Column interviews SF author Peter F. Hamilton. |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at this URL:


Posted by Charles Tan

New PodCastle Podcasts

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcastle Here are some new episodes from PodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast:

“Stoneborn” by Loreen Heneghan. |MP3|

“For Fear of Dragons” by Carrie Vaughn. |MP3|

“Run of the Fiery Horse” by Hilary Moon Murphy. |MP3|

“Giant” by Stephanie Burgis. |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at http://feeds.escapeartists.net/PodCastle_Main

Posted by Charles Tan