Review of Fool Moon by Jim Butcher

SFFaudio Review

Fantasy Audiobook - Fool Moon by Jim ButcherFool Moon: Book Two of the Dresden Files
By Jim Butcher; Read by James Marsters
1 MP3 Disc or 8 CDs – Approx. 10.5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Buzzy Multimedia
Published: 2003
ISBN: 9780965725583
Themes: / Fantasy / Mystery / Magic / Private Detective / Wizard / Noir /

The fantastically grey world of Wizard Harry Dresden is back in this, the second book of the series. Harry Dresden is still a private investigator who has special supernatural powers that people who believe in him would call being a Wizard. Those who do not believe in such things might call him a fake. This coupled with the fact that Dresden still has the ability to get himself in to the deepest and darkest of trouble makes for a equally fun and entertaining read.

Fool Moon takes place less than a year after the climax of Storm Front (Dresden, Book 1). As the title suggests, Fool Moon spends much of its time dealing with supernatural creatures of the night known to us as Werewolves. And as it turns out there is a lot I did not know about werewolves. There are many different ways to become one and there are many different versions of them as well. So, even if you are not an expert in werewolves, don’t worry, because neither is our hero, Mr. Dresden.

For two months, when the moon is full, certain people have been dying horribly gruesome deaths and Dresden finally gets a call from his friend and main source of income, Detective Murphy. She’s the head of the city’s special investigations and leans on Harry whenever the mystery has a twinge of the unexplainable. When Dresden gets the call from her, he jumps at the chance to pay the bills and put some food on the table. The moon is full for four nights and that’s all the time they have to solve the murders. As they start to connect the pieces to the puzzle, they both begin to realize that they are not prepared for what is about to happen.

The details and story are dark and horrifying. Dresden is the consummate intuitive detective, acting on things that he isn’t quite sure about, but just has a solid hunch or gut feeling. His sage-like wisdom often leads him in the right direction, but also leaves him asking the question, “Now what?” These intuitions are what I like best about Harry. His wizardry is more than just using magic. It’s more like an innate ability to look at any given situation from a different perspective.

It always gets him in to trouble, not because he is wrong, but because he is right about so many things. You might find yourself pitying the poor wizard as he follows his nose and heart in to trouble. He gets beaten to a pulp more than once and I was wondering how much more could he take? Trust me, Harry Dresden gets pushed to the physical and mental limits in this story and the depths he visits, both magically and psychologically, are sure to get your heart pumping. The thought “don’t go there” crept in to my mind more than once. The Harry Dresden “hat tricks” will put a smile on your face and keep you asking for more.

I like the way Dresden is written, always telling the tale in a first person. It sucks you in to Dresden’s brain. It’s from his perspective, which isn’t always correct. But, you’re in it with him. Dresden often makes decisions based on his point of view or the facts that he has at the time, like we all do and some times. It’s just not every day that we are all making life or death decisions on how to best defeat a violent, man eating beast, like Harry does in this book.

The first person narrative is perfect for the audio book outlet. In fact, it’s almost as if these words were meant to be spoken out loud. The text is not too proper and not too relaxed either. Just right. The book is narrated stunningly well, once again by James Marsters, AKA Spike of Joss Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. He’s able to capture the essence of the character, moment by moment. He immortalizes the wit, sarcasm, and underdogedness of Dresden in a single paragraph, all while sounding incredibly relaxed. It’s just another telling of a story straight from the guy it happened to.

Fool Moon is not unlike the previous production of Storm Front. In some places the audio production is flawed. There are periodical flubs by the reader, things that could be easily edited out of the soundtrack to bring the quality of the production in to the same level as the writing and performing. You can also hear the faint sounds of page turns and other pesky undesirables that only pull you out of the story that Jim Butcher and James Marsters are working so hard to keep you sucked in to. I have spoken about this before and will resist the urge to go on another tirade about the virtues of audible storytelling and the need for quality to assure the listener’s total absorption in to the world that they are listening to. So, I will only say that it is a little upsetting, because these are simple problems that even podcasters, such as J.C Hutchins and Scott Sigler, with their homegrown recordings have figured out how to avoid. Why not the professionals at Buzzy?

But, all criticism aside, if you are a fan of audio books and a fan of Harry Dresden, the flaws and inconsistencies in this production of Jim Butcher’s wonderful concoction Fool Moon are few and far between. The world he has created grows richer and deeper with every word. The story starts strong on page one and continues on full force until the end. That’s said of Harry Dresden, as well. He is growing as a person and a wizard and I am looking forward to listening to the next installment of the Dresden books. And with eight more of them published, including the newly released Small Favor, I am sure to have many, many more hours of Dresden to spark my imagination and to keep me wishing I had some of those tricks up my sleeve.

Posted by Michael Bekemeyer of the Scatterpod podcast.

The Book Show Interviews Ursula K. Le Guin

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Book ShowThe Book Show interviews Ursula K. Le Guin. |MP3|

You can subscribe to the podcast at this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

New Arrival – Bolinda Audio

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

This just in from Australia!

Darkside by Tom BeckerDarkside
By Tom Becker; Read by Colin Moody
6 CDs – 6 Hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Bolinda Audio
Published: 2007
ISBN: 978921415340

Your home’s been attacked.

Your dad’s in an asylum.

You’re running for your life.

And there’s nowhere to hide.

You’ve stumbled on the city’s greatest secret: Darkside. Incredibly dangerous and unimaginably exciting. Darkside is ruled by Jack the Ripper’s children – a place where nightmares walk the streets. You think you’re in trouble now, but your problems have just begun…

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

The Book Show Interviews Isabelle Allende and Jeff VanderMeer

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Book ShowThe Book Show interviews Isabelle Alende as well as Jeff VanderMeer as the latter talks about Steampunk. |MP3|

You can subscribe to the podcast at this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

Andre Norton’s Star Born gets reviewed….

SFFaudio News

Star Born by Andre NortonIt ain’t our review (conflict of interest and all) but check out this, the first review of Star Born on by a long-time audiobook listener…

“4/5 Stars
Reviewer: Michael, from Kannapolis , NC, USA Date: April 05, 2008
This is classic Norton in top form. The narration is well done and read. Norton authored some of the best sci fi of the era. Ranking up there with Robert Heinlein, Asimov, EE Doc Smith other great masters of sci fi. Star Born was a favorite for me growing up I must have read it 1000 times and the audio listen really brought the book to life for me. You wont regret this addition to your library! The Time Series is probably nortons top work altho its hard to find any Norton work thats ever been close to bad.”

Posted by Jesse Willis

MORE Blake’s 7 Audio Adventures coming (starting June 2008)

SFFaudio News

Blake’s 7 - When Vila Met GanI am pleased to be able to report that B7 Productions has just announced a series of prequel audio adventures to follow up on their SFFaudio Essential Blake’s 7 – Audio Adventures! From the press release:

MICHAEL KEATING (Blake’s 7, EastEnders) will reprise his most popular role as the cowardly thief, Vila Restal, the only character to appear in all 52 episodes of the original series. The new audio incarnation of Olag Gan played by OWEN AARONOVITCH (Coronation Street) also stars. BLAKE’S 7 – THE EARLY YEARS will be a prequel series of stories exploring the origins of key BLAKE’S 7 characters prior to them meeting rebel leader, Roj Blake. The first of these prequel stories “When Vila met Gan” has been written by lead writer, Ben Aaronovitch (‘Classic’ Doctor Who, Jupiter Moon) and explores the history and enduring friendship between Gan and Vila, two of the most unlikely rebels to take up arms against the Federation. Future episodes will feature the characters of Avon (written by Ben Aaronovitch), Jenna (written by Simon Guerrier), Travis (written by James Swallow), Cally (written by Marc Platt) and of course the series wouldn’t be complete without a story exploring the origins of the rebel’s arch nemesis Supreme Commander Servalan who we meet as a young, ambitious, cadet officer with ‘family connections

An ‘extended’ special edition CD (and download) of “When Vila met Gan” will be released for retail on 2 June 2008, with a re-cut version to be broadcast on BBC7 in the summer. Michael Keating says of his return to the role of Vila: “It’s exciting to return to the character of Vila especially in this format and to discover the origins of his friendship with Gan.” Audio Director, Andrew Mark Sewell comments: “Vila was one of the most popular characters of the original series and we’re absolutely delighted to welcome Michael back to a role that contributed in no small part to the show’s enduring popularity.” Sewell adds: “From the moment Michael Keating uttered his first lines it was as if we’d been teleported back thirty years – that’s the beauty of audio and of course the energy and enthusiasm which Michael brings to the role.”

This will make for some cool listening!

Posted by Jesse Willis