Surviving a sudden time travel to 1000 AD

SFFaudio Online Audio

History According To Bob today posted a link to a story on the Marginal Revolution blog which answers a question about what would happen if you suddenly time-traveled back to 1000 AD Europe. Read that article HERE.

I think this is far too softball a question. What if you got suddenly transported to somewhere else on Earth? Why do those pesky time travel machines always send you to Europe? Don’t we already have like a thousand answers to that question already?

I mean, just read Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur’s Court for one!

Why not go for something or somewhere we are less familiar with here?

Well, it just so happens Bob Packett of the History According To Bob podcast has just completed a 7 part tour of the year 1000 AD. In it he tours all around the world in the year 1000 AD. This was done in celebration of History According to Bob‘s 1000th podcast! Have a listen…

1000 AD Part 1 |MP3| Africa, South America, Meso-America, North America
1000 AD Part 2 |MP3| Oceania and Australia, East Asia, South East Asia
1000 AD Part 3 |MP3| South Asia (India and Himalaya)
1000 AD Part 4 |MP3| West Asia (Middle East, Anatolia, Arabia, Iraq, Iran), Central and North Asia (the ‘stans)
1000 AD Part 5 |MP3| Europe (Balkans)
1000 AD Part 6 |MP3| Europe (Eastern Europe and Scandinavia)
1000 AD Part 7 |MP3| Europe (Italy, Iberia, France, and the British Isles)

Or subscribe to the podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

ZBS’s Ruby 5 set to be podcast June 30th

SFFaudio Online Audio

ZBS FoundationThe ZBS Foundation, the creators of Ruby, the Galactic Gumshoe, will be podcasting all of Ruby 5, “The Land of Zoots”, starting on June 30th! Episode one is already in the feed. Jerry Stearns of Sound Affects fame describes it as: “a fun, romping story set on an archipelago on Ruby’s home planet, Summa Nulla, Crossroads of the Galaxy.”

And here’s the description from wikipedia entry on Ruby The Galactic Gumshoe:

Ruby is hired by the President Koonstar Bootstar to find out who created the Land of Zoots, a fantasy land that has stated to be made real by the inhabitants of the Awakening Archipelago.

Ruby 5 was intended as a daily continuing story for radio, so it’s gonna be podcast that way too. It will be released in daily 4-minute (or so) episodes for 64 days!

Subscribe to the podcast for it via this feed:

Also available, “Meatball’s Meatballs” podcasts. Which is described as “Fabulous info on the making of some of the best audio theater in the last 30 years. Great tips on music, field recording and writing for audio, and just stories full of fun.”

Subscribe to that via this feed:

[Thanks to Jerry Stearns for the tip!]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Bill C-61’s impact on (it’s bad)

SFFaudio Online Audio

Fair Copyright For CanadaLibriVoxSolid! Check out THIS open letter from Hugh McGuire, (the founder of written to Jim Prentice and Stephen Harper. The letter is posted up on the LibriVox blog, and was mailed to the Industry Minister and the Prime Minister, it fully illustrates just two examples of how by being a LibriVoxateer (someone who volunteers to make audiobooks for the public domain out of public domain books) you can become a C-61 criminal. You know there’s something wrong with a piece of legislation when volunteers working from their home recording studios, on public domain materials, for the public good, are made liable for hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of damages!

Posted by Jesse Willis

New Releases – The Retrieval Artist Novels by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

New Releases

Science Fiction - The Retrieval Artist Novels by Kristine Kathryn RuschI’m thrilled to let you know about these novels by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, which have not been getting nearly enough attention on audio or otherwise. These books are part of Rusch’s wonderful Retrieval Artist series, and has exclusively published 5 of 6 them on unabridged audio (so far). The novels are science fiction police procedurals. A more accurate description: part Star Trek, part CSI, part The Big Sleep. In short, they are excellent, and I urge you to check them out.

If you’d like just a taste of what these novels are like, also offers Rusch’s original novella, called “The Retrieval Artist”, read by Stefan Rudnicki. Click here to get it.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

Subterranean Online’s SPRING 2008 audios: After The Seige by Cory Doctorow

SFFaudio Online Audio

Subterranean PressA FREE audio version of Cory Doctorow’s After The Seige has just been added to the Spring 2008 issue of the Subterranean Online magazine. Doctorow described the novelette/novella as “optimistic SF.” When Doctorow was writing it he said that it took inspiration from his grandmother’s stories of living through the Siege of Leningrad. More recently, it was lauded with the Locus Award for best novella.

Subterranean Online Spring 2008After The Seige
By Cory Doctorow; Read by Mary Robinette Kowal
Publisher: Subterranean Online (Spring 2008)
Published: June 2008

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3| Part 4 |MP3| Part 5 |MP3|

There is also a different reading of the same story, by Cory Doctorow himself HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis