Review of The Red Panda Adventures – Season 3

SFFaudio Review

Superhero Audio Drama - The Red Panda Adventures - Season ThreeThe Red Panda Adventures – Season 3
By Gregg Taylor; Performed by a full cast
12 MP3 Files – Approx. 6 Hours [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: Decoder Ring Theatre
Podcast: September 2007 – May 2008
Themes: / Fantasy / Superheroes / Mystery / Adventure / Magic / Time Travel / Robots /

“None of the other heroes kiss their sidekicks!”

You’d think after thirty-six episodes The Red Panda Adventures would have become formulaic – to have settled into a well-worn style. It sure doesn’t feel that way, RP shows no signs of becoming anything like a mere dry routine. The familiarities are only in the iconic lines of character dialogue that are heard in every episode – bits like: “Kit Baxter, behave yourself!” and “He’ll face justice at the hands of The Red Panda!” If there is a formula, it must be a magic one secretly possessed by Gregg Taylor and the Decoder Ring crew. There’s really no other way to explain how bloody wonderful this show really is.

Plotlines from Season 3 still obviously follow the ‘heroes fight injustice’ thread, but other than that the storytelling is extremely varied. In one show the story is told very heroes-light, with the twin leads barely showing up, in another it’ll be very hero-heavy with barely another actor on the stage. One show will showcase a new villain up to old tricks, another will offer an old villain up to very new tricks. Injustices too run the gamut: from arson, to bootlegging, to racketeering, to pickpocketing, to mysterious and seemingly profitless industrial accidents. Heck, there was even a Christmas show performed entirely in rhymed verse (“Tis The Season!”). Other favorite episodes from Season 3 included the locked room style “A Midwinter’s Murder,” the series of three short adventures chronicled in “Now, The News,”. Scenes too standout, there was a certain scene on Sunnyside beach in “The Rat Lord.” that is utterly classic. And finally, there is the shocking (and I do mean shocking!) season ender – “The Field Trip.”

Voice talent abounds in the Decoder Ring troupe, there’s hardly a performance that isn’t spot on. Although, I should say, there was one actor, who obviously wasn’t very experienced, as he was playing a kid, and obviously was a real kid! But this is an aberration, normally, the child characters are played by female adult actors (as is done on The Simpsons). My favorite returning villain for Season 3 was the Mad Monkey (voiced by Christopher Mott). But this time he’s returned with his own assistant, but just like RP, he can’t seem to wrap his mind around an aggressive female sidekick. New characters like The Red Squirrel (played by Denise Anderson) also charm – I do hope to hear more of her! One thing I’d been missing from the show by listening to the podiobooks collections in the past, was the wonderful commercials. Every episode in the regular Decoder Ring feed has some sort of commercial endorsement. This could be from a website or a company, but often they are just the cutest little skits paid for by family members wishing each other a ‘happy birthday’, or ‘happy anniversary.’ How cool is that?

In the final episode of Season 3, old villains like Professor Von Schlitz are aligning themselves with new enemies like the Third Reich (!) but that isn’t the half of it. See, on the personal front, the blossoming romance between Panda and Squirrel is brought to the fore in the last epsiode. I imagine every longtime listener to the show who’s heard it is just freaked-out to the max about the final scene. Will where the show has now gone ultimately bring the end of the show? We’ll have to wait about two more months to find out.

Happy Canada Day everybody, go celebrate with some RED PANDA!

Posted by Jesse Willis

io9 talks to Audible’s Steve Feldberg

SFFaudio News

io9 a science fiction blogAudible Frontiersio9, a science fiction blog, has posted up a short interview with Steve Feldberg, the director of content for In it Feldberg talks about the various titles already released by its imprint “Audible Frontiers” and other exclusives arranged for Audible-only distribution, as well as hinting at some of the forthcoming titles set to be released over the coming months. Have a peek HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC 7 performs James Follett’s Earthsearch

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 7 - BBC7Rich Carlson writes in to tell us that “James Follett’s 1981 science fiction classic Earthsearch” began today with part one, and is continuing each weekday for two weeks. This was a BBC Radio 4 production from 1981. Attentive listeners will note that many of the cast member in this production also appeared in the BBC R4 adaptation of The Lord of the Rings (they were recorded the same year).

Science Fiction Radio Drama - Earthsearch by James FollettEarthsearch
By James Follett; Performed by a full cast
10 half hour parts – Approx. 5 Hours [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC 7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: June 30th to July 11th 2008
On a mission to find Earth-like planets for colonization the starship Challenger encountered a meteoroid shower that killed all of the adult crew and seriously damaged the ship. The only human survivors were four babies – two boys, Telson and Darv, and two girls, Sharna and Astra. The four have been raised from childhood by androids and tutored by two disembodied voices called Angel One and Angel Two.


1. Planetfall
2. First Footprint City
3. Sands of Kyros
4. The Solaric Empire
5. The Pools of Time
6. Across the Abyss
7. New Blood
8. Marooned
9. Star Cluster: Tersus Nine
10. Earthfall

And don’t forget, you can use the “listen again” feature to catch missed episodes for up to a week after they air!

Posted by Jesse Willis

Mark Kalita and Dani Cutler interviewed on Snark Infested Waters

SFFaudio Online Audio

Snark Infested Waters podcastThis week Taylor Kent interviewed Mark Kalita of Broken Sea Audio Productions (and practically every other podcast audio drama) on the Snark Infested Waters podcast |MP3| – Kalita talked about some of his old shows, and some of the intriguing new ones that are coming. And while we’re talking Snark, our own Dani Cutler was interviewed a couple weeks back, she also talked about her voice acting |MP3|. You can subscribe via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis