Review of Steel by Richard Matheson (from Steel And Other Stories)

SFFaudio Review

BLACKSTONE AUDIO - Steel And Other Stories by Richard MathesonSteel And Other Stories – Steel
By Richard Matheson; Read by Scott Brick
Approx. 59 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 2011
ISBN: 1455112127
Themes: / Science Fiction / Boxing / Robots /

Steel, a novelette, was first published in the May 1956 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.
The editorial introduction preceding it described Steel as a “tale of strength and endurance” and as “a science fiction sports story so realistic, simple and powerful that it should prove moving even to sports-loathing readers who have never let a boxing bout darken their television screens.” The story would just a few years later, in a 1963 adaptation as an episode of the Twilight Zone brighten the living rooms of many. And, in 2011 it would inspire the big budget movie Real Steel. So, how does the original novellete, stand up to repeated blows of history?

Pretty well. If you like Matheson’s writing Steel is definitely worth hearing. This story captures in a relatively short space the oddity, the kind of quirk that Matheson seems forever working on. It’s something I’ve noticed in practically every story by Matheson that I’ve read. His main characters always seem to want to make a human connection with strangers, and in their efforts to do so always fail – and always for the same reason. In their desire to be heard, and be understood, they always disregard the needs and desires of those strangers. I’ve never seen a writer tackle anthing like this, over and over, like Matheson always seems to. Let’s tale Steel as our example. One of the two main characters, Paul, goes to great lengths to get engage an uninterested stranger in a conversation about the exploits of his dilapidated robot boxer. That the stranger, who doesn’t know anything about boxing, doesn’t care about boxing, and has never even heard of Paul’s robot, is obviously completely uninterested in what Paul is saying. This doesn’t seem to occur to Paul. It’s as if Paul’s own need to reach out and be heard – to be something – is greater than the interests of the stranger – whatevber those interests might be. It’s not so much a Science Fiction issue as it is an existential one. It’s almost as if Matheson is using his fiction to try to find a way to navigate around a massive blind spot in human relations. Like in his novel The Incredible Shrinking Man Matheson has the plot of Steel be a manifestation of a character’s internal difficulties.

Scott Brick narrates this bare bones dialogue driven story. I’m often ambivalent about Brick’s narrations. Sometimes he works for me, sometimes he doesn’t – and I think I’ve finally realized why. Brick is excellent at delivering emotion. But if the emotion is from a third person perspective it comes across as too operatic. But, if the story is told in first person perspective then it work well. In Steel there are basically only two voices – Paul’s and Kelly’s. And when Brick voices either one I can’t readily enough distinguish difference between them. Yet when a story is told in first person Brick’s narration really works. Take this sample |MP3| from Nelson DeMille’s The Lion’s Game (which is first person perspective). And now compare it with this |MP3| from Steel.

I came away feeling somewhat unsatisfied with Steel. It’s not that the story is uninteresting, or unoriginal, Steel is both original and interesting. Kelly and Paul are a pair of boxing enthusiasts – and I’m more of an enthusiast of ideas. There’s just not enough intellectual heft to their journey. I think The Twilight Zone adaptation, penned by Matheson himself and starring Lee Marvin, does the story better mostly because it’s a lot quicker too it. The movie version is hardly an adaptation, being much more of a family father and son traditional conservative values tale than an existential exploration. None of versions of the story did what I wanted them to do, namely get into the robot’s POV. The fact that none of the adaptations treat the robot as anything other than an external manifestation of their root interests is kind of depressing. But then again, I don’t go to Matheson for uplifting, I like his depressing ideas.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Drabblecast: The Store Of The Worlds by Robert Sheckley

SFFaudio Online Audio

Norm Sherman’s Drabblecast doesn’t do audiobooks right. At least – it doesn’t do them the way I like them. Sherman, like a small fraction of audiobook producers, has decided to place a music bed atop all his readings. I hate that.

But since Robert Sheckley’s The Store Of The Worlds isn’t available anywhere else, in the audio format, you may want to check it out anyway. Robert Sheckley was a great writer, and the music bed, while both distracting and ham handed manipulative, doesn’t wholly ruin the story.

Drabblecast - The Store Of The Worlds by Robert SheckleyThe Store Of The Worlds
By Robert Sheckley; Read by Norm Sherman
1 |MP3| – Approx. 36 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Drabblecast
Podcast: November 19, 2010
First published in Playboy, September 1959 (under the title The World of Heart’s Desire).

Playboy, September 1959 - The World Of Heart's Desire by Robert Sheckley

Posted by Jesse Willis

Recent Arrivals from AudioComics

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

AudioComics has launched its debut line of Full Cast Audio Movies, inspired by stories from comics, graphic novels, and genre fiction!

AudioComics Titanium Rain
Titanium Rain: A near-future, sci-fi epic. Civil war in China spirals into global conflict. Nations are destroyed, millions killed. For Air Force pilot Alec Killian, survival will mean shedding some of his humanity in exchange for biotech and machine.
AudioComics Honey West
Honey West: Murder on Mars: Hollywood’s sexiest detective goes undercover on the set of a low-budget sci-fi film. Who killed the movie’s starlet – the sweet Ingénue, the aging teen idol, the agent boyfriend, or the killer robot?
AudioComics Domino Lady
The Domino Lady: All’s Fair in War: Thrill to the exploits of the Domino Lady and her alter ego, Ellen Patrick, in the Raymond Chandleresque Southern California of 1935. First in a series of Domino Lady releases.
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The Batsons: Do you think your family’s strange? Meet The Batsons, a spooky-kooky family of misfit monsters who reside in Flemme Falls, where “awful is lawful and everyone’s mean.” First two episodes: The Trouble with Fang and Carmilla’s Crush.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

The SFFaudio Podcast #168 – AUDIOBOOK: Cool Air by H.P. Lovecraft


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #168 – a complete and unabridged reading of Cool Air by H.P. Lovecraft.

The narrator is Jonathan Davis!

More details, and alternatively formatted versions of this recording, are available HERE.

Cool Air by H.P. Lovecraft

Michael C. Smith adaptation of Cool Air - from Skull Comics No. 4 (1972)

Cool Air by H.P. Lovecraft- illustration by Harry Ferman

Providence #01, Regular - JACEN BURROWS
Providence #01, Portrait - JACEN BURROWS
Providence #01, Women Of H.P.L. - JACEN BURROWS

Cool Air by H.P. Lovecraft

Posted by Jesse Willis

Meet Donald Westlake

SFFaudio News

Lawrence Block, Otto Penzler, and others talk about Donald Westlake in this ad for some Westlake ebooks.

[via The Violent World Of Parker]

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Skull by Philip K. Dick

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Skull by Philip K. Dick

The first time I read Philip K. Dick’s The Skull, it took me a couple of attempts to really get into it. But with PKD you out to give it a couple of good attempts. So I kept trying. Reading along with the text helped, and after about 150 words or so I could manage the story without the extra textual assistance. I guess this is one of those stories that doesn’t translate to audio that well. That said, once I did get into it it I did find it worthwhile. The Skull is a time travel story that makes a nice companion piece to Michael Moorcock’s Behold The Man. It’s about a future criminal who goes on a mission to kill a religious revolutionary from the 1960s.

The Skull by Philip K. DickThe Skull
By Philip K. Dick; Read by Gregg Margarite
1 |MP3| – Approx. 50 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: November 01, 2009
Conger agreed to kill a stranger he had never seen. But he would make no mistakes because he had the stranger’s skull under his arm. From If Worlds of Science Fiction, September 1952.

|ETEXT| Wikisource
|ETEXT| Gutenberg
|PDF| Made from the publication in IF.

Recently a friend pointed out a 1962 French short film, done in photomontage style, called La Jetée. It’s nicely comparable and totally French:

[Thanks Mel!]

Posted by Jesse Willis