REPS Podcast: CBC Stage: Fahrenheit 451 adapted from the novel by Ray Bradbury

SFFaudio Online Audio

Fahrenheit 451

REPS PodcastThe REPS Podcast (Radio Enthusiasts Of Puget Sound) has recently podcast a 41 year old CBC radio drama that I’d never even heard had existed:

It’s Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451!

Apparently produced by CBC Radio in Vancouver, as a part of the long running “Stage” program, the drama is light on sound effects and high on fidelity to the original text.

In fact, the production is an amazingly faithful adaptation considering it’s only an hour long. Thanks REPS!

CBC StageCBC Stage – Fahrenheit 451.
Adapted from the novel by Ray Bradbury; Adapted by Otto Lowy; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. 52 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: CBC Radio
Broadcast: March 4, 1971

Neal Denard … Montag
Alan Scarfe … The Fire Captain
Linda Sorenson
Sharon Kurt
Peter Hobwerth
Dorothy Davies
Merv Componi
Eric Walston
Anni Scarfe

Sound by Lars Eastholm
Technical by Bob Spence
Produced by Don Mowatt

Podcast feed:

Check out these terrific illustrations from the first ever serialization of a novel in Playboy (March, April, and May 1954):
Fahrenheit 451 - illustration by Ben Denison
Fahrenheit 451 - illustration by Ben Denison
Fahrenheit 451 - illustration by Ben Denison

And while were at it here’s a letter from Playboy’s May 1954 issue written by William F. Nolan:
William F. Nolan letter in Playboy, May 1954

*These are mostly guesses on the spelling of these names.

Update (January 22, 2015):

Here are the original illustrations for Ray Bradbury’s The Fireman (the novella which was later expanded into Fahrenheit 451) from Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1951

Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1951 - illustration by Karl Rogers

Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1951 - illustration by Karl Rogers

Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1951 - illustration by Karl Rogers

Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1951 - illustration by Karl Rogers

Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1951 - illustration by Karl Rogers

Galaxy Science Fiction, February 1951 - illustration by Karl Rogers

Posted by Jesse Willis

Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar by Neil Gaiman (live reading)

SFFaudio News

Here’s a live reading (audio only), by Neil Gaiman himself, of Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar. The story is a kind of mash up of a Peter Cook and Dudley Moore piece, that and the Cthulhu mythos, and also English pub culture.

Charles de Lint, in his review for The Magazine of Fantasy And Science Fiction (May 2005) described it thusly:

Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar is very funny — laugh out loud funny, in places — but it’s to Gaiman’s credit that it’s not a complete farce. Somehow he manages to instill a touch of creepy dread to leaven all the humor.”

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Posted by Jesse Willis

Earbud Theater: Neil Gaiman’s Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar AUDIO DRAMA

SFFaudio Online Audio

Earbud TheaterEarbud Theater is a new audio drama podcast (without a podcast feed that I can spot). Casey Wolfe, who pointed it out to me, calls them “podplays” – which is a new word but and one that fits fine.

The first episode to catch my attention is an adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar!

Young American Ben Lassiter is touring the British coastline when he’s forced to take refuge from the rain at a pub in the town of… Innsmouth. Here he meets the peculiar Seth and Wilf who have something to teach Ben about life, Lovecraft, death and unspeakable horror. Adapted by Casey Wolfe and performed by Jake Borelli, Simon Verlaque, Rees Pugh and Joanne McCallin, please sit back and enjoy a pint of Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar.

I quite liked this 17 minute adaptation. It’s faithful to Gaiman’s original story and that’s always a good thing. But, I should point out the the MP3’s volume is too low – even wearing earbuds I had a hard time catching every bit of it.


Incidentally, the beverage of the title is likely inspired by a real beer with an odd taste.

Posted by Jesse Willis

MuseCon 2012: Guest Of Honor: Gregg Taylor of Decoder Ring Theatre

SFFaudio News

Gregg Taylor of Decoder Ring Theatre is going to be the GUEST OF HONOR at MuseCon 2012!

This Chicago area convention begins August 3, 2012.

Here’s the convention’s description:

Most kids create an imaginary world where they have friends nobody else can see and which allows them to be firefighters or astronauts or whatever strikes their fancy. We were all kids like that and, as we grew, we found the worlds of science fiction, fantasy, media, music, art and other interests that allowed us to escape from the
mundane world.

Within the fannish community, we’ve found folks who have similar interests. This society of accepting, like-minded people allows us to create and educate. Whether it’s science, writing, art, music or even new ideas of what family and religion mean, fandom is a pretty creative bunch. MuseCon is a place to explore that creativity and learn from each other. You don’t have to be an expert–all you need is a willingness to try.

Come and play with us!

Here’s the two page spread in the MuseCon program book about our hero:

Gregg Taylor - Guest Of Honor at MuseCon 2012

And here’s the complete |PDF|.

[Thanks Xap!]

Posted by Jesse Willis

TEDxUCDavis – Michael Saler – History and Imaginary Worlds

SFFaudio News

Professor Michael Saler, of UC Davis, suggested I check out his talk about “History and Imaginary Worlds” which he gave at a TEDx at UC Davis.

Saler’s talk reminded me of something Dave Barry said.

He said he wanted to get an Amtrak jersey made, like one of those football or hockey style oversized jerseys. He wanted to get an Amtrak logo emblazoned on the front of it, and have two little ones put onto the shoulders. He wanted to have “GUNN” stitched on to the back of it (David Gunn was the president of Amtrak at the time). He wanted to walk around in public wearing it, and quote statistics about how many miles of track Amtrak had laid down, and to tell everyone how many passengers it delivered in it’s 2003 “season.”

I guess he thought that a lot folks might think it strange if a grown man walked around wearing a costume of one of his heroes. He didn’t want any of those normal sports fans to think he was strange.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The SFFaudio Podcast #170 – READALONG: The Fountains Of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #170 – Jesse, Tamahome, and Jenny discuss the Brilliance Audio audiobook of The Fountains Of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke.

Talked about on today’s show:
Skyhooks and space elevators, Sri Lanka, “my first space elevator book”, Robert A. Heinlein, Friday, “it feels like a novel”, “the fictional accounting of a real construction project”, history, Colombo, afterwords, sources and acknowledgements, “what a rip-off”, Sigiriya’s Lion Paws Gate, King Kashyapa I, “past, present, and future”, engineering fiction vs. science fiction, Taprobane, Paradise Regained by John Milton, Jo Walton’s review of The Fountains Of Paradise, religion, “Heinlein in a dress”, an idea book, to think interesting Science Fictional thoughts, hard SF, Clarke’s Laws, space probe, a game changer, Gregg Margarite, Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, The Nine Billion Names Of God, Sigmund Freud, growing out of religion?, Thomas Aquinas, symbolic logic, Bertrand Russell, satellites and their uses, unseen benefits to giant engineering projects and science, Sydney Opera House, the Eiffel Tower, Burj Khalifa, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, “this is what we’re meant to do”, the space age, the 1970s, Jenny gets depressed, Terpkristin‘s visit to French Guiana (PICS!), will we have a Chinese moonbase by 2022?, innovation vs. exploration, Jerry O’Neil, good reasons to go to space, we ought to do things that we can do, Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey, the daily life challenges of a space born population, The Island Worlds by Eric Kotani and John Maddox Roberts, the probe is a person, The Geek’s Guide To The Galaxy #64: John Scalzi, (Star Trek holds us back), “the God Particle”, “you’re going to die soon”, can we empathize with a character that isn’t a human being?, a complimentary cosmonaut, 2001: A Space Odyssey, one day in Jerusalem, the transhuman future in the end of The Fountains Of Paradise, Starglider/Starholme, a well developed solar society, the Wikipedia entry for The Fountains Of Paradise, The Last Theorem, The City And The Stars, a non-off putting post-human story, Childhood’s End by Arthur C. Clarke, Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Ted Chiang, Charles Stross, sequels and science, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Alastair Reynolds, Kim Stanley Robinson, in SF ideas build can on one another whereas others books are more parasitizing upon those ideas, why does it have to be a new book?, ‘these were the stepping stones to today’, a balance of both a good story and good ideas, William Gibson, Embassytown by China Miéville, The City And The City, “garbage, garbage, garbage”, 2312, Playboy’s serialization of The Fountains Of Paradise, Buckminster Fuller, why did Sir Arthur C. Clarke live in Sri Lanka?, Milton is literature, Dante’s Inferno, Lucifer’s fall from heaven, Brilliance Audio, A Fall Of Moondust by Arthur C. Clarke, BBC Radio dramatization of A Fall Of Moondust, Crisis On Conshelf Ten by Monica Hughes, “best book ever”, The Abyss, Tom Swift, Aquaman vs. The Sub-Mariner, Blue Remembered Earth by Alastair Reynolds, The Prefect, Ray Of Light by Brad Torgeson, “Alien sun mirror block deepwater living daughter Glimmer Club surface discovery.”, the Mars tangent, Phobos and Deimos, John Scalzi, “I liked that he didn’t explain it.”, “we don’t build em that way”, “I want it to be hard”, Phobos interference would be a feature not a bug, “wiggle the thread”, atmospheric density and windspeed, carbon nano-tubes vs. buckminsterfullerene, Roald Dahl, Charlie And The Great Glass Elevator, horror, The BFG, Jack McDevitt, a waking dream, in the shadow of Vesuvius, the Prime Directive, Doctor Who, Fantasy vs. Science Fiction, Inferno (Doctor Who episode), Sliders, Doorways by George R.R. Martin, Tom Baker.

BRILLIANCE AUDIO - The Fountains Of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke

Caedmon - Arthur C. Clarke reads Fountains Of Paradise

Del Rey paperback - The Fountains Of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke

Playboy, January 1979 - The Fountains Of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke - illustration by Ignacio Gomez

Playboy, February 1979 - The Fountains Of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke - illustration by Ignacio Gomez

Posted by Jesse Willis