The Roads Must Roll by Robert A. Heinlein

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Roads Must Roll by Robert A. Heinlein - illustrated by Charles Schneeman

Robert A. Heinlein’s short story The Roads Must Roll features a future in which a small union of engineers seize control of the nation’s vital infrastructure. This replacement for the highway and railroad systems is a series of massive conveyor belts allowing for the flow of goods and people around the country.

Here’s the synopsis from ISFDB:

Set in a future where the automobile has been replaced by The Roads, a gigantic set of parallel conveyor belts. The belts run at different speeds allowing a pedestrian to enter the Road at slow speed, and make his way to the center, where speeds are in excess of 100 MPH. Follows the exploits of Gaines, the Transport Commissioner, as he tries to put down a strike by the Rolling Roads Guild.

Dimension XDimension X – The Roads Must Roll
Adapted from the novelette by Robert A. Heinlein; Script by Ernest Kinoy; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. 30 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: NBC
Broadcast: September 1, 1950
The more complex, the more integrated a civilization is, the more fragile it becomes to – sabotage! First published in Astounding, June 1940.

X-Minus OneX-Minus One – The Roads Must Roll
Adapted from the novelette by Robert A. Heinleinl; Script by Ernest Kinoy; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. 30 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: NBC
Broadcast: January 4, 1956
The more complex, the more integrated a civilization is, the more fragile it becomes to – sabotage! First published in Astounding, June 1940.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Commentary: The Adventure Of The Mysterious Sherlock Holmes Audio Dramas In The Thrift Store

Aural Noir: Recent Arrivals

I had an exciting Friday a few months back. I’m calling the events of June 1st, 2012 The Adventure Of The Mysterious Sherlock Holmes Audio Dramas In The Thrift Store

The story begins with me visiting a thrift store. I first found this vintage 1975 box of Lego (with the original Woolco price tag still on the box) – I got it for just $4. Then I picked up a $2 game called Isaac Asimov Presents Waddington’s SUPERQUIZ.

Then, in the audiobook section I spotted three two-cassette collections for $4 each.

And they turned out to be the big winner.

Entitled simply “The Sherlock Homes Collection“, at first I thought they were audiobooks, something I’ve seen many times before. But the price stickers obscured the details. Then was a shock, an instant of recognition for the actor pictured on the back covers was none other than Roy Marsden of The Sandbaggers fame – I covertly peeled back one of the stickers and investigated further.

They were audio dramas!

According to Grant Eustace’s website (he adapted them) only 6 of the 24 dramatizations produced were broadcast (on BBC World Service). But that may not mean they were no well received as it appears that they were actually produced for British Airways in-flight audio entertainment. One thing seems clear, I didn’t know they had even existed before that Friday, and I think that probably meant they wer’e not very well known.

I got “Collection Three” (ISBN: 0773305033) which features adaptations of:

The Red Headed League
The Solitary Cyclist
A Scandal In Bohemia
The Blue Carbuncle

“Collection Four” (ISBN: 0773305041) which features adaptations of:
The Speckled Band
Black Peter
The Golden Prince-Nez
The Man With The Twisted Lip

And “Collection Six” (ISBN: 0773305068) which features adaptations of:
The Devil’s Foot
The Bruce Partington Plans
The Cardboard Box
Thor Bridge

There are two different companies credited with publication, BFS Audio (and BFS Entertainment is still in business) and Talking Tape Company (which I have no data on). The tapes themselves all have the BFS Audio logo on them.

Here are the details:

Cover of Collection Three:
BFS Audio - Sherlock Holmes Collection Three

Interior details from Collection Three:
BFS Audio - Sherlock Holmes Collection Three - interior details

Cover of Collection Four:
BFS Audio - Sherlock Holmes Collection Four

Interior details from Collection Four:
BFS Audio - Sherlock Holmes Collection Four - interior details

Cover of Collection Six:
BFS Audio - Sherlock Holmes Collection Six

Interior details from Collection Six:
BFS Audio - Sherlock Holmes Collection Six - interior details

Now, after listening to the twelve dramas over the last few months I can happily report that these are really excellent productions. Very swift, but dialogue driven, with uniformly excellent acting.

If you’ve got a source that has the other three collections please let me, and everyone else, know by commenting. This series should be much better known.

Posted by Jesse Willis John Christopher’s The Death Of Grass RADIO DRAMA (1986)

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC World ServiceRadioArchives.ccThere’s a one hour BBC World Service radio drama adaptation of John Christopher’s The Death Of Grass available as a torrent over on Broadcast on March 15, 1986 the programme is a highly compressed adaptation. But, it keeps a surprising number of the key scenes as well as managing to sustain the novel’s unique atmosphere.

All the world’s grain crops fail and martial law is declared. Engineer John Custance leads his family, and an assortment of other survivors, from London to Cumbria in a desperate attempt to survive the coming global famine. and assorted hangers on North after all the crops fail and martial law is declared.

Dramatized by Pat Hooker

Bernard Brown as John Custance
Gwen Cheryl as Ann
Colin Starkey as Roger
Anne Jameson as Olivia
David Gough as Perry

Posted by Jesse Willis

CBSRMT: The Murders In The Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe

Aural Noir: Online Audio

Although this 1975 radio drama adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Murders In The Rue Morgue drops much of the material of the original short story, adds new characters, and a new subplot, I’m pleased to say I really, really liked it.

If you had any difficulty getting into the recent podcast audiobook of the original story, SFFaudio Podcast #179, you’ll likely love how accessible this CBS Radio Mystery Theater adaptation is.

CBS Radio Mystery TheaterCBS Radio Mystery Theater #0198 – The Murders In The Rue Morgue
Adapted from the story by Edgar Allan Poe; Adapted by George Lowthar; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. 44 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Broadcaster: CBS Radio
Broadcast: January 7, 1975
A woman is brutally murdered and mutilated in a locked room. A police detective desperate for promotion calls on an amateur detective to help him solve the crime with a most unusual solution.

Paul Hecht
Guy Sorel
Corrine Orr
Dan Ocko


Posted by Jesse Willis

The Midas Plague by Frederik Pohl

SFFaudio Online Audio

“the curse of want gives way to the curse of plenty”
-Frederik Pohl, in the anthology Nightmare Age

Broadcast on BBC Radio 4, as a part of “The Shape of Things to Come” season in 1991 (a series of plays looking at the future) The Midas Plague was adapted from the acclaimed novella by Frederik Pohl.

Now, thanks to the terrific service you can experience this positively smirk inducing satire of a consumer society flipped on it’s head.

Here’s my description of the premise:

Morey Fry lives in a post-scarcity world where cheap production has made commodities, consumer goods, and food ubiquitous. The “poor” are forced to spend their lives in a constant state of frantic consumption, continually upgrading their devices, clothes, jewelry, and appliances. But “poor” Morey can only wear-out his shirts so fast, and taking double cream in his coffee is giving a sick feeling. Meanwhile a black market in counterfeit ration book stamps flourishes, yet Morey is an honest man. When poverty stricken Morey marries a “rich” girl from the right side of the tracks they move into his well appointed mansion. There, the efficient household staff of robot butlers, valets, maids, cooks, and footmen foist endless consumer goods upon them both at a furious rate, something that upsets Morey’s new “wealthy” spouse – after all she’s is accustomed to a certain luxurious lifestyle.

The Midas Plague, illustrated by Emsh - from Galaxy, April 1954

BBC Radio 4RadioArchives.ccThe Midas Plague
Adapted by Mark Power from the story by Frederik Pohl; Performed by a full cast
1 MP3 (via TORRENT) – Approx. 44 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4
Broadcast: September 4, 1991

Directed by Alec Reid

Morrey Fry – Michael Drew
Cheri Fry – Diane White
Howland – Alan Covenay
Judge Elon – Eric Allen
Grace Elon – Caroline Hunt
Semmelweiss – Nick Chivers
Newman – Nick Chivers
Fairless – Clarence Smith
Sam – Clarence Smith
Wally – Richard Pearce
Blaine – Richard Pearce
Tanaquil – Catherine Neal
Wainwright – Fraser Kerr
Henry, the Robot – Geoffrey Collins
Profirio – Geoffrey Collins

More illustrations from the publication in Galaxy, April 1954:
The Midas Plague, illustrated by Emsh - from Galaxy, April 1954
The Midas Plague, illustrated by Emsh - from Galaxy, April 1954

The Midas Plague can also be found in…
Ballantine Books - Nightmare Age edited by Frederik Pohl

The Science Fiction Hall Of Fame, Volume II, B

Posted by Jesse Willis

Four Great Reasons to Listen to District of Wonders this week…

SFFaudio Online Audio

Four great reasons to listen to District of Wonders this week…


StarShipSofa No 255 Gregory Frost Benjamin Rosenbaum  |mp3|

Coming Up

Short Story: Angry Child by Benjamin Rosenbaum 03:00

Main Fiction: The Seals of New R’lyeh by Gregory Frost 10:00

Promo: Cheapskates Host 40:00

Fact: Poetry Planet by Diane Severson 45:00

First Chapters: The Mechanikals, Book 1: The Apprentice by John Dodds

Narrators: Bob Hoe, Gregory Frost

Daily Science Fiction

Crime City Central

Crime City Central No 9 Dave Zeltserman |mp3|

Coming up

Main Fiction: Dave Stevens, I Presume? by Dave Zeltserman

Narrator: Wilson Fowlie

Tales To Terrify

Tales to Terrify No 36 Maria Alexander Angela Slatter |mp3|

Coming up:

Good evening: 0:00:40

A short riff on comedy and horror 0:00:55

Main Fiction: “A Conspiracy of One by Maria Alexander 0:08:35

Fiction: The Bones Remember Everything by Angela Slatter 0:31:53

Pleasant dreams… 01:01:54

Narrators: Steven Howell, Elise Goodman

Protecting Project Pulp

Protecting Project Pulp No. 9: E. Hoffman Price |mp3|

Main Fiction: “Live Bait” by E. Hoffman Price, first published in Alibi, April 1934.

Narrator: Steven Howell.

 Posted by Tony C. Smith