The SFFaudio Podcast #469 – READALONG: The War Of The Worlds by H.G. Wells


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #469 – Jesse, Paul Weimer, Scott Danielson, and Luke Burrage talk about The War Of The Worlds by H.G. Wells

Talked about on today’s show:
1897, why it made a little splash when it landed, alien invasion, society falling apart, The Walking Dead, invasion novels, The Battle Of Dorking, properties and adaptations and allusions and alliterations, Orson Welles, War Of The Worlds: The Series,,

An English astronomer, in company with an artilleryman, a country curate, and others, struggle to survive the invasion of earth by Martians in 1894. Thirty five million miles into space, a species of Martians sets eyes on planet earth. With their own planet doomed for destruction, the Martians prepare to invade. Their weapons are ready and their aim is ruthless. The war of the worlds is about to begin.

a look backwards, Orson Welles’ The War Of The Worlds radio drama, future events, unfolding in real-time, instantaneous travel from Mars, the 2005 movie adaptation, buried, ridiculous, cannon shots rather than rockets, Robert H. Goddard, fix the physics, a pretty damn amazing book, philosopher-writer, a certain speculative writer, a final structure not unlike Martian, the Pall-Mall Budget, Nov. 16, 1893, Punch, natural selection, a cardinal necessity, “teacher and agent of the brain”, The Man Of The Year Million by H.G. Wells, can you satirize a satire and then go on to make it serious?, Ape Man Space Man, 9 days later, nutritive fluid, early in his career, the most published author alive, the artilleryman, the revolution, a realization, the future, The Time Machine, Weena, the Eloi, the Morlocks, little details, a wife!, a romance rescue version, John Wyndham, what the world will be, sprouting many tripods, derivations and inspirations, his most influential story, how science fictiony it was, a novel with science in it, Larry Niven invasion of the Earth book, the ramifications, filling in the technology and physiology, The First Men In The Moon, how the machines work, The Crystal Egg, The New Review, May 1897, a Palantir, an Ansible

An antique dealer finds out that one of his items(the crystal egg) allows views from a high post into alien life scenes. Upon close inspection, small lifeforms and structures can be seen inside the egg. With the help from the protagonist it can be determined from clues that the egg is in fact a viewer, and that he is viewing scenes from Mars.

a teaser for the novel, League Of Extraordinary Gentleman, it feels still current, getting flying machines from the Martians, diggers, kits, autofacs, black dust, up close, fighting suits, Starship Troopers with aliens in exo-suits, Armor, The Forever War, an inversion, graceful machines, lumbering hulks, the brother sequence, stuck in a house being a mouse, Jeff Wayne’s Musical Version Of The War Of The World concept album, the 1953 movie, why we should care about these character, between me and my brother I know everything, it feels like what it’s like to have your country invaded, becoming a refugee for the space of the book, it’s not our military might, Independence Day (1996), taking the first person point of view, if Tom Cruise doesn’t see it we don’t see it, the Pearson’s serial illustrations, squids or octopi, he was writing about writing about it, the main character is H.G. Wells, his brother is H.G. Wells’, Horsley Common, Woking, characters from his own life, the curate, a savage attack on organized religion, dangerous, the curate is coming apart, God is not an insurance agent, Monty Python, the narrator calls on God and thanks God, science vs. formalized religion, how we think, strip-away, the illustrations, what the movie does, Henrique Alvim Corrêa’s illustrations, Tintin as a horror show, the arm reaching into the house, we will become rats, the art, interpretation, a new BBC TV adaptation, Roman legions, it’s about EMPIRE, why it is set in the USA in the 20th and 21st century, the criticism of EMPIRE, being brought low, Return Of The Jedi, striking at the head of the greatest Empire of the time, an island is defensible, the navy must be defeated, by 2005 the world market for films is much bigger, if they can do it we did it, undermines the whole satire, it looks terrible, force fields and weird energy weapons, the super-science!, the briefing sequence in the 1953 movie, green gasses, a new element that combines with argon, science-based, the heat beams, artillery, a first strike mentality, subtly mentioned, they’re going for Venus, so many subtitles, desiccated bipedal bodies from Mars, if only, not just insane, in a hole, starved, blind, deaf, guy with a sword, hot shit, a class story, fit for this new environment, an alternate ending, great illustrations, the artilleryman’s underground London world, the gulf between reality and dreams, walks, breaks, cards, the imagination, your job is to pick the right boots, taking over a fighting suit, the concentration camps, a huge alternate vision, Julianne, The Sleeper Awakes, a utopia, a dystopia, images of a future from a madman, empathize and appreciate and disdain, psychology, not a one note character, when calamity strikes, living underground, a whole hidden society, Ewoks aren’t the best example, a circle of resistance, not realistic, the biggest exodus of human kind, no resistance, Wells had a lot of women, they used to skedaddle off to work, for fear they’d get dismissed, fear of the backstreets, one little miserable skedaddle, exiling weaklings, the eugenics, survivalists/white supremacists, weak or silly, ought to die, “to live and taint the race”, “clean minded women”, “no rolling eyes”, on the team, racism?, class based, the most prolific author of his era, on his second wife, a draper’s assistant, the way writers look at things, how is it that people are so insecure, in their mousy little way, the tunnel is in the wrong spot, Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague, class-oriented, the Chauffeur tribe, almost no people get names, Ms. Elphinstone and Mrs. Elphinstone, Tim Robbins is a combination of the curate and the artilleryman, PG-13 vapourized, the illustrations for Jeff Wayne’s musical version, the Earth covered in red weed, the fertilizer is human blood, the book is brutal, unworthy and uncharitable characters, the final image, the narrator (looking like H.G. Wells) haunted by corpses and the fighting machines, a war book, baskets of human bodies, the tentacle lights moving up and down, wholesale slaughter, the black outline, directly referencing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the first book Paul read for SFFaudio, Footfall by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle, so racist and sexist, my thoughts had taken voice, the importance of sound, uula ulla, a mystery, a distress beacon, a death cry, an alarm, an average of 2.5 participants, Wells is a master craftsman, mean characters doing questionable things, writing what you see, retelling the story with sound, horrific, really scary, silence as a scary thing, the coulours and the dust, the crawling creeping nature of it all, what’s going on with the dog, The Spotted Dog, a dog-cart, a yelping dog, a lost retrieving dog, a howling dog, a good dog, man’s best friend doesn’t know what’s going on, a hoe-down, very American, a nurse’s uniform, weird reality, a Mexican character, disconnection, a horse, crows, a veneer over our reality, how things really are, peppered with dogs, paint by numbers writing, the unexplained, copying another novel, there for an unconscious purpose, stealing from a jewelry shop, a richness to deserted London, wives, his cousin, Heinlein’s redheads, too creepy, visually designed to create the disaster movie industry, showing this whole genre inspired by it, the ur text, the basis for other exploration, the taproot that everything references back to, Doctor Who, Planet Of Evil, Forbidden Planet and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, we men with our bicycles, guns and sticks and so forth, mere brains, appliances, the dominant feature: the wheel (is absent), we’ve made the world conform to the wheel, putting on suits, everything is suit for them, an umbrella is part of you, the fighting machines are holding their equipment, the machine is a suit of clothing, driving a car, I swerved, we become one with the car, all about brain, the philosophy of The Fast And The Furious, Pacific Rim, Daleks, all in favour of giant monster battles, tension and drama, learning to juggle, why there are no wheels on Mars, in the Amazon jungle, the Incas, salt flats, His Dark Materials, Jesse invented an alien bird, thinking through all, the necessary requirements, which is more efficient soaring or propellers, rotation, bicycles, nothing evolved from an air creature, a sea based system, propellers handier in the sea, squid, a bacteria with a propeller, greasing the alien bird’s wheel, 10 years in, The Time Machine, why did Jesse put it off so long?, head canon vs. head cannon, Cybermen, why is Doctor Who so good?, they’re stealing from the best!, aliens invading London, the danger and value of…, subversive, intelligent, the Tardis is taken away to engage with the world, never any sexual tension between the character and the companions, a “silly kid’s show”, Christopher Eccleston, Peter Capaldi, stealing from Lovecraft, the most brilliant science fiction show ever, Pyramids Of Mars, alien robots, Egyptian deities, Genesis Of The Daleks, not like Teletubbies, putting The Time Machine on the schedule?, re-reading, one and done, live with the consequences, Annihilation,

H.G. Wells' The Man Of The Year Million, 1893

H.G. Wells' The Man Of The Year Million, 1893

1,000,000 A.D. from Punch, November 25, 1893

War Of The Worlds - Horsell Common - illustration by Peter Goodfellow

War Of The Worlds - illustration by Geoff Taylor

Posted by Jesse Willis

Reading, Short And Deep #114 – Hunting The Deceitful Turkey by Mark Twain


Reading, Short And DeepReading, Short And Deep #114

Eric S. Rabkin and Jesse Willis discuss Hunting The Deceitful Turkey by Mark Twain

Here’s a link to a PDF of the story.

Hunting The Deceitful Turkey was first published in Harper’s, December 1906.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

The SFFaudio Podcast #468 – AUDIOBOOK: The War Of The Worlds by H.G. Wells


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #468 – The War Of The Worlds by H.G. Wells, read by Cori Samuel.

This UNABRIDGED AUDIOBOOK (6 Hours 49 Minutes) comes to us courtesy of LibriVox. A PDF, made from the serialization, is available on our PDF Page.

We will discuss The War Of The Worlds next week.

The War Of The Worlds by H.G. Wells

Posted by Jesse Willis

Reading, Short And Deep #113 – Extraterrestrial Trilogue On Terran Self-Destruction by Sheri S. Tepper


Reading, Short And DeepReading, Short And Deep #113

Eric S. Rabkin and Jesse Willis discuss Extraterrestrial Trilogue On Terran Self-Destruction by Sheri S. Tepper

Here’s a link to a PDF of the poem.

Extraterrestrial Trilogue On Terran Self-Destruction was first published in Galaxy, August 1961.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson

The SFFaudio Podcast #467 – AUDIOBOOK/READALONG: Up Under The Roof by Manly Wade Wellman


The SFFaudio PodcastThe SFFaudio Podcast #467 – Up Under The Roof by Manly Wade Wellman; read by Mr Jim Moon. This is an unabridged reading of the short story (14 minutes) followed by a discussion of it. Participants in the discussion include Jesse, Paul Weimer, and Mr Jim Moon.

Talked about on today’s show:
A Tale Of Fear, Weird Tales, October 1938, Frank Belknap Long, Who Fears the Devil, Silver John, proto-hippy wandering balladeer, the Lovecraft circle, The Werewolf Snarls, so short, an odd ending for a Weird Tales story, anthologies of horror, feeling familiar, the fears of a ten year old boy, manufacturing a memory, weird dreams, false echoings, lucid dreaming, that wasn’t real, The Thing In The Cellar by David H. Keller, A Message From The Pig-man by John Wain, the short film, short films on Netflix, calling card, is he actually an orphan?, local politics, he wants to be a deep sea diver, the Encyclopedia Britannica, a thing, two things going on, a monster, see it and feel it, looking for something to read, the suspense, strange ideas, still living your life, comic books, It by Stephen King, Summer Of Fear by Dan Simmons, no one listens to me, tension, having to man up, a heavy handed symbol for a coming of age, page 494, night after night, week after week, the thing and its fear, mid-summer, it did not wait, he can’t put it off anymore, weird psychology, a symmetry, Marissa, [The THING] Up Under The Roof, John Carpenter’s The Thing, it and them and they, the first hook, get fire, face the fear that’s in there, like a pirate, he shuffles around, his imagination is really what the thing is, there’s absolutely no monster, conjured by imagination, a true story, the last two paragraphs, “I found nothing.”, the had been something, mortal peril, sleeping soundly, not even in the war, WWI, going over the top, the lurking dread, Wonder Woman (2017), the worst war for scariness, Doctor Who, The War Games, Genesis Of The Daleks, Forgotten Weapons, Skaro, the mutations, the Kaleds, what happened to Davros?, moral degeneration, the slave system, V2 slave labour, Sarah Jane Smith, a heavy dose of radiation, starved of oxygen, digging up old stuff, special effect and in the moment, Radio 4, Wrath Of The Iceni, Energy Of The Daleks, Trail Of The White Worm, Leela, in facing it he dispelled it, facing fears, is the creature real real?, sometimes stories just work, 100 Hair-Raising Little Horror Stories edited by Al Sarrantonio and Martin H. Greenberg, horror, dread, other dwellers, a terrible beating, pulping my face, tongue-lashed, scolded, no one can help him, Great Depression era orphans, Dickensian, an orphanage?, we sympathize, he’s a reader, the downstairs parlour was Heaven, Funk & Wagnalls encyclopedia, hating school, a die-hard reader, aardvark, amoeba, sounded as an amoeba looks, rolling and flowing, scared himself, ceiling cat, reversing the horror of his life, a power story, Jung or a Jungian disciple, ‘angels monster gods and demons may not exist but the human mind behaves as if they do’, wonderfully evocative, wrong-footing your perception, when it comes down, it would wait no longer, it would flow, bullies, if you’re fearless it works to your advantage, creep into bed with me, a cold dog who wants to snuggle up, what colour it was, almost sexual?, crossing a line, scared in bed, sticking your head under the blankets, totemic blankets, something primal, cocooning yourself away, I care not for your blanket protection small child, school shootings, arm the teachers, giving bullet-proof blankets to children, a beautiful metaphor: a cold determination came like new sawdust poured into an empty doll, like Gepetto’s puppet (Pinocchio), this is what made me, what was necessary, a character defining moment, like a pirate’s dirk, deeper into the darkness, clearing the whole space, he becomes the thing, a horror show, he made it!, so freaky, a reversal, he’s under the microscope, it can see him but he can’t see it, very Dungeons & Dragons, Lurkers Above, Grey Oozes, Gelatinous Cube, you gotta clean the dungeon somehow, a power play, mirrors, there’s something down there, a moment of contact, if I’m dead anyway, Wellman’s biography, moving around, suggesting how someone’s life will go, trained for the law or the ministry, an adventurer, deep-sea diver is kind of like astronaut, making your own way, old books, commercial divers, the bad guys in Scooby-Doo episodes with big brass helmets.

House Of Secrets #126

Posted by Jesse Willis

Reading, Short And Deep #112 – The Perfect Woman by Robert Sheckley


Reading, Short And DeepReading, Short And Deep #112

Eric S. Rabkin and Jesse Willis discuss The Perfect Woman by Robert Sheckley

Here’s a link to a PDF of the story.

The Perfect Woman was first published in Amazing Stories, December 1953 – January 1954.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson