There’s an old fashioned radio show that may dra…

There’s an old fashioned radio show that may draw your interest. It currently airs on Wednesdays between 3:00pm and 5:00pm – the Philip K. Dick Show airs on KUCI 88.9FM which is the University Of California Irvine’s radio station. Host “djzj” plays music and reads from Philip K. Dick’s work. The show is available only in the streaming audio format for folks who live outside of the UC Irvine area.

“djzj” says this about the show:

“i’m a big fan of pkd and tend to string out a kind of dickian world on the show…i like to think of myself along the lines of the dj in dr. bloodmoney, a pkd book about a post apocalyptic world… i have a co-host ‘baby dragon’ who reads select passages from the pkd opus. i start and end the show with vangelis ‘blade runner’ soundtrack. one of the main things about the show is to promote local bands, socal and so-on. i also talk about things like…was jesus an android? we live in a horror movie…alien rabbits,and anything that randfomaly pops into our heads, i sometimes will air excerpts of pkd himself talking, gleaned from the pkd website…”

Sounds cool!

James Patrick Kelly, Hugo Award Winning Science …

SFFaudio Online Audio

James Patrick Kelly, Hugo Award Winning Science Fiction author and Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine columnist, has started to podcast his new novel entiled Burn!

“On a distant planet in the far future, the last remaining true humans have come together to form a Utopia based on the principles of Walden. The post-human population resists human encroachment by setting fire to their terraformed forests.”

You can download directly from the Free Reads Podcast page or subscribe FOR FREE by plugging this into iTunes:

Way to go Jim!

Posted by Jesse Willis

Miss Star Trek: Enterprise? Try a podcast! Star…

SFFaudio Online Audio

Miss Star Trek: Enterprise? Try a podcast!

Star Trek: Pioneers is fan audio series created by Pioneer Audio Productions. Several episodes have been produced so far (they started back in 2004). The sound effects and music are excellent, the writing good and the acting, like all amateur productions, is mostly amateurish, flat but always earnest. Not bad at all considering!

But I do have one reservation, can anyone explain to me why Decks 5 and 7 on Federation ships are always getting hull breaches?

Posted by Jesse Willis

There are points in my day when I want a treat, a …

SFFaudio Online Audio

There are points in my day when I want a treat, a small snack or a little bit of delight. Ian Creasey has a collection of audio bon-bons on his website which brought a smile to my face. His humor is wry and often contains a bit of twist at the end as in his short story, Death and Taxes. (Imagine a government tax program which believes that it is God.) Not all of the shorts are conventional stories, so if you favor works with plot, skip straight to The Long Shrink. Otherwise, you might enjoy listening in to the news story about Reality 2.0 The only one that missed its mark for me was Night Shift on the Support Line, which, alas, was a little bit too long to sustain the humor.

Each story is read by the author, a man whose creamily, smooth voice reminds me a bit of the Guide in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. An impression which is heightened by the reverberation in the recordings.

So, when you need a quick audio fix, drop by Mr. Creasey’s site and listen to one of these short, shorts.