Rob Walsch the host of Podcast411, the premier p…

SFFaudio Online Audio

Rob Walsch the host of Podcast411, the premier podcast that interviews podcasters, has just interviewed Evo Terra of HERE‘s a direct link to the MP3.

Science Fiction author Bruce Sterling. He’s larg…

Science Fiction author Bruce Sterling. He’s largely responsible for the Cyberpunk movement. His humor is as dry as his mind is sharp. We’ve found an MP3 online that features him speaking on an interesting SF theme, The Singularity. It runs nearly 50 minutes, not surprisingly it was done for the Long Now Foundation, a foundation itself right out of Asimov’s Science Fiction. Click HERE to download it. Be aware the sound quality is poor even though the ideas are rich.

Do you like Ninjas? Do you like Mystic Ninjas?…

Do you like Ninjas? Do you like Mystic Ninjas? How ’bout Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas? Yah, we like them too! In fact we’ve flipped over them. With just half a dozen podcasts under their black belts The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas have stealthily stolen our hearts! Summer Brooks, Joe Murphy and David Moldawer are talking old school Science Fiction and Fantasy with a special emphasis on the literary. Podcasts on venerable Science Fiction and Fantasy released so far include:

PODCAST # 5The Lathe Of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin
PODCAST # 3Lord Of Light by Roger Zelazny
PODCAST # 2Stranger In A Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
PODCAST # 1Hyperion by Dan Simmons

James Patrick Kelly was interviewed about his ne…

Online Audio

James Patrick Kelly was interviewed about his new podcast novel Burn. The interview is available from New Hampshire Public Radio‘s website as a .WAX or an .M3U. Its a terrific interview that gives deep insight into the story and Kelly’s reasons for doing it.

The host of the Spaceship Radio podcast, Andy Do…

Online Audio

Spaceship RadioThe host of the Spaceship Radio podcast, Andy Doan, has just been interviewed by Podcast 411 host Rob Walsch. For those who haven’t been paying attention, Spaceship Radio is the podcast specializing in bringing public domain radio dramas of Science Fiction to your iPod. Click HERE to listen to the interview. And check out my picks for the best of the Spaceship Radio podcasts done so far…

SSREP25 First Contact – Based on the story by Murray Leinster. Done a little different than the short story but well done.

SSREP17 Simon Jones – A cool interview with Simon Jones, AKA Arthur Dent of the BBC’s Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, and an exclusive to Spaceship Radio as far as I can tell.

SSREP14 The Cold Equation (SIC) – Based on the story “The Cold Equations” by Tom Godwin. This is the Science Fiction story like no other, it cleaves its readers into one camp or another. Essential listening.

SSREP09 The Green Hills of Earth – Based on the story by Robert A. Heinlein. It is elegiac Heinlein at his very best and a well done adaptation to boot.

Good news and bad news for fans of Science Ficti…

Online Audio

Good news and bad news for fans of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror audio dramatizations today. First the bad news…

Zombie Astronaut Zombie Astronaut, one of our favorite mp3 webzines, has sadly shuffled off it’s undead coil. The aural delights have ceased due to ZA’s overwhelming popularity. It seems that the bandwidth traffic made for a giant expense in the anonymous host’s pocketbook. It is a bitter shame that mere $$ have downed this floating corpse when even death itself didn’t stop it. Alas.

The good news:

An interesting podcast in a similarly horrifc vein is available, it’ll help relieve some of the loss of ZA’s passing….

Tales Of HorrorTales Of Horror is an excellent source for genre Radio Drama, unfortunately its episodes are being removed at a fairly fast clip, no doubt due to some bristly copyright issues. Cool episodes still available include:

Tales Of Horror Episode 11 – From the BBC Radio series Chillers an AWESOME adaptation of John W. Campbell‘s classic “Who Goes There?” If you download no other, download this one!

Tales of Horror Episode 4 – From the CBC Radio series Nightfall “The Club of Dead Men” A Canadian student at Cambridge, spends the night in a room once used for meetings by members of the Everlasting Club. Spooky.

Tales of Horror Episode 2 – From the CBC Radio series Nightfall “The Monkey’s Paw” by W.W. Jacobs an accursed curio from India destroys lives with its promises of three wishes. Much adapted, but likely never better that this.