Cool new feature on J.C. Hutchins’ 7th Son Podcast

SFFaudio News

Podcast Novel / PODIOBOOK / 7th SonJ.C. Hutchins‘ of the podcast novel/podiobook 7th Son, Book One: Descent tells us that he’s just added a cool new feature to his his podcast chapter readings. Each new podcast installment will include a “previously on” intro by a celebrity podcaster (or podcasting team). Look for the first chapter with this new feature starting tonight. The first guest introducer? Why it’s Evo Terra of the Farpoint Media podcasts! And in case you missed our preview of the show we’ll remind you that 7th Son, Book One: Descent is a FREE SF thriller intertwining cloning, bio-ethics and memory replication.

You can subscribe to the podcast directly using this XML feed:

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Paul Jenkins of The Rev Up Review has just celebrated1 year of podcasting

Online Audio

Paul S. Jenkins of The Rev Up Review has just celebrated his 1st year of podcasting! Congratulations Paul, your reviews are succinct, unflinching and always thoughtful. Those who aren’t subscribed can check out his 20th, and latest show HERE.

SF author William Shunn has a podcast! "William …

Online Audio

William Shunn's ShunncastSF author William Shunn has a podcast! “William Shunn’s ShunnCast Science Fiction and More” features interviews with, reviews by and the fiction of William Shunn. Irregularly scheduled but quite frequent, it is full of ecclectic audio from around the world, a lengthy Hour Of The Wolf interview with Shunn, a BBC Worldservice story with a short clip featuring Shunn and exerpts from Shunn’s latest novella Inclination (which appears in the latest Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine).

Enter the following URL in your favorite podcatching software to check it out for yourself:

A new hour long production of Metropolis airs on…

Online Audio

Online AudioA new hour long production of Metropolis airs on BBC Radio 4‘s Friday Play this coming Friday. That’s on at 9pm UK TIME March 24th 2006.

“Thea von Harbou’s novel became husband Fritz Lang’s 1927 silent movie classic.Its terrifying vision of the future was born in an age of booming heavy industry. Peter Straughan’s new version finds its hero, F.T. Fredersen, caught up in a nightmarish world all too recognizably drawn from the one we find ourselves in today.”

Also of interest on BBC4 is the upcoming Book At Bedtime (a weekday evening book reading show) which will be airing an abridgement of The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova.

“When an Oxford academic is anonymously gifted a volume inscribed with the mark of Vlad Drakulya, there begins a terrifying and increasingly desperate quest for the monster’s last recorded resting place.”

Read by Colin Stinton and Barbara Barnes it airs at 10:45pm UK TIME. It’ll run for 5 days from March 20th to March 31st 2006.