Dragon Page Podcast Interviews Bruce Coville from Full Cast Audio

Online Audio

Dragon Page With ClassLogoThe latest Dragon Page With Class podcast (a more scholarly spinoff of the regular Dragon Page Cover-To-Cover podcast) features an interview with Bruce Coville owner and operator of the stupendous Full Cast Audio! Click HERE to download Show #009 directly. Or subscribe to the show’s XML feed by pluggin this into your podcatcher software:


A FREE Philip K. Dick Audiobook Kicks Off A New Audiobook Company

Online Audio

Online Audio - Wonder AudiobooksWonder Audiobooks is the BRAND NEW audiobook company owned by the SFFaudio reviewer known as The Time Traveler. To promote his new site and his upcoming first release Wonder Audio has released a free audiobook! In the past other companies have given away audiobooks as promotions as well, but I’ve never seen a better title by a better author given away for free for such a promotion – this one is truly a stunner folks, a previously unrecorded Philip K. Dick story, Dick’s first published short story in fact, complete, unabridged and read by a professional narrator in a studio setting … best of all it is 100% FREE! This is truly an SFFaudio listener’s dream come true!

Beyond Lies The Wub by Philip K. DickBeyond Lies The Wub
By Philip K. Dick; Read by Mac Kelly
1 MP3 File – 17 Minutes 40 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Wonder Audiobooks
Published: June 2006
Themes: / Science Fiction / Aliens / Colonialism / Interplanetary Travel /Mars /

The arrogant Captain Franco and his crew of earthmen land on Mars to take on provisions – there they purchase a half ton pig-like creature called a “wub.” They think it a meat animal but when Franco starts to discuss exactly how to butcher the creature the Wub protests! The Wub is not as intellectually starved as it at first appears – indeed the classics, especially Homer’s Odyssey are of special interest to the wub – which makes it doubly ironic that the humans aboard Franco’s ship didn’t remember about what the dread goddess Circe did to Odysseus’ poor crew…

Folks, Beyond Lies The Wub will be just one story in an exclusive short fiction collection called Among The Aliens coming soon from Wonder Audiobooks. Other stories included in the collection will be:

Green Patches by Isaac Asimov
Lover When You’re Near Me by Richard Matheson
Anthropological Notes by Murray Leinster
Arena by Fredric Brown
The Monsters by Robert Sheckley
The Martian Odyssey by Stanley G. Weinbaum
The Hanging Stranger by Philip K. Dick
The Wind People by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Captains Mate by Evelyn E. Smith
The Devil On Salvation Bluff by Jack Vance

All these and an as yet unnamed short story by Alfred Bester will come in a 6 CD set!


by Jesse

BBC Radio 4 Documentary Series Imagining Albion: The Great British Future

Online Audio

Online AudioAn SFFaudio reader has graciously tipped us to an cool sounding show upcoming on BBC Radio 4. Roy writes, “You might care to note what looks like an interesting series (4x 30mins) starting on BBC Radio 4 22nd June (11:30 UK time)….”

Imagining Albion: The Great British Future
“[The] first programme is about H G Wells’ views of the future, but I believe later shows will feature living writers. No doubt more info on BBC sites such as Radio Times from which weekly magazine schedule I have noted this item.” Roy also reminds us that this program “should be available on ‘listen again'” service.

I’ve check the website but haven’t found any more details yet. Wish I had a subscription to the Radio Times. Hopefully we’ll know more as the 22nd approaches. Thanks a bunch Roy!

ANNOUNCING A New Horror Fiction PODCAST By The Escape Pod Team!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast 411Rob Walsch, host of the uber-awesome Podcast411, had podcast pioneer Mur Laffery on the show again this week. While Rob and Mur gabbed about Mur’s Geek Fu Action Grip podcast and her new show the I Should Be Writing podcast, Mur let slip the juciest nugget of pure goodness Podcast 411 has ever received – in my opinion – Mur said, she and Steve Eley are working on a brand new companion magazine to SFFaudio’s favourite ever podcast Escape Pod! The new show will follow a very similar format to the Science Fiction Podcast Magazine, but will be soliciting Horror and presumably “dark fantasy” authors for their short stories instead of SF&F. The new show will be called “Psuedo Pod” orPsuedopod.” The domain (http://pseudopod.org/) is still under construction at this time but we hope to have more details as launch approaches!

HERE‘s a direct link to the MP3 interview. Skip ahead to the 23:34 mark in the interview to hear the complete announcement.

UPDATE: Steve Eley informs me that PseudoPod will be edited by both Mur Lafferty and Ben Phillips (of the band Painful Reminder) and that the show will be a paying market ($20.00 for short stories) using volunteer narrators. As with Escape Pod it will be “donation-driven” and may start as a Bi-weekly podcast. The first instalment could air as early as July! More details forthcoming.

UPDATE 2: Woops in my excitement over PseudoPod I forgot to mention that Mur Lafferty also told Rob that she’s scored a special interview with Neil Gaiman! It will go live sometime soon on her I Should Be Writing podcast. Mur recorded it at the recent Balticon Science Fiction Convention where Gaiman was the Guest Of Honor. Cool!

Jesse Willis

Spoken Alexandria Project Podcasts A Tobias S. Buckell Short Story

Online Audio

Alex Wilson’s excellent Spoken Alexandria Project Podcast covers a multitude of genres and themes, this week though we were lucky enough to enjoy another Science Fiction short story release, a tale originally published in Jackhammer by the up and comer Tobias Buckell. It is narrated by SFFaudio’s own Mary Robinette Kowal…

Waiting For The Zephyr by Tobias S. BuckellWaiting For The Zephyr
By Tobias S Buckell; Read by Mary Robinette Kowal
1 MP3 Podcast – 13 Minutes 19 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: The Spoken Alexandria Project Podcast
Podcast: May 2006
“When the fuel went, Mara’s town turned to windpower. They struggled on as the lights left, as the cities fell fallow, and plastic became a memory. Their only link to the outside world is the Zephyr, and now it too has not shown up.”

You can download the file directly HERE, or subscribe to the podcast by plugging this XML feed into your podcatcher:


Jesse Willis

Podcast 411 interviews Ronald D. Moore Head Writer of Battlestar Galactica

Online Audio

Podcast 411Rob Walsch, host of Podcast411, the premier podcast about podcasting, has just interviewed Ronald D. Moore, creator and head writer of the new Battlestar Galactica and host of The Official Sci-Fi Channel Battlestar Galactica Podcast. Quite a coup!

HERE‘s a direct link to the MP3.

The Sci-Fi Channel: The Battlestar Galactica Podcast

If you havent already subscribed to the Battlestar Galactica Podcast itself here’s the XML feed:


iPod users can also now subscribe to the “enhanced” feed, which provides the same audio content with a few visual extras:


Jesse Willis