New Audio Drama Podcast: "Second Shift"

SFFaudio Online Audio

Second Shift PodcastIn the midst of writing my very first review for SFFaudio, I came across a fun podcast that I thought would be very appropriate to post about here.

Second Shift is an audio drama tale of three college students who, while waiting in line for the opening of the latest sci-fi fantasy movie, are transported into a fantasy role-playing game. The story is on its fourth episode, with the next one available on the 18th. Click the picture to head to their website, or copy/paste this feed into your podcatcher:

OK, my break is over!

BBC7 & The 7th Dimension Bring You The Voice Of God

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionBBC7 and the 7th Dimension are replaying an intriguing original audio drama, “a fast-moving science fiction adventure series, especially made for BBC 7 by the team behind last year’s highly successful COLD BLOOD,” airs today through Friday at 6:30pm and 12:30am….

The Voice Of God
5 Parts – 30 Minutes each [AUDIO DRAMA]
In a remote region of Australia, Britain is developing a devastating weapon – a weapon dubbed, “The Voice of God.” For the person who created it, the first firing is a moment of celebration; this is a moral weapon with world changing implications. In the hands of the UK as the world’s policeman it will herald global peace. But according to Aboriginal legend, it’s Armageddon.

Also remember, this will be available via the Listen Again service soon after it airs.

Jesse Willis

A Shiny New Syndicated Audio Drama: Firefly: Old Wounds

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Firefly: Old WoundsDani, the lead Audio Addict, over at the Society Of Audio Addicts blog has posted a very shiny story!

“Your friends at Sonic Society who bring you all the awesome audio cinema you’ve been listening to for a year now have their own production company too, Sonic Cinema. For the past 5 months they have been working very very very very very very hard on a fan production of the Firefly tv series.

And they’re finished! WooHOOOO!”

Episode one of this brand spankin’ new series is up and ready for download. Oh, and be sure to stay tuned after the credits for a special interview with the creators! Get it HERE or subscribe to either The Signal or The Sonic Society podcasts:

The Signal:

The Sonic Society:

The Time Traveler Show Podcast # 4 : With Professional Narrator William Dufris

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #4 up an ready for consumption! Onboard for this adventure he’s got a professional audiobook narrator performing a story voted by the Science Fiction Writers of America as one of the 20 finest science fiction stories ever written!

Narrator William Dufris has been honored with an amazing 14 Golden Earphones Awards (from Audiofile magazine), and has been an Audie Award finalist on no fewer than four occasions! The Time Traveler has him reading the first half of…

It’s A Good Life
By Jerome Bixby

This tale was previously adapted for the original Twilight Zone television series. Also on deck for show #4 is an exclusive interview with Dufris! You’ll be able to hear Part 2 of both the interview and It’s A Good Life in Show #5. To read the complete show notes for podcast #4 click HERE or download the show directly by clicking HERE.

To ensure you don’t miss any episodes plop this feed into your podcatcher:

Selected MP3s From Jason Erik Lundberg’s Lies And Little Deaths: A Virtual Anthology

Online Audio

Jason Erik Lundberg: Lies And Little Deaths: A Virtual AnthologyPodcaster, SFF author and reviewer Jason Erik Lundberg has re-recorded and re-mixed two of his stories that were previously podcasted in his Lies and Little Deaths, virtual anthology. You can grab em both here:

Songstress” (MP3 – Aprox. 5 Minutes)

Enlightenment” (MP3 – Aprox. 15 Minutes )

And, if you hadn’t already caught it you might also want to check out Jason’s reading of Kelly Link’s World Fantasy Award winning (1999) short story The Specialist’s Hat (available HERE).

posted by Jesse Willis