Blackstone Audiobooks to release Variable Star by Robert A. Heinlein and Spider Robinson

SFFaudio News

Audiobooks - Blacksone Audio During Worldcon, we met up with our Blackstone Audiobooks Aquisitions Manager Haila Williams in the Hilton’s Starbucks. We chatted about the upcoming Blackstone releases, Science Fiction and Fantasy in general, the Hugo awards, and a whole lot more. It was one of the highlights of the whole Worldcon event for me. One of the questions I put to her was with regard to the upcoming release of the novel Variable Star. This will be a “collaboration” between Robert A. Heinlein and Spider Robinson. She confirmed my hope that Blackstone will be releasing an unabridged version of it and that it will be read by Spider Robinson! This is so cool! I expect this book to make a big splash in mid-September. There’s already a website up for it HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Maine Radio Show plays previously podcast Science Fiction

Online Audio

Podcast - Beam Me UpPaul Cole and Ron Huber host a local radio show on WRFR (93.3 FM) in Rockland, ME called Beam Me Up. On their show they discuss Science and Science Fiction from sources like “movies, audio, radio, books and music.” The show airs on Sundays between 4 & 5pm (EST). There, they interview Science Fiction readers, talk about Science Fiction news and play unabridged fiction from podcast sources like Escape Pod and Craphound (Cory Doctorow’s podcast).

If you aren’t in mid-coast Maine, or even if you are, you can subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC Radio 7 has a Daphne Du Maurier novel

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionBBC7’s the 7th Dimension has just started an unabridged reading of a Daphne Du Maurier novel. Described as “[A] gripping tale of history mixed with horror, and an original approach to time travel. Of all her works it was apparently the author’s favourite.”

The House on the Strand
By Daphne Du Maurier; Read by Julian Wadham
12 half-hour segments – Approx. 6 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
AIRING: Monday to Friday at 6.30pm adn 12.30am UK Time

This will be avilable via the Listen Again service shortly after it airs.


Silent Universe Episode 3 Streets

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - J. Marcus Xavier's Silent UniverseEpisode 3 of J. Marcus Xavier’s Silent Universe is up and ready for download. This is probably the highest profile Science Fiction podcast available, production values and acting are very high with a compelling story and it includes a “choose your own adventure” style twist. There are three ways to get the show:

1. You can download it directly from this LINK.

2. You can subscribe to the FREE podcast with this link:

3. You can upgrade to the CD-quality stereo version for a small fee (your payment will help support continued episodes).

The previous two instalments are also available.

Shimmer Zine: Summer 2006 Featured Author Short Story In MP3

SFFaudio Online Audio

Shimmer Magazine LogoShimmer Magazine, the quarterly Speculative Fiction magazine, is offering another free MP3 short story in their Featured Author section.

Gnome Season by Michael Livingston, art by Mary Robinette KowalGnome Season
By Michael Livingston; Read by Michael Livingston
1 MP3 File – 28 Minutes 16 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Published: Summer 2006
This story is funny, well read, and thoughtful. I’ve never trusted Garden Gnomes, and after listening to this tale neither will you.

Next Episode Of Firefly: Old Wounds Now Available

SFFaudio Online Audio

Firefly:Old WoundsI’m excited to let everyone know that the next installment of the fan audio Firefly:Old Wounds, has been posted and is awaiting every Browncoat’s eager ear! The response to the premiere a few weeks ago has been overwhelming.

Episode Two is called “All Alone in the Black”, and it picks up where we left off last episode.

Expect the following:
– More of Mal’s past is revealed with this stow-away named “Timber.”
– Simon continues to make a mess of things with Kaylee while the woman from his past, Derona, continues to play her cards close to her chest.
– All this and a classic styled sci-fi plot device that’s just a whole lot more than anyone’s bargained for.
-An interview with a few of the actors in the series, and more outtakes too!

Download the episode at Sonic Society’s website, or just copy and paste this feed:

Let’s keep her flyin’!