Virtually Audio offers RealAudio streaming Audio Drama

SFFaudio Online Audio

Virtually is a website that offers streaming media samples of their for for-sale products, though it appears the Virtually Audio or some variation on it has been around for several years there is only one SFFaudio related show available there at the moment. A sample chapter of their Science Fiction “audio comic book” series Sectarian Wave is available in the aging RealAudio format. One hough they note there are other shows in the pipe including one called Darwin ‘s Law which they describe as “a X-Files Styled Western,” and Emily which is touted as “a futuristic adaptation of Charles Dicken’s, Oliver Twist.”

Sectarian WaveSectarian Wave
By Maninder Chana; Performed by a FULL CAST
Real Audio – [AUDIO DRAMA]
Started: July 2006
Status: Underway
For more information you can visit the official website.

Unfortunately there is no RSS feed or podcast for this site’s stuff. I’m very surprised that there are any sites still using RealAudio when it is so unfriendly to portable media players.

Launch Party for 7th Son, Book Two

SFFaudio Online Audio

7th SonThis just in from the Master of all things cloned, J.C. Hutchins:

Find the world of 7th Son … in-world

Six months ago, the 7th Son sci-fi podiobook trilogy began: Seven clones were ripped away from their “normal” lives to hunt a ruthless criminal — the man they were cloned from, the man who masterminded the assassination of the President … John Alpha.

Listeners met John, Father Thomas, Kilroy 2.0, Michael and the other Beta clones. They watched the conspiracy of John Alpha emerge. It was all a story, it wasn’t real.

But for one night … it will be.

On Saturday, Sept. 23, 7th Son fans can become a part of podcast history. They’ll enjoy an exclusive sneak peek of 7th Son, Book Two: Deceit. It’s the first-ever launch party for a podcast novel in the online community Second Life, and everyone’s invited. Folks can meet author J.C. Hutchins in-world, and listen to interviews about Book Two they won’t find anywhere else. Listeners will learn about the upcoming novel, and get hints of the plot twists to come. They’ll even get to hear the first chapter of Deceit days before it’s released as a podcast.

And they’ll see fiction given dimension. In-world, 7th Son fans can step into the memorable “Womb” cloning chamber from Book One: Descent, where the story’s heroes were born. Fans can see the clones. They can be a clone. It’s a new life, there in Second Life.

The party starts at 7 pm Second Life time (10pm EST, 7pm PST) on Saturday Sept. 23, at the Podcast Island. Podcast Island is the Second Life community of Podcast Pickle. As always, the 7th Son experience won’t cost you a dime — all you need is a Second Life account, available for free at

Fans joined the Descent. Now they can fight the Deceit. All are encouraged to visit Podcast Island at 7pm SL time on Sept. 23 to experience 7th Son for the first time … a second time.

7th Son, Book Two: Deceit debuts on Tuesday, Sept. 26th. The story will be available at and at

Second Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its residents. Since opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by more than 297,400 people from around the globe.

From the moment you enter the World you’ll discover a vast digital continent, teeming with people, entertainment, experiences and opportunity. Sign up at It’s free!

Podcast Island was created by Gary “P. Dilly” Leland, the founder and owner of the Podcast Pickle podcast directory. Everyone is welcome on Podcast Island; podcasters and listeners as well as those not yet familiar with podcasting. This island exists as as a meeting place and virtual directory dedicated to bringing podcasting into the virtual realm of Second Life.

How to get to Podcast Island:
When you enter Second Life, simply click on the Search button near the bottom of your screen and select the “Places” tab at the top. Then enter in “Podcast Island” for a search term. There will be a button on the results which will allow you to teleport directly to the island … and to the party.


For more informaton, please contact J.C. Hutchins at [email protected]. Visit for additional news about the 7th Son podiobook trilogy.

CBC Radio Podcast: Sounds Like Canada plugs Science Fiction Podcasts

Online Audio

CBC Radio's Sounds Like Canada Podcast Sounds Like Canada, CBC Radio One’s feature morning program has a podcast. The SLC’s “Digital Extra” features stories of what happens off the air. The latest podcast features three podcasters from the Podcasters Across Borders event that happened in June. Tim Campbell was one of the guests (his is a motorcycle podcast, The Twisted Wrist) but he gave a good plug for Science Fiction. Tim writes: “I listen to a lot of SF on podcasts, most notably Slice of SciFi and Escape Pod, and wanted to represent a little bit of the SF podcast world in the interview.”

Download the MP3 direct, or subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Dragon Page With Class interviews Matthew Wayne Selznick

Online Audio

Dragon Page With ClassLogoThe latest Dragon Page With Class podcast features an interview with the über-cool Matthew Wayne Selznick, author and narrator of the Brave Men Run podiobook and the upcopming Light Of The Outsider podcast novel. Click HERE to download Show #014 directly. Or subscribe to the show’s XML feed by pluggin this into your podcatcher software:

Parsec Award Winners

SFFaudio News

Parsec AwardsThis past weekend was DragonCon. From what I have heard, everyone had a bitchin’ time. Here are the winners of the first ever Parsec Awards, which you can even listen to in it’s entirety if you so choose!

Listen to the 2006 Awards here!

The Winners and Nominees of the 2006 Parsec Awards are:

Best Fiction (Short)

Absolution Insured
Variant Frequencies, Matt Wallace

Hero“, Escape Pod, Scott Sigler
Legacies“, Brief Glimpses of Somewhere Else, Daniel Emery
The Trouble with Death Traps“, Escape Pod, Daisy James
Truth Is“, The Seanachai, Patrick McLean

Best Fiction (Long)

How to Succeed in Evil
The Seanachai, Patrick McLean

7th Son: Descent, J.C. Hutchins
Brave Men Run, Matthew Wayne Selznick
Infection, Scott Sigler
Morevi: Chronicles of Rafe and Askana, Tee Morris and Lisa Lee
Nina Kimberly the Merciless, Christiana Ellis

Best Audio Production

Virgin Falls
Jeff Folchinsky

The Falcon Banner, Chris Snyder
The Future And You, Stephen Euin Cobb
The Seanachai, Patrick McLean
The Signal, Jill Arroway

Best Writing Podcast

The Secrets
Michael A. Stackpole

Holly Lisle On Writing, Holly Lisle
The Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy, Tee Morris

Best Audio Drama (Long)

The Stargate Café
Planet Retcon

Children of the Gods, Cmack
Dismay, Sean McMinn
The Falcon Banner, Chris Snyder
Mister Adventure, Rich Sigfrit

Best Audio Drama (Short)

The Radio Adventures of Dr. Floyd
Grant Baciocco, Doug Price

Decoder Ring Theatre“, Stephanie Bickford, Andrea Lyons and Gregg Taylor
Family Radio“, Sound Stages
The Hoff“, Planet Retcon

Best Fiction (Non-sepeculative)

Death of A Dish Washer
The Seanachai, Patrick McLean

Candy“, The Seanachai, Patrick McLean
The Great Puzzle“, Brief Glimpses of Somewhere Else, Daniel Emery
Outsourcing a Chicken“, The Seanachai, Patrick McLean
Port City P.D., Charles Stewart, Jr.

Best Fan Podcast

The Scapecast
Kevin Bachelder, Lindy Rae and crew

Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas, Summer Brooks, Joe Murphy, David Moldawer
PotterCast, John Noe and crew
Requiem of the Outcast, Rich Sigfrit and Earl Newton
The Signal, Jill Arroway, Les Howard and Kari Haley and crew

Best News Podcast

The Future And You
Stephen Euin Cobb

Geek4x4, John M. Campbell
Requiem of the Outcast, Rich Sigfrit, Earl Newton
Sci Fi News, Lynne Gryphon
The Warp Zone, Patrick Murphy & Chris Murphy with “Gaming Guru” Rusty

Congratulations to this year’s Winners & Nominees!

The Time Traveler Show # 6: More Philip K. Dick and J.C. Hutchins!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #6 is available for download now. The featured tale is another Philip K. Dick short story that has never before been adapted for audio. It’s called The Gun and is read by Michael Bekemeyer. It is a very early PKD short story, his second, and it is a parable for its age, 1952. The guest on the show is J.C. Hutchins, host of the Podiobooker podcast as well as the author of our recently reviewed 7th Son: Descent.

The Time Travler Show Podcast - The Gun by Philip K. DickThe Gun
By Philip K. Dick; Read by Michael Bekemeyer
1 Mp3 File – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcast: September 2006

A human spaceship encounters a strange planet that is giving off intense nuclear radiation. As the ship draws closer to the planet, the crew sees what appears to be a destroyed city and are shot at and forced to land. They find a strangely familiar tableau on the planet below.

To read the complete show notes for podcast #6 click HERE or download the show MP3 directly by clicking HERE.

To ensure you are the first to know of a new episode insert this feed into your podcatcher: