KAMN #19 Ninjas Meet In Lankhmar!

Online Audio

The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas LogoWatch your back, keep an eye out for fast moving shuriken and avoid deep shadows because… The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas podcast are invading Lankhmar!

KAMN #19: Ill Met In Lankhmar by Fritz Leiber
Here’s the description…

“The feature topic for this show is the 1970 fantasy novella, Ill Met inLankhmar by Fritz Leiber. While chronologically it isn’t the first story featuring Fafhrd and Grey Mouser (that one was “Two Sought Adventure”, published in 1939), it is the first story where they team up and work together. This story also won the Nebula Award in 1970 and the Hugo Award in 1971 for Best Novella.”

Download the MP3 HERE.

BBC Radio 4 has The Official PETER PAN Sequel

Online Audio

Online AudioRoy, our UK correspondent, states that a couple upcoming of shows coming to BBC Radio 4 should be of interest. Both items should be available via the usual ‘listen again’ facility for 7 days following broadcast too .The first, “The Saturday Play” on BBC Radio 4 this weekend…

Peter Pan In Scarlet
By Geraldine McCaughrean; Full Cast
90 Minutes – [AUDIO DRAMA]
BROADCAST: Saturday October 14th: 14:30-16:00 (UK TIME)
“A darker, more frightening, yet entirely sympathetic updating of Barrie’s vision of what it is to grow up”.
*This was the officially sanctioned sequel dramatised by Nick Warburton.

And on BBC 4’s “Afternoon Play”…

When It Rains
By ???; Full Cast
45 Minutes – [AUDIO DRAMA]
BROADCAST: Saturday October 20th: 14:15-15:00 (UK TIME)
“A ghost story from the age of steam”.

Roy says of the latter…. “[The] Radio Times seems to rate it very highly as ‘a genuinely chilling play.'”

posted by Jesse Willis

Dimension-X and X Minus 1 OTR available from the Internet Archive

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dimension X CD artDimension X and its successor, X Minus 1, produced some of the most popular and successful science fiction radio drama of the 1950s using classic stories by some of the most famous authors. These episodes are now available at the Internet Archive for download or streaming playback. Get the Dimension X episodes here and the X Minus 1 episodes here.

X Minus 1 CD artFind listener recommendations and cool CD cover art for these programs at The OTR Plot Spot.

Dimension X shows are in the public domain, but X Minus 1 episodes are released under the Creative Commons license.

posted by Moriond

More H.P. LOVECRAFT audiobooks for FREE

Online Audio

Voices In The DarkThe rediscovery of spoken literature, you gotta love it. Sean Puckett and Dawn Keenan do too. Sean said the idea for Voices In The Dark came to him suddenly one afternoon:

“…imagine when there was no HDTV, no radio, and entertainment was what you and your family did together, and not what you watched together. When the sun went down and everything was candle-lit, familes would gather together and play, sing and read.”

Their website name came soon after, and before they could catch their breath, the domain was registered. Dawn Keenan, says…

“My most precious memories of my father are from early childhood, when he would tell us stories and sing songs. Though I only became interested in his passion of Canadian history as an adult, I have had an especial love of folk tales and legends that reaches as far back as I can remember. In high school, I was complimented on my voice by several teachers. I read news at the campus radio station when I was in university and have enjoyed reading aloud and singing with my daughter and son from their earliest days.”

One minor annoyance, narrator Sean Puckett doesn’t always attribute the titles at the begining of the MP3s. But other than that how can I complain when they provide such wonderous materials as these…

The Shadow Over Innsmouth
By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
4 MP3 Files – 24 Minutes 20 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
|Chapter 1|Chapter 2|Chapter 3|Chapter 4|Chapter 5|
A young man on an architectural and historical tour of New England is drawn to the decaying port town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts.One of Lovecraft’s best loved novellas!

The Alchemist
By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 24 Minutes 20 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
The latest decendant of a long line of nobility confronts the six hundred year-old curse that has cut down his forefathers at the age of 32.

The Beast In The Cave
By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 17 Minutes 23 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
The narrator breaks away from his touring party in Mammoth Cave and becomes lost in the darkness.

By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 2 Minutes 25 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
The Genie that haunts the moonbeams asks the Daemon of the Valley a question.

The Music Of Erich Zann
By H. P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 19 Minutes 33 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
A brief tale of a college student, a lost street in Paris, and a bent, old violist.

The Outsider
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 16 Minutes 29 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
One of the shorter works … about which it is not wise to say too much.

The Rats In The Walls
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 43 Minutes 25 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
An American gentleman takes posession of his ancestral estate in Exham, and learns far more about his family’s past than he ever imagined.

The Street
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Sean Puckett
1 MP3 File – 14 Minutes 51 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
SOURCE: Voices In The Dark
Do things and places have a soul?

Other authors and stories of interest over on Voices In The Dark include:

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow
*I’ve added this one to our Cory Doctorow Author Focus listing.

The Case of Davidson’s Eyes by H. G. Wells

The Door in the Wall by H. G. Wells

The Empire of the Ants by H. G. Wells

The Flowering of the Strange Orchid by H. G. Wells

The Magic Shop by H. G. Wells

If you’re an aspiring author, narrator or storyteller the folks at Voices In The Dark invite you to contribute! Here‘s the contact info.

Two FREE Doctor Who audio adventures still online

Online Audio

Our U.K. correspondent, Roy, points out that “several interesting items are available free on the old BBC Cult website” and that the site has been “closed for some time now and is no longer supported by the BBC.” Among the items there are two audio Doctor Who adventures. Given that they may dispapear at any time click on over soon and enjoy…

Doctor Who: Real Time by Gary RussellDoctor Who: Real Time (A 6th Doctor Adventure)
By Gary Russell; Performed by a FULL CAST
25 Streaming Real Audio Files – Approx. 60 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA]

|EPISODE 1 Part 1|EPISODE 1 Part 2|EPISODE 1 Part 3|
|EPISODE 1 Part 4|EPISODE 1 part 5|EPISODE 2 Part 1|
|EPISODE 2 Part 2|EPISODE 2 Part 3|EPISODE 3 Part 1|
|EPISODE 3 Part 2|EPISODE 3 Part 3|EPISODE 3 Part 4|
|EPISODE 4 Part 1|EPISODE 4 Part 2|EPISODE 4 Part 3|
|EPISODE 4 Part 4|EPISODE 4 Part 5|EPISODE 5 Part 1|
|EPISODE 5 Part 2|EPISODE 5 Part 3|EPISODE 5 Part 4|
|EPISODE 6 Part 1|EPISODE 6 Part 2|EPISODE 6 Part 3|
|EPISODE 6 Part 4|

There has been a series of mysterious vanishings on the desert planet Chronos in the 33rd century. Survey teams working for a university seem to have simply vanished amongst the pyramids on the planet. Alongside two other survey teams and an expert on cybernetics, the Doctor and Evelyn learn the deadly truth: that the planet Chronos is being used as a base for one of the Doctor’s oldest and deadliest foes — the Cybermen.

An extended version of Doctor Who: Real Time was released on CD by Big Finish Productions. The additional scenes are designed to help the plot along, including an opening scene set inside the TARDIS. Buying it would probably make listening about 10 times easier.

Doctor Who: Shada by Douglas AdamsDoctor Who: Shada (An 8th Doctor Adventure)
By Douglas Adams (and Gary Russell); Performed by a FULL CAST
6 Streaming Real Audio Files – 150 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA]

In 2003, the BBC commissioned Big Finish Productions to remake Shada (a famously uncompleted Doctor Who adventure) as an audio play. The result was webcast in six episodic segments, accompanied by limited Flash animation, on the BBC website using illustrations provided by comic strip artist Lee Sullivan. The illustrations are still available, but I’ve seen them and find they don’t add to the story.

For an expanisve list of Doctor Who on audio check out THIS Wikipedia entry. For an even more complete listing check out THIS one!

Project Gutenberg has UNABRIDGED Robert Sheckley!

Online Audio

Great gods! Project Gutenberg has a complete reading of a Robert Sheckley novellete, Bad Medicine! This gem was first published under the Sheckley pseudonym “Finn O’Donnevan” appearing in Galaxy Magazine’s July 1956 issue. The name “Finn O’Donnevan” was used because Galaxy already had another short story in that same issue by Sheckley and the magazines worried about such things back then. Bad Medicine is a prototypical Sheckleyian story and that’s really saying something. The man wrote more than 400 stories in all! His work is tinged with dark, absurdist humor, and I enjoy the heck out of it. I don’t know who does this reading, but its good enough for FREE! You’ll love it…

Online Audiobook - Bad Medicine by Robert SheckleyBad Medicine
By Robert Sheckley; Read by ???
1 MP3 File – 35 Minutes 38 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Gutenberg.org
Published: 2005
“On May 2, 2103, Elwood Caswell walked rapidly down Broadway with a loaded revolver hidden in his coat pocket. He didn’t want to use the weapon, but feared he might anyhow. This was a justifiable assumption, for Caswell was a homicidal maniac.”