Pseudopod podcasts a Kevin J. Anderson story

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - PseudopodPseudopod has claimed its first name author with the podcast of Kevin J. Anderson‘s Redmond’s Private Screening. This story was originally published in the April 2001 issue of Realms Of Fantasy. After listening to it, before sleeping last night, it gave me nightmare! Count that as a recommendation.

It’s the nickelodeon era of early Hollywood, and amoral creeps like Redmond have already taken over the film business. And then as now, people will do anything to get their face in the movies. Redmond is approached by a Japanese family with a lucrative proposition: the chance to film an actual hara-kiri suicide by samurai sword. The greedy director unwisely ignores the conventional Japanese belief that “anyone who dies violently is certain to haunt those who caused him to suffer.” When Redmond screens his snuff film, he and the seedy audience are treated to a bit of bonus footage.

EP074: Redmond’s Private Screening
By Kevin J. Anderson; Read by Scott Sigler
Podcaster: Pseudopod
Podcast: November 24th 2006

Update on StarShipSofa – in case you missed our first rave.

SFFaudio Online Audio

Starship Sofa PodcastThe Starship Sofa podcast, the UK’s answer to The Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas, and hosts, Tony and Ciaran, have nearly caught up to the Ninjas in terms of show output. Starship Sofa just posted their 18th show, and the Ninjas are at show #21. In terms of awesomeness, they are neck and neck. Check out this list of shows!

Shows so far:

Show # 1: Classic Author: Alfred Bester |MP3|
Show # 2: Classic Author: John Brunner |MP3|
Show # 3: Classic Author: Algis Budrys |MP3|
Show # 4: Classic Author: Cordwainer Smith |MP3|
Show # 5: Classic Author: Stanislaw Lem |MP3|
Show # 6: Classic Film: Dark Star |MP3|
Show # 7: Classic Author: Philip K. Dick (Part 1) |MP3|
Show # 8: Classic Author: Philip K. Dick (Part 2) |MP3|
Show # 9: Classic Author: Philip K. Dick (Part 3) |MP3|
Show # 10: Classic Film: Capricorn One |MP3|
Show # 11: Classic Author: Henry Kuttner |MP3|
Show # 12: Classic Author: Robert Silverberg |MP3|
Show # 13: Classic Author: Joe Haldeman |MP3|
Show # 14: Classic Author: L. Ron Hubbard |MP3|
Show # 15: Classic Author: Harlan Ellison |MP3|
Show # 16: Classic Author: Douglas Adams (Part 1) |MP3|
Show # 17: Classic Author: Douglas Adams (Part 2) |MP3|
Show # 18: Classic Author: Robert Sheckley |MP3|

To subscribe to the podcast plug this feed into your podcatcher:

ITV Podcast interviews J.G. Ballard

SFFaudio Online Audio / Podcast

 ITV Podcast - The South Bank ShowThere is a fascinating interview with J.G. Ballard available from The South Bank Show. This is a show produced by ITV, the U.K.’s Independent Television Network. The programme is hosted by the always erudite Melvyn Bragg whom you may already know from his other podcast BBC Radio 4’s In Our Time.

Together, Bragg and Ballard’s discuss the creation of fiction, Ballards experiences as a medical student, his childhood growing up in a Japanese concetration camp and the particular importance of Science Fiction.

Ballard also talks about the influence of surrealism in his early novels, which all deal with natural catastrophes: The Drowned World, The Crystal World, The Drought.

Subscribe to the show via this feed: has Kafka’s The Metamorphosis

SFFaudio Online Audio

Alexander Wilson‘s podcast, The Spoken Alexandria Project, as well as his Tell Tale Weekly webstore, that helps fund it, both have a free unabridged reading of Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis!

Grab the three MP3 files |Part 1|Part 2|Part 3| or subscribe to the podcast via this feed and get the entire novella in one MP3 file:

Podcast Audio Book - The Metamorphosis by Franz KafkaThe Metamorphosis
By Franz Kafka; Translation by David Wyllie; Read by Alex Wilson
3 MP3 Files – Approx. 2 hours 15 minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: The Spoken Alexandria Project
Podcast: November 16, 2006
From 1915! This is one of the most famous novellas ever written. From 1915!

“One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.” So begins the classic existential tale about the traveling salesman who too late realizes what he’s become.

Charity Doctor Who Concert available from BBC Radio Wales

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio WalesDoctor Who fans take note! A concert of Murray Gold’s Dr Who Music (BBC National Orchestra), hosted by the present incumbent David Tennant, has just broadcast from the Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff. It appears to feature a number of interviews and Q&A sessions with David Tennant and Russell T. Davies plus a number of other related audio items. The concert runs about 2.5 hours and is available on BBC Radio Wales ‘listen again‘ service.

Thanks Roy!

Darker Projects has a new SUPERHERO Podcast Feedback: A Hero’s Calling

SFFaudio Online Audio

Darker Projects has a new show! Feedback: A Hero’s Calling

This, the first episode is the origin story!

Every morning, I wake up to a mechanical alarm clock, put on my dampening suit, and cross my fingers that the game I’m about to play is going to be the “right” one. If I don’t, two things happen. One, my feedback field remains active and I fry every electronic piece of equipment within 30 feet of me. And two, I will have no superpowers to save the world.

My name is Feedback, and these are my stories.

Before the explosion that infused my body with the feedback field, I was simply a computer scientist and a little out of touch with computer games. That’s where a remarkable group of people known as Tech Support comes in. They assess my missions, supply me with the games I need, monitor my progress and patch me up — because the greater the intensity at which I use the powers, the faster they dissipate.

What I haven’t told you is …if I use a game ability, I lose a memory. Every act of heroism that requires these powers is a conscious choice to lose part of who I am. Sometimes that isn’t easy to do.

But what other choice do I have?

The world needs a hero.

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