Beam Me Up podcast does Xmas Science Fiction

Online Audio

Podcast - Beam Me UpPaul Cole and his Rockland, ME based podcast called Beam Me Up have been posting some very interesting SF stories in the feed of late. These include readings of stories by Mark Long, Belinda Subermann, Shaun Saunders, James Patrick Kelly and Lloyd Biggle Jr.! The latest, is a cover story from the December 1984 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction magazine. It is of course, a Xmas story and by none other than Jack McDevitt!

Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction MagazineShow # 32 Part 3 of Promises To Keep by Jack McDevitt
Show # 31 Part 2 of Promises To Keep by Jack McDevitt
Show # 30 Part 1 of Promises To Keep by Jack McDevitt

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

WHYY declares Chanukah: A Time for Superheroes

Online Audio

WHYYHey you didn’t think we forgot about Chanukah did you? Nah, we got your Chanukah, we got it right here in a show that just aired on WHYY Radio (Wednesday, December 20th, 10 pm – 11 pm):

Chanukah a Time for Superheros illuminates the connection between ancient heroes and modern-day superheroes. Host Arye Gross begins with the Chanukah story of the Maccabees, the Hebrew band of brothers who fought against the religious repression of the Syrian-Greeks over 2000 years ago. This heroic tale has inspired comic book writers since pow, zap and bam first appeared in print and on the silver screen.Listeners enjoy insights from Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee and DC Comics’ Wil Eisner, who describe their humble origins and the backdrop of their Jewish experience that informed Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and Wonder Woman. Listeners also hear from filmmakers Sam Raimi (“Spiderman”) and Brian Singer (“X-Men,”) from Michael Chabon, the acclaimed author of “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay,” and they visit the studios of Art Spiegelman and the Hanouka brothers, cutting-edge graphic novelists.

“Chanukah: A Time for Superheroes” includes archival radio and movie clips, music and readings, all woven around the compelling tale of how the holiday evolved from a story of military victory to one of light and inspiration.

You can still listen! Head over to (a nonprofit web-based platform for digital distribution, review, and licensing of radio programs) where they’ve archived the 1 hour show! You’ll need to sign up to listen to the stream but sign-up is free and relatively painless.

Happy Chanukah!

The Zombie Astronaut XMAS ISSUE has Ellison and Dick

Online Audio

MP3 webzine - Zombie AstronautThe Zombie Astronaut, has a sackfull of crunchably delicious MP3s up for Xmas! Among the many tempting delectables are sweetmeats from the brains of two Science Fiction masters…

By Harlan Ellison; Read by John Sharian
Part 1 |MP3| & Part 2 |MP3|

We Can Remember It For You Wholesale
By Philip K. Dick; Read by William Hootkins
Part 1 |MP3| & Part 2 |MP3|

Destructomundo! How Do You Stop It?!!?

Online Audio

Destructomundo PodcastGreetings once again fellow vault-dwellers I have some terrible news.

That is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange aeons even death may die.

Yes, it is true, Destructomundo!, the podcast panel made up of Adam, Ted, Derek, and James, who would normally bring you advice on how to survive an “end of the world scenario” may have finally met a threat to the world that **GASP** cannot be survived! This due, to the Lovecraftian terror that nobody knows how to pronounce, and his eldritch friends. Cthulhu and his mythos are the latest topic on Destructomundo! Also listed are a cavalcade of slightly less dangerous scenarios…

Episode 024 Cthulhu |MP3|
Episode 023 Louisville Zombie Attack |MP3|
Episode 022 Anarchy |MP3|
Episode 021 Technopause |MP3|
Episode 029 Time Travel |MP3|
Episode 019b Supernatural Evil – Part 2 |MP3|
Episode 019a Supernatural Evil – Part 1 |MP3|
Episode 018 Dystopia |MP3|
Episode 017 Doppelgangers |MP3|
Episode 016 Mutants |MP3|
Episode 015 Rocks From Space |MP3|
Episode 014 Bunkers |MP3|
Episode 013 Post Apocalypses |MP3|
Episode 012 Dystopia |MP3|
Episode 011a/011b The Fourth Reich |MP3| & |MP3|
Episode 010a/010b Zombie Apocalypse |MP3| & |MP3|
Episode 009 The Antichrist |MP3|
Episode 008 The Last Man On Earth |MP3|
Episode 007 Doom Cults |MP3|
Episode 006 The Big List |MP3|
Episode 005 Science Run Amok |MP3|
Episode 004 Supervillians |MP3|
Episode 003 Aliens Attack! |MP3|
Episode 002 Rise of the Robots |MP3|
Episode 001 Road Warriors |MP3|

Be sure to only put these hardened MP3s into your “MIL-SPEC” iPod or MP3 player. Subscribe via this insanity inducing feed:

posted by Jesse Willis

Online Audio – We are having Robotz Company for Xmas

Online Audio

Podcast - Robotz Of The CompanyDream Realm Enterprises and Robotz Of The Company, present a yule-time show for your enjoyment. Not only is this show holiday related, it also features the voice of our very own Danielle Cutler!

“A familiar story retold for a future generation! It has action, adventure, intrigue and romance!”

Download the complete MP3!

And get a preview of Robotz Of The Company – Season 3 with this MP3 promo!

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Jim Baen’s Universe partners with a podcast

Podcast - The Future And YouJim Baen’s Universe, a bimonthly genre subscription webzine edited by Eric Flint and Mike Resnick, has “teamed-up” with the Parsec Award winning podcast The Future And You. This is a futurist related show hosted by “transhumanist”, “futurist” and SF author Stephen Euin Cobb. As a part of their agreement Euin Cobb is adding another 10 minutes of content to his podcast. This will be Jim Baen’s Universe created content and may include authors reading excerpts from their stories. In exchange Euin Cobb now has two columns in the JBU e-zine.

I like the guests and some of content on The Future and You but I find the format quite stiff. In the live interviews Euin Cobb comes off as a affable and interested, but during the news and commentary segments, which takes up a lot of the show, his reading is formal, like he’s reading a royal proclamation. This, coupled with the more than two hour long shows, makes me wish for a segmented prodcast or at the very least an “enhanced podcast” that would be set into segments. As it stands The Future And You podcasts come out regularly, on the 1st of each month in fact. The guests are varied and many are famous SF authors. Also included in the show is a segment in which Euin Cobb reads from his novel Bones Burnt Black.

You can try it out for yourself, subscribe to the podcast via this feed: