Scatterpod presents The Dead Light District

SFFaudio Online Audio

{Podcast / Scatterpod}Scatterpod is umbrella podcast of a variety of audio projects from the creative mind of Michael Bekemeyer. An ongoing genre-blurring serial (Horror, Fantasy and SF) called The Dead Light District is now up to episode 12. I recently ask Michael to tell me about the series. This is what he had to say:

At first ScatterPod was going to be a place for me to be able to do any kind of podcast I wanted to do. I opted for a podcast where I could experiment and try things to see if they worked for me, or if they would interest other people as well. So, that’s where the name came from, ScatterPod, like scatterbrained. You know, all over the place.

But out of the idea for trying new and different things, I decided to podcast some original fiction. So, then came The Dead Light District. I am a filmmaker and predominantly spend most of my time writing screenplays. But, sometimes the trek between film projects is a a lengthy one and I wanted to write smaller, more narrative type short stories, if anything, just to keep the writing muscle in shape. Sort of like a weekly writing assignment. It’s great bouncing ideas about with my wife, Michelle. She has some great input on the show.

What came out was like nothing I had ever written before and I turned out to be a lot of fun writing these dark speculative tales about this sad place where strange and unexplainable things always seem to happen. I started out with what eventually became Chapter 1 and went from there. After a couple chapters, I had season one pretty much mapped out and am starting to map out season two right now. I try to make the presentation of the chapters a little more experimental as well. I don’t like doing the same thing over and over and over again. So, I started out fixing that by having some guest readers from podcasts I admire and from friends of mine that I thought might have an interesting spin on the a chapter. I’m still planning some of those, but mostly the chapters will be in my voice.

Overall ScatterPod and The Dead Light District are extremely satisfying to create and produce and we hope that people are having as much fun listening to them as we are working on them.

You can subscribe to the Scatterpod and The Dead Light District by pasting this line in your favorite podcatching device:

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Jack Mangan interviews John Shirley

SFFaudio Online Audio

Online Audio - Jack Mangan's Deadpan PodcastJack Mangan’s cult variety show Jack Mangan’s Deadpan has a two-podcast spanning interview with Speculative Fiction author John Shirley. Shirley’s latest novel The Other End gets discussed. The idea of which is Shirley’s fictional indcitment of the seemingly endless Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins Left Behind series. Tune in for the interview, stay for the deadpan.

Download Part 1 |MP3| and Part 2 |MP3| (Podcasts number 41 and 42) to hear the complete interview.

Subscribe, and stay hip, with this feed:

The Time Traveler Show #12 Spawning Ground by Lester del Rey

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - The Time Traveler ShowThe Time Traveler Show podcast #12 is up and ready for download. It features an author who we’re going to be hearing a lot of fiction from over the coming months, namely SFWA grand master Lester del Rey. The story is called Spawning Ground, it first appeared in the pages of “If” magazine (the September 1961 issue).

del Rey started near the beginning, in the pulp magazines during the 1930s. Along with Robert A. Heinlein, he pioneered the “juvenile” novels that became so popular in the 1950s and 1960s. His name is probably best known because of his own SF imprint at Ballantine, del Rey Books.

The Time Traveler Show’s reading is by the English narrator (he’s an author and podcaster too) Paul S. Jenkins. Check out this gorgeous art that goes with it!

The Time Traveler Show Podcast - Spawning Ground by Lester del Rey
To read the complete show notes for podcast #11 click HERE or download the show MP3 directly by clicking HERE.

To keep the show automatically downloading, subscribe to the podcast feed:

Prisoners Of Gravity, the best damn TV show ever: Have a listen

Online Audio

Online AudioIf you like Science Fiction and you haven’t managed to catch a single episode of Prisoners Of Gravity, I pity you. I really do. The show was awesome. It was produced between 1989 and 1994 for TV Ontario (and syndicated sporadically across North America) – each episode was like an extended blog entry (before there was such a thing). The topics, each episode only had one, focused on a particular theme found in Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and comic books.

The bulk of an individual show would be just ‘talking heads’ – it was an interview format show with multiple celebrity guests of the best kind, mostly SF&F authors. Each guest would talk about the subject at hand with the interviews having been done at conventions, bookstores and the like – but I can’t stress enough just how each show was so narrowly focused on a specific theme in Speculative Fiction. Here’s just a few of the episodes subjects:

Alternate Histories, Religion, War, Dreams, Watchmen (yup a whole show on the Alan Moore comic series), Cyberpunk, World-Building, Death, Vampires, Dinosaurs, Metamorphosis, Mars and many more.

What made the show so endearing, besides the absolutely stunningly cool content, was the unrelentingly geek-o-serious production. The show’s host, played by comedian Rick Green, was supposed to be a frustrated über-geek named Commander Rick, who had, prior to the show starting, fled the earth in his homemade rocket (packed ful of books and comics). Unforunately for the Commander, he crashed into a television satellite, from which he now broadcasts his show. His only companion there is Nan-Cy, the sardonic artificial intelligent computer system that keeps Rick alive and relatively sane.

If this shows sounds interesting, or you’re feeling nostalgic, click on over to my good friend Rachelle Shelkey’s fansite, Signal Loss, and have a peek around. No official DVDs are available, but there’s a message board and episode trading might be doable now with the promulgation of cheap DVD-Rs. I myself am sending Rachelle my entire collection of VHS tape, in the hopes I will be getting some episodes I’ve never seen before. If you have some episodes contact Rachelle! If we can get enough people interested maybe we can get a complete series run!

Now for the audio|MP3|. It is the first 5 minutes from an episode of Prisoners Of Gravity on the subject of Science Fiction Fandom. Enjoy!

posted by Jesse Willis

SFFaudio’s Challenge: The Cosmic Computer by H. Beam Piper

SFFaudio Online Audio

Meta SFFaudio - SFFaudio Contest - Make audiobook win an audiobookI am extremely pleased to announce that…

Mark Nelson, the narrator of our 1st place entry in our “Make An Audiobook, Win An Audiobook Challenge” has also scored 3rd place!

Late Monday evening I received an email from Mark with a link to his reading of The Cosmic Computer by H. Beam Piper. This exahusts the three original awards I allotted for the the challenge. I didn’t expect to have this happen – heck, I wasn’t even sure that I’d even get a single taker for the challenge, let alone have three finished novels within the space of 2 months. Boy, was I ever wrong! And I couldn’t be more pleased about it.

This challenge has yielded 3 complete and unabridged Science Fiction audiobooks from the public domain. Because of this I am determined to cook up another challenge list.

In the meantime, be sure to check out this brand new audiobook that will be a boon to audiobook readers of the Science Fiction persuasion…

Librivox Audiobook - The Cosmic Computer by H. Beam PiperThe Cosmic Computer
By H. Beam Piper; Read by Mark Nelson
11 MP3s or 11 OGG Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Published: COMPLETED January 15th 2006
Conn Maxwell returns from Terra to his poverty-stricken home planet of Poictesme, “The Junkyard Planet”, with news of the possible location of Merlin, a military super-computer rumored to have been abandoned there after the last war. The inhabitants hope to find Merlin, which they think will be their ticket to wealth and prosperity. But is Merlin real, or just an old rumor? And if they find it will it save them, or tear them apart?

Congratulations again Mark and thanks!

BBC Radio 4 has Poe and Kafka

Online Audio

Online AudioRoy, our UK correspondent, points out that BBC Radio 4 has two classic genre tales, the latter of which is read by Fawlty Towers‘ own Andrew Sachs – you remember him que?

The Pit And The Pendulum
By Edgar Allan Poe; Read by David Horovitch
1 reading – 15 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4
Broadcast: Monday 15th January (15 mins).
Look for it on ‘Listen Again’ under Afternoon Reading.
David Horovitch reads Edgar Allen Poe’s spine-chilling tale of torture
Use the Afternoon Reading “listen again” service to hear the story.

By Franz Kafka; Read by Andrew Sachs
Five 15 Minute readings – [UNABRIDGED]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4
Broadcast: Monday 15 – Friday 19 January 2007
Gregor Samsa awakes one morning to find himself transformed into a giant insect. The horrified reactions of his employer and his family have made this haunting parable on the human reaction to suffering into one of Kafka’s most famous and best loved works.
Use the Book At Bedtime “listen again” service to catch the entire reading.

posted by Jesse Willis