FREE Elizabeth Bear audio fiction from Subterranean Press!

SFFaudio Online Audio

Subterranean PressSubterranean Press, which produces the “Subterranean Online” magazine, has just released their Summer 2007 issue, and is offering another free audiobook, this one from the issue’s primary focus SF author Elizabeth Bear! This audiobook is read by the talented narrator, and SFFaudio’s very own, Mary Robinette Kowal! Wax is the second standalone tale in Bear’s new mosaic novel New Amsterdam.

Subterranean Press - Wax by Elizabeth BearWax
By Elizabeth Bear; Read by Mary Robinette Kowal
7 MP3s – Approx. 1 Hours 14 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Subterranean Press
Published: May 2007
|MP3 Chapter 1|MP3 Chapter 2|MP3 Chapter 3|
|MP3 Chapter 4|MP3 Chapter 5|MP3 Chapter 6|
|MP3 Chapter 7|
Abigail Irene Garrett drinks too much. She makes scandalous liaisons with inappropriate men, and if in her youth she was a famous beauty, now she is both formidable–and notorious. She is a forensic sorceress, and a dedicated officer of a Crown that does not deserve her loyalty. She has nothing, but obligations. Sebastien de Ulloa is the oldest creature she has ever known. He was no longer young at the Christian millennium, and that was nine hundred years ago. He has forgotten his birth-name, his birth-place, and even the year in which he was born, if he ever knew it. But he still remembers the woman who made him immortal. He has everything, but a reason to live. In a world where the sun never set on the British Empire, where Holland finally ceded New Amsterdam to the English only during the Napoleonic wars, and where the expansion of the American colonies was halted by the war magic of the Iroquois, they are exiles in the new world–and its only hope for justice.

BBC4 Afternoon Play The Veldt by Ray Bradbury

SFFaudio Online Audio

Just a reminder, the BBC 4 Afternoon Play that just aired is still available through the “Listen Again” service. Of it, one listener writes: “I was riveted by today’s drama, The Veldt. Truly chilling and a brilliant evocation of a whole, troubling yet thoroghly (SIC) engaging environment. Radio drama at it’s best.” I’m listening to it now. I have to agree, sounds great so far!

Online AudioAfternoon Play: The Veldt
By Ray Bradbury; Performed by a Full Cast
1 Broadcast – Approx. 45 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4
Broadcast: Tuesday 22nd May -14:15-15:00 (U.K. Time)
“An updated version of a classic SF story by Ray Bradbury, adapted from the stage play by Mike Walker, about a playroom that becomes a beguiling tempter, drawing two young children into secret, deadly adventures”

This is available via the Radio 4 Afternoon PlayListen Again” service for 7 days following the broadcast.

posted by Jesse Willis

The L.A. Times Fesitval Of Books

SFFaudio Online Audio

L.A. Times Festival Of BooksThe L.A. Times Festival Of Books had a panel that SF author Cory Doctorow got permission to post as an MP3. It’s called “Science Fiction: The Road From Here to There.” The panel featured John Scalzi, Cory Doctorow and Kage Baker and Harry Turtledove. Snag the entire |MP3|. If this panel piques your interest browse through the previous Festival Of Books catalogues. I’ve selected a number of SF & Fantasy related recordings and detailed them below. Item numbers are in either square brackets “[]” to indicate cassette only options, numbers with round brackets “()” indicate a CD edition.

2006 PDF Catalogue:
(1064) Young Adult Fantasy Writing
(2092) Fantasy & Time Travel

2005 PDF Catalogue:
(1061) Science Fiction – Worlds Of The Future

2004 PDF Catalogue:
(1136) William Gibson (A Barnes & Noble Stage Presentation)
(2033) William Gibson & Bruce Wagner
(2074) Clive Barker & Brien Lopez
[2111] Fables & Fantasies
(2132) Dean Koontz (A Barnes & Noble Stage Presentation)
(2133) Neal Stephenson (A Barnes & Noble Stage Presentation)

2002 Catlaogue:
[1112] Utopias, Hysterics and the Great Con
[2021] Science Fiction Writing

2001 Catalogue:

[1121] The Face of the Frantastic: Fantasy Writing

2000 Catalogue:
[1061] Terry Brooks
[1082] Michael Crichton
[2082] Ray Bradbury
[1013] Clive Barker
[2063] Harlan Ellison
[2064] Ursula Le Guin
[2082] Ray Bradbury

posted by Jesse Willis

Book Lust podcast delivers Connie Willis & Guy Gavriel Kay

SFFaudio Online Audio

Book LustThe Book Lust podcast has two half-hour interviews you’ll want to hear. with SF writer Connie Willis and Fantasy author Guy Gavriel Kay. Connie talks about her novels, Doomsday Book, Bellwether, her first story Firewatch and the origins of her love of Science Fiction and lots more. Guy talks about his Fionavar Tapestry, his latest novel, his involvement with editing J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion and the nature of High Fantasy fiction. These are two terrific interviews conducted by a real fan of the two authors.

Connie Willis interview |MP3|
Guy Gavriel Kay interview|MP3|

You can subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

posted by Jesse Willis

SFFaudio in Salt Lake City, Utah May 2th – 27th 2007

SFFaudio News

CONduit XVIICONduit is an annual general interest Science Fiction and Fantasy convention held every May in Salt Lake City, Utah. Conduit 17 (called “Shadows Of Conduit”) runs this year between May 25th and 27th. We’ll be there, represented by our resident Web Kzin, SFFaudio co-founder, and professional SF author Scott D. Danielson.

If you’re going to be there too, look for Scott at one or all of these panels:

Friday, 3:00PM Podcasts: SF On The Web
Panel: Pam Oberg, Scott Danielson
Imagine listening to your favorite authors, artists, actors, and professionals talk about their work while you are at work or driving to work. Imagine listening to a convention panel, a decades-old radio interview, or a group of fans raving about the latest games while you
clean, jog, or mow the lawn. Enter the brave new world of podcasts. Our panelists discuss what podcasts are, where to find them, what to expect, and will even peer into the shadowy realm of iTunes voodoo.

Friday, 4:00PM The Viability Of Artificial Intelligence
Panel: Eric Swedin, James Brown, Scott Danielson (M), Eric James Stone
Research into artificial intelligence has been criticized for not advancing at the same rate as much of computing. Some have theorized that this is because we are simply incapable of creating intelligence — at least in the way we understand it. Will we ever see a Neuromancer?

Saturday, 11:00AM Take Me To Your Leader
Panel: James Brown, Scott Danielson, Eric James Stone (M), Ann Sharp
The Aliens Have Landed! Now what? Let’s have fun talking about what
impact the alien invasion (or a friendly visit) would realistically have on Earth. And what WOULD an alien really say at first contact?

Sunday, 10:00AM The Movies Of M. Night Shyamalan
Panel: Eric Swedin, Scott Danielson, Janus Daniels
The Sixth Sense. Unbreakable. Signs. The Village. Lady in the Water. M. Night Shyamalan has been hailed as the next Alfred Hitchcock. Is that accurate? Will he be able to keep the freshness of his directorial vision or is he destined to be just another Hollywood director? What are the themes that frequent his work? We discuss this intriguing newcomer to the movie scene.