BBC7 wants us to: Understand

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionBBC7’s the 7th Dimension is re-airing one of my favorite’s from their archives. A terrific story, an unabridged reading of Ted Chiang‘s novelette Understand. It follows in the tradition of Daniel Keyes’ Flowers For Algernon and was first published in “Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine” in 1991. This production has been previously broadcast on BBC7 a few times. If you haven’t already heard it, have a listen, you won’t be sorry.

Understand by Ted ChiangUnderstand
By Ted Chiang; Read by Rashan Stone
4 half-hour segments – Approx. 2 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
BROADCASTER: BBC Radio 7 / The 7th Dimension
AIRING: Weekdays from July 17th to July 20th 2007
Leon is a former coma victim, who has gone experimental medical treatment to repair the massive trauma his brain recieved after he was trapped under ice for more than an hour. He’s regained consciousness, found he has all of his faculties back and a whole lot more.

All four parts will be available via the Listen Again service for six days after each broadcast.

Jesse Willis

7th Son Book Three Premieres Saturday

SFFaudio Online Audio

J.C. Hutchins' 7th Son Book 3JC Hutchins is one big tease. The entire month of June podcasters
all over the internet world played their interviews with the man (this podcaster included) to help promote the third book release. I listened to several of them, and it was tons of fun. I loved all the different perspectives all of the different shows came from, based on what their shows are about. I swear, if you want to become a total JC Hutchins expert (or perhaps a stalker), here is a list of just a few of the podcasts he’s had interviews with:

Barely Podcasting (in 4 parts, then will put up the entire interview)
Strangely Literal
Tag in the Seam
Tvindy Time
Love Long and Prosper
The Sci Phi Show
Update: Muse With Me
Update: The Gigcast
Update: Better Late Than Never
Update: Murder at Avedon Hill
Update: Sonic Society
Update: Survival Guide to Writing Fantasy

This was just off the top of my head. If you did an interview and want it listed- let me know and I’d be more than happy to add it!

What’s next on this big tease leading up to the premiere of Book Three? Well, today episode Zero was posted! What is Episode Zero? Why, The Story So Far!

Tomorrow (Thursday) JC is having a Clone Line Q&A chat, and rumor has it that anyone who joins in for the chat will get a very special bonus… Friday is the big launch party in Second Life, then holy MOLY Saturday is the day!

Update: Chapter’s One and Two are out, and trust me, it does not disappoint! JC has also put up the entire audio from the Clone Line Q&A up in his podcast feed. Hours of fanatical 7th Son listening awaits!

If you have not subscribed to the 7th Son Novel yet, all you have to do is paste this feed into your podcatcher:

You can also get Book 1:Descent and Book 2: Deceit separately through It’s also a perfect route to take if you just want straight story, with no extra-podcast frills and chat.

BBC7 celebrates Robert A. Heinlein Centenary with audio fiction

Online Audio

BBC 7's The 7th DimensionIn honour of the 100th anniversary of Robert A. Heinlein’s birth, BBC7’s The Seventh Dimension is airing a special series of Heinlein stories. The first of which aired this last Saturday. First up was The Green Hills Of Earth, a Heinlein story he partially credited to a line from C. L. Moore and her story Shambleau (which also aired this year on BBC7). The Green Hills Of Earth is also one story with a distinction few others could possibly equal, it was quoted to listeners on the Moon – namely the crew of Apollo 15! Next Saturday the Heinlein Centenary celebration continues with Ordeal In Space. And, all this week, BBC7 is airing Methuselah’s Children. You can have a listen to The Green Hills Of Earth now, and for the next few days, via the Listen Again service. Same goes for the first episode of Methuselah’s Children. More details below..

The Cool Green Hills Of Earth by Robert A. HeinleinThe Green Hills Of Earth
By Robert A. Heinlein; Read by Adam Sims
1 Broadcast – Approx. 30 Minutes [UNABRIDGED?]
BROADCASTER: BBC7’s The 7th Dimension
BROADCAST: Saturday July 7th 2007
This is the poignant story of Rhysling, the blind space-going songwriter whose poetic skills rival Rudyard Kipling’s. This yarn is about a radiation-blinded spaceship engineer crisscrossing the solar system writing and singing some of the best lyrics in science fiction. In a fine display of writing skill, the spaceship and crew feel as real to the reader as a contemporary tramp steamer.

Science Fiction Methuselah's Children by Robert A. HeinleinMethuselah’s Children
By Robert A. Heinlein; Read by Paul Birchard
6 Parts, Six 30-Minute Broadcasts – Approx. 3 Hours [ABRIDGED]
BROADCASTER: BBC7’s The 7th Dimension
BROADCAST: Weekdays July 2007 to July 16th 2007
Robert A Heinlein’s sci-fi novel about a group of families who can live for several hundred years.

Jesse Willis

Hour 25’s semi-annual "weekly show" airs Jim Butcher interview

SFFaudio Online Audio

Hour 25Hour 25 has a new show! Martin has written in to say…

“Holy crap! I just noticed that Hour 25 finally posted a new show. It’s been nearly a half year since their last interview with Laurell K. Hamilton. Warren James evidently is a very busy man — his ‘weekly’ show has turned into a semi-annual program, but I’m glad it’s not completely extinct! Thought I’d let you know in case you want to announce it to the world. Long live Hour 25.”

We do, consider it announced Martin. I completely agree with your sentiments. Six months is far too long between shows. Go have a visit to the H25 website and listen to the new interview with Jim Butcher.

LibriVox: Tales Of Terror And Mystery by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

SFFaudio Online Audio

With Halloween still months away its kind of surprising to see this collection of short stories available now. But just think, with 12 complete short stories you could listen to just one a week and it’d be Halloween soon enough. I’m not a very big fan of multiple readers serially recording a chapter or two at a time, but that isn’t the case here, this is a short story collection, each individual story has just one reader, which is perfect!

LibriVox audiobook - Tales of Terror and Mystery by Sir Arthur Conan DoyleTales Of Terror And Mystery
By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Read by various readers
12 zipped MP3 Files or podcast – 7 Hours 40 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: July 1, 2007
“Though Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is best known for his detective stories, he also wrote other short stories which are masterpieces of mystery and suspense. In some of the stories in Tales of Terror and Mystery, a suppressed uneasiness gradually builds up and evolves into sheer terror. In others, the story line unexpectedly changes and comes to a horrific conclusion. Sit back in the comfort of your armchair and let yourself be transported to the strange but compelling world created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.”

Podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis