Public Domain Poul Anderson tale audiobooked, podcast

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Maria Lectrix podcast and its prolific narrator, Maureen O’Brien, have just completed a recording of a novelette by Poul Anderson. The story was first (and last) published in the February 1953 issue of “Space Science Fiction” magazine. Here’s what Maureen has to say about her podcasting of this tale:

“The late Poul Anderson was a writer of infinite variety, whom I defy you to define. He was also a true gentleman of the old school, as I learned on the single occasion when I got to meet him and eat dinner with him (the con committee hath its perks!). I regard it as an honor to host this tale and adapt it to audio.”

Security by Poul AndersonSecurity
By Poul Anderson; Read by Maureen O’Brien
5 MP3s – 92 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Maria Lectrix
Podcast: August 2007
Security introduces us to a mild-mannered scientist with a high clearance, living in what we gradually realize is a very unpleasant future.”

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3| Part 4 |MP3| Part 5 |MP3|

Check out the Maria Lectrix all Science Fiction podcast feed:

Norman Spinrad Audio Drama COMPLETED and DOWNLOADABLE

SFFaudio Update

Norman Spinrad's Voice OverBroken Sea Audio ProductionsTwo months ago we told you about an unproduced Norman Spinrad, audio drama that was written for Omni magazine, and that was languishing unrecorded. Broken Sea contacted Spinrad and secured the okay for go-ahead. Mark Kalita and the good folks at Broken Sea Audio Productions have now COMPLETED it. Reportedly, Spinrad has given the dramatization a thumb’s up and it is available for listening…

Voice Over by Norman SpinradVoice Over
By Norman Spinrad; Featuring a full cast
Publisher: Broken Sea
Published: August 2007
Talk radio shows are always a source of interesting characters, sometimes originating from the most unexpected places. But amiable, unflappable talk show host Bobby Edwards gets more than he bargains for when his airwaves are suddenly hijacked by a strange cast of callers from beyond the stars.

Featuring the vocal talents of:

Mark Kalita as Bobby Edwards
Elie Hirschman as: The Announcer, Debbie, Caller #3, Electronic Voice, Daffy Duck, JFK, Groucho Marx & Ma Bell
Chip Joel as: Mr. Spock, Porky Pig, Rod Serling, Orson Welles & Bert Parks
Doug Manllen as: Caller #2 & The Director

Directed by Mark Kalita
Post-production by Paul Mannering
Music by Scott Shannon –

Radio Drama Revival revives radio drama and podcasts Afterhell

Online Audio

Radio Drama RevivalRadio Drama Revival is a weekly podcast that also airs as a radio show on Thursdays, between 1pm and 1:30PM EST in Portland, Maine. The WMPG proram is produced by Frederick Greenhalgh of FinalRune Productions, but Fred also has many guest on the show including audio dramatist Joe Medina of the Afterhell horror series. A recent show featured a revealing interview with Joe and a complete episode of Afterhell episode from series 2. Here’s that |MP3|.

Fantasy Audio Drama - The Last Harbinger by Roger GreggCurrently being podcast is the complete run of Crazy Dog Audio Theatre‘s The Last Harbinger, a show you won’t want to miss (read our glowing review of it HERE).

Here are all three parts released so far:

Part 1 |MP3|
Part 2 |MP3|
Part 3 |MP3|

More will come in the weeks ahead, as well as an interview with Roger Gregg, the writer, producer, actor, and Crazy Dog who’s responsible for The Last Harbinger.

Keep radio drama revived by subscribing to the podcast’s feed:

The reason why Harlan Ellison hates interviews…

Online Audio

CITRSince we’re on the subject of Harlan Ellison, did you know he hates giving interviews? Here’s another reasons why:

A vintage 1992 (and bizarre) CITR (Vancouver, BC) radio interview with Harlan Ellison. Poor Harlan, he’s not even normally a fan of interviews and having him interviewed by Nardwuar the Human Serviette (along with A.O. Trapman), perhaps the strangest person in British Columbia makes for some serious strangeness. We’re not talking Rufus Polson (AKA Purple Library Guy @ SFU) strange, we’re talking many more degrees of magnitude strange. Of course, there’s not much SF content in the interview but certainly there are some questions asked of Harlan here you’ll not hear asked, or answered, anywhere else |MP3| or |REALAUDIO|. You can read more on the controversy of this particular interview right HERE.

Jesse Willis

AUDIBLE Sponsored Conversation with Orson Scott Card, Stefan Rudnicki and Ben Bova

Online Audio has posted a new FREE audio interview/conversation between audiobook narrator Stefan Rudnicki and SF authors Orson Scott Card and Ben Bova. The talk is predominately about the role and value of audiobooks in the greater reading environment. Also covered is Card’s love of audiobooks (he’s a big big fan), Bova’s role in the creation of the Ender franchise and place of religion is science and Science Fiction. You can get the audio for it right HERE (but of course you’ll need to have an audible account).

Audible also tells us that: “Bova’s new book, The Aftermath (Book Four of The Asteroid Wars), is now available in audio at Audible.” That’s one of the many titles produced by Rudnicki for Audio Renaissance. OSC’s next “Ender” novel, A War of Gifts, will be released through Audio Renaissance and Audble October 30th 2007.

LibriVox: The Lair Of The White Worm by Bram Stoker

SFFaudio Online Audio

A new LibriVox title from the author of Dracula! I first encountered this strange tale while watching British television in the early 1990s – it was a very odd movie aired one afternoon – the film both fascinated and repelled. I’ve seen it a few times since then, and have appreciated its curious oddness more and more. Its almost magical in that respect. I haven’t read the book, nor listened to the audiobook (yet) but am pretty much convinced that the film will be absolutely nothing like the book. Many thanks should go to Betsie Bush for narrating the whole novel all on her own. Thanks so much Betsie!

LibriVox audiobook - The Lair Of The White Worm by Bram StokerThe Lair Of The White Worm
By Bram Stoker; Read by Betsie Bush
28 zipped MP3 Files or podcast – 5 Hours 48 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: July 30th 2007
Adam Salton is contacted by his great uncle in England, for the purpose of establishing a relationship between these last two members of the family. Adam travels to Richard Salton’s house in Mercia, and quickly finds himself in the center of some inexplicable occurrences. The new heir to the Caswall estate, Edgar Caswall appears to be making some sort of a mesmeric assault on a local girl. And, a local lady, Arabella March, seems to be running a game of her own, perhaps angling to become Mrs. Caswall. There is something strange about Lady March, something inexplicable and evil.

Get the entire novel in podcast form, via this handy url:

Two illustrations of the Lambton worm:

Lambton Worm - illustrator unknown

Lambton Worm - Illustration from More English Fairy Tales