Several Interviews at The Agony Column


Agony ColumnRick Kleffel of The Agony Column has a couple of interesting interviews:

Charles Stross and his latest book, Halting State: MP3 |Part 1| |Part 2|

Jeremy Lassen of Nightshade Books and the best books of 2007: MP3 |Part 1| |Part 2|

Posted by Charles Tan

Guardian Book Club Podcast: Philip Pullman


The Guardian Unlimited Books PodcastOn December 21, 2007, the Guardian Unlimited‘s book club featured Philip Pullman as the author talked about His Dark Materials trilogy and discussed topics like Milton and morality. Get the |MP3| here. Subscribe to the podcast feed for it via this url:,,329524190,00.xml

Posted by Charles Tan

Jay Lake Podcast: Foolscap IX Panel on Workshops

Online Audio

Jay Lake Reads… Lakeshore podcastOver at Lakeshore, Jay Lake along with other writers Kate Schaefer, Edd Vick, and Kara Dalkey hosts a panel for Foolscap IX in which they talk about how workshops have had an impact on them and how it may or may not help writers. Here’s the |MP3|

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

Blake’s 7 on BBC 7


Blake’s 7 on BBC7’s The 7th Dimension

The second one hour show of the new Blake’s 7 audio drama series has just aired!

Comments about Blake’s 7 audio drama…

“Its great that Blake’s Seven is back on the BBC. Hearing the stories as one hour blocks rather than 5 min bits is so much better!” -Kally_1978

“Very well done BBC7 for this purchase from sci-fi. And for broadcasting it in substantial one hour chunks. Thoroughly enjoyed the first episode. A very neat ‘reimagining’ (horrible word)of the origin tale. Looking forward to the next chapter.” -rosewizard

“I have to say, I was impressed. It’s played straight – none of the tongue-in-cheek nonsense that spoils so much science fiction. And I was delighted that there was some effort at scientific accuracy. The space travel element is well worked out, they don’t assume that all spaceships have artificial gravity…” -Blue_Biro

And these folks are dead-on, this show is super slick. The program shines in the 1 hour format. If you were a fan of the original tv series you’ll absolutely love this re-imagining. I hope these adventures continue past just these three shows.

Posted by Jesse Willis

ABC RN Book Show talks to Michael Chabon

Online Audio

ABC Radio NationalABC Radio National’s The Book Show had a fun interview with Michael Chabon back in early December, it’s no longer listed on the ABC site but the 38 minute file is still on the server. Host Ramona Koval talked with Chabon about his Mythopoeic Award winning novel Summerland, his new book, Gentlemen Of The Road – The Tale Of Adventure, his older “adult” novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay and they even talk about his alternate history mystery The Yiddish Policeman’s Union. Get the |MP3|. Its a very rousing listen.

The Time Traveler Show – Harry Harrison’s The Velvet Glove

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Time Traveler Show PodcastHankering for vintage SF? The best way, travel back in time to the mid 1950s and pick through an overflowing newstand full of pulp goodness. Or, just let The Time Traveler Show do it for you. The latest show does just that with Michael Bekemeyer, from Scatterpod podcast, reading Harry Harrison’s The Velvet Glove – it first appeared in the November 1956 issue of Fantastic Universe!

The Time Traveler Show #22 - Harry Harrison’s The Velvet GloveThe Velvet Glove
By Harry Harrison; Read by Michael Bekemeyer
1 |MP3| – Approx. 1 Hour [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: The Time Traveler Show
Podcast: December 28th 2007

Have a listen through the link above or give it a bit and get it through The Time Traveler Show podcast feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis