H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Out Of Time

SFFaudio Online Audio

Uvula AudioIn June 1936 Astounding Science Fiction magazine published H.P. Lovecraft’s The Shadow Out Of Time a short story that is the “single greatest achievement in fiction” (according to Lovecraft propagandist Lin Carter). Carter called it “amazing [in] scope and [with a] sense of cosmic immensitude” and that’s no small praise. Have a listen to it and judge for yourself. Let “the gulfs of time” open and, submit to “the titanic sweep of the narrative.” Embrace the adjectives! This story has a massive wikipedia entry all of its own.

The Shadow Out Of Time by H.P. LovecraftThe Shadow Out Of Time
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Jim Campanella
Publisher: Uvula Audio
Published: July/August 2007
The story indirectly tells of The Great Race of The Yith, an extraterrestrial species with the ability to travel through space and time. The Yithians accomplish this by switching bodies with hosts from the intended spacial or temporal destination. The story implies that the effect when seen from the outside is similar to demonic or spiritual possession. The story is told through the eyes of Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee, an economics professor from Miskatonic University who is “possessed” by a Yithian. Peaslee fears he is losing his mind when he unaccountably sees strange vistas of other worlds and the Yithian library city. However, while he was experiencing a Yithian existence in earth’s ancient past, the Yithian occupying his body was experiencing a human one in the present day. But that was only the beginning of the horror…

Part 1 |MP3| Part 2 |MP3| Part 3 |MP3| Part 4 |MP3| Part 5 |MP3|

Here’s the podcast feed for Uvula Audio:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Broken Sea has Doctor Who and Metropolis

SFFaudio Online Audio

Broken Sea AudioBroken Sea Audio Productions is known for its full-cast, sound effect and music laden audio dramas – but as we’ve seen with the Robert E. Howard storie they’ve completed and have in production, they aren’t the only forms of audio entertainment they are capable of. Today there are two kinds of tales beginning, but both should be familar to fans of the video SF:

Broken Sea - Doctor WhoToday marks the launch of the thirds season of a fan made Doctor Who (the first two were released through Darker Projects). The third season of this Doctor Who audio drama series will run as a 13 part series starring Mark Kalita as The Doctor. A new episode will be released monthly. Paul Mannering sez of it:

“Featuring original music by Stevie. K. Farnaby and written by Steven Jay Cohen this series is going to change the way people think about Dr Who fan-audio works.”

In Episode 1 “Unleashed” |MP3| The Doctor and his psycho-morph companion George are en-route to a party when they encounter some very old enemies…

Broken Sea - Hooligan Audio BooksMeanwhile, Hooligan Audio Books, the audiobook branch of Broken Sea has something for us too! They’ve been hard at work on two Robert E. Howard stories, but they’re branching out! Starting today you’ll start seeing a famous novel that was novelized by the author of the movie script back in the early 20th century. This novel version was released in 1926, two years after the silent movie. Now, 82 years later the unabridged audiobook! Have a listen today to chapter one of…

Science Fiction Audiobook - Metropolis by Thea von HarbouMetropolis
By Thea von Harbou; Read by Damaris Mannering
? MP3 Files – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Hooligan Audio Books
Published: January 2008 – ???
set in the year 2026, in the extraordinary Gothic skyscrapers of a corporate city-state, the Metropolis of the title. Society has been divided into two rigid groups: one of planners or thinkers, who live high above the earth in luxury, and another of workers who live underground toiling to sustain the lives of the privileged.
Chapter 1a |MP3|
Chapter 1b |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

Sci-Fi Talk on Terminator 3


Sci-Fi Talk logo In preparation for The Sarah Chronicles TV series, Sci-Fi Talk looks back on Terminator 3 and features interviews with the cast.

Get the |MP3|

URL: http://podcastalley.com/podcast_details.php?pod_id=1661

Posted by Charles Tan

A History Of Rome / A history of The Empire Strikes Back

SFFaudio Online Audio

The History Of Rome PodcastEver wonder where good SF writers get their ideas? In many cases they just steal them from the history books. For instance, it seems pretty clear to me that either Leigh Brackett or Lawrence Kasdan or George Lucas, plotted the action sequence that begins The Empire Strikes Back after sitting down to read a little Roman history – what’s the connection? Check it out – about 9 minutes into episode 17 of The History Of Rome podcast |MP3| you’ll hear historian and podcaster Mike Duncan explain it.

This is a terrific podcast that I’ve been listening to for a long time, it has about 0.02% SF content, but subscribe anyway:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Interview with Terry Goodkind at The Dragon Page

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Dragon Page The Dragon Page has a new podcast and they interview Terry Goodkind and talk about his latest book, Confessor.

Get the |MP3| here.

Subscribe to the podcast via feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/tDp/C2C?format=xml

Posted by Charles Tan