Dimension X: The Potters Of Firsk adapted from the story by Jack Vance

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Potters Of Firsk - illustration by Edd Cartier

Here’s a hidden gem, a terrific adaptation of a sociological Science Fiction short story by the great Jack Vance! Plus it has materials science!

Dimension XDimension X – The Potters Of Firsk
Adapted from the short story by Jack Vance; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. 25 Minutes [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: NBC
Broadcast: July 28, 1950
Provider: Archive.org
The native population of Firsk produce pots of every colour under the sun, save one. First published in the May 1950 issue of Astounding Science Fiction.

The Potters Of Firsk - illustration by Edd Cartier

Also check out this beautiful character study by Thomas Perkins:

The Potters Of Firsk illustration by Thomas Perkins

[via Tinkoo Valia’s Variety SF blog]

Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: The Tomb by H.P. Lovecraft

SFFaudio Online Audio

An early tale of “unspeakable horror” this reading by D.E. Wittkower is very good.

"A Tomb To Die For" by Dr Faustus AU - H.P. Lovecraft's The Tomb

LibriVoxThe Tomb
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by D.E. Wittkower
1 |MP3| – Approx. 32 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: January 23, 2008
Jervas Dudley found an abandoned mausoleum in the forest near his home, then he found himself strangely attracted to it. First published in the March 1922 issue of The Vagrant.

Also be sure to check out DrFaustasAU’s unfinished Dr. Seuss style version that begins HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Interlopers by Saki (H.H. Monro)

SFFaudio Online Audio

A straightforward feud gets interrupted by intruders bent on spoiling the fight. Twice! God intervenes and then others.

LibriVoxThe Interlopers
By Saki; Read by C.T. Hart
1 |MP3| – Approx. 13 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: LibriVox.org
Published: January 21, 2008
Georg and Ulrich are bitter enemies who meet meet, with weapons, in a Carpathian forest. First published in The Bystander, January 17, 1912.

And here’s a |PDF|.

There was a 1952 comics adaptation, uncredited, entitled Help! – it appeared in Adventures Into Weird Worlds, issue 11, here’s a snippet:

Help! illustrated by Ed Winiarski

Posted by Jesse Willis

Moonlight Audio Theatre

SFFaudio Online Audio

Moonlight Audio TheatreMoonlight Audio Theatre and veteran audio producer David Farquhar, are showcasing a podcast audio drama anthology consisting more than 200 programs!

I’ve subscribed and I think you’ll want to to for among the many productions you’ll find in the feed are those by Julie Hoverson (19 Nocturne Boulevard), Roger Gregg (Crazy Dog Audio Theatre), and Jack J. Ward (Electric Vicuna). The genres seem to include mystery, horror, suspense, drama, comedy, Science Fiction, and Fantasy.

Here’s a list of producers supplying shows:

Atlanta Radio Theatre Company
Brokensea Audio Productions
Campfire Radio Theatre
Crazy Dog Audio Theatre
Electric Vicuna Productions
SueMedia Productions
Bargain Basement Productions
Chatterbox Audio Theatre
Gypsy Audio
Finalrune Productions
The Great Northern Audio Theatre
Midnight Radio Theatre
19 Nocturne Boulevard
Precarious Audio Theatre
Design Sound Productions
JAWDrop Productions
Radio Static
Icebox Radio Theater
RZM Creative
The Wireless Theatre Company
Voices In The Wind Audio Theatre
Washington Audio Theatre
ZBS Media
ZPPR Productions
Faith Muskoka Productions
Darker Projects

There’s also a Blackberry App.

Podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Dream-Land by Edgar Allan Poe (read by Wayne June)

SFFaudio Online Audio

I hadn’t heard of Dream-Lands, by Edgar Allan Poe, until I spotted mention of it in some obscure tome. It sounded cool. So I found the original publication in Graham’s Magazine, June 1844, read it, and then and sent it to my friend, Wayne June. Wayne hadn’t heard of it before, but he loved it, calling it “appropriately dismal.” The best part, he has recorded it for our listening pleasure.


Is that the right word?

No, not pleasure.

For our edification.

He recorded it for our edification.

Dream-Land by Edgar Allan Poe - from Graham's Magazine, June 1844

Dream-Land illustration by Hugo Steiner-Prag

Dream-Land illustration by Wilfried Satty

Dreamlands illustrated by W. Heath Robinson

Posted by Jesse Willis

Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield

SFFaudio Online Audio

Do you like really sad short stories? I promise this one will do the job.

In fact it may just be the saddest short story ever written.

I summarized it in SFFaudio Podcast #194, and then recently told it to my friend Julie Hoverson. She was taken with it, and has now kindly narrated it for us!

What I love about this recording is the genuine emotion, prompted by the story’s end, that comes into Julie’s voice for those final lines. That’s not acting! That’s the real stuff!

And if you listen closely enough you may even hear the sound of teardrops sliding down flushed cheeks – though if they are coming from Julie – or from you – may be somewhat hard to determine.

Miss Brill by Katherine MansfieldMiss Brill
By Katherine Mansfield; Read by Julie Hoverson
1 |MP3| – Approx. 14 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Provider: Julie Hoverson
Provided: January 2013
Miss Brill, an English teacher working in France, lives in a small room near the Jardains Publique. Every Sunday she visits the gardens and listens to the music of the band, admires the attire of her fellow park-goers, and eavesdrops on their conversations. First published in Athenaeum, November 26, 1920.

And here’s a |PDF| version.

Posted by Jesse Willis