BBC Radio 4 presents: The Listening Room

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 4Our resident agent in the U.K., Roy, tells us that the latest issue of the Radio Times has a BBC Radio 4 show that may be of interest…

The Listening Room
By Steve Gough; Performed by a full cast
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4 / Saturday Play
Broadcast: January 26th 2007 @ 14:30-15:30
In this psychological thriller exploring truth, confidentiality and morality, it is the year 2035 and Kathleen works on a national helpline in a call centre named The Listening Room. Late one night, she receives a call from a man named John who holds a terrible secret. Over the past three years, he claims to be responsible for the “disappearance” of many foreign nationals and illegal immigrants who are perceived by those in the British Interior Ministry to be an unacceptable threat to the State. Kathleen listens with horror, bewilderment and disbelief, but the strict professional code she works to has been drummed into her. Confidentiality is paramount and must never be broken – even in the most extreme case. As she’s drawn in deeper, Kathleen starts to feel that even her own sanity is under threat.

This should be available through the “listen again” feature for 6 days following the broadcast.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Fast Forward TV Interviews Lawrence Watt-Evans and Michael Swanwick

SFFaudio Online Audio

Fast Forward TV has some new interviews:

Lawrence Watt-Evans |MP3|

Michael Swanwick |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at this URL (but it doesn’t have the new interviews yet):

Posted by Charles Tan

Fangoria Radio interview with Richard Matheson

SFFaudio Online Audio

Fangoria RadioFangoria Radio, which airs on Sirius channel 102, has an interview with Richard Matheson and Richard Christian Matheson (RM’s son), about I Am Legend and the new film version. Have a listen |MP3|.

Posted by Jesse Willis

NPR: Auto-Obituary includes Babylon 5 quotes

SFFaudio Online Audio

NPR - National Public RadioAmerican Army soldier and blogger Andrew Olmsted used some poignant Babylon 5 quotes in his final blog entry – his own obituarty.

“‘I will see you again, in the place where no shadows fall.’
Ambassador Delenn, Babylon 5

I don’t know if there is an afterlife; I tend to doubt it, to be perfectly honest. But if there is any way possible, Amanda, then I will live up to Delenn’s words, somehow, some way. I love you.”

Have a listen to the NPR story HERE.

Posted by Jesse Willis

PUBLIC DOMAIN AUDIOBOOK: The Master Of The World by Jules Verne (via LibriVox)

SFFaudio Online Audio

LibriVox.orgMark F. Smith, the narrator behind The First Men in the Moon, Greylorn, Tarzan Of The Apes, The Mysterious Island, and plenty more public domain Science Fiction, has released another classic SF novel through Mark sez of his latest: “This book is a sequel to an earlier Verne novel, Robur the Conqueror, but enough detail is given to fully appreciate this story without having first read the other.”

Librivox Science Fiction Audiobook - The Master Of The World by Jules VerneThe Master Of The World
By Jules Verne; Read by Mark F. Smith
18 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 5 Hours [UNABRIDGED]
Published: January 2008
Chief Inspector Strock gets the tough cases. When a volcano suddenly appears to threaten mountain towns of North Carolina amid the non-volcanic Blue Ridge Mountains, Strock is posted to determine the danger. When an automobile race in Wisconsin is interrupted by the unexpected appearance of a vehicle traveling at multiples of the top speed of the entrants, Strock is consulted. When an odd-shaped boat is sighted moving at impossible speeds off the New England coast, Stock and his boss begin to wonder if the incidents are related. And when Strock gets a hand-lettered note warning him to abandon his investigation, on pain of death, he is intrigued rather than deterred. Set in a period when gasoline engines were in their infancy and automobiles were rare, and when even Chief Inspectors had to engage a carriage and horses to move about, the appearance of a vehicle that can move at astounding speeds on land, on water – and as later revealed, underwater and through the air – marks a technological advance far beyond the reach of nations. It is technology invented by and for the sole benefit of a man who styles himself (with some justification) “The Master of the World.”

Subscribe to the complete podcast audiobook via this feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

Couple of Sci-Fi Talk Interviews


There’s a couple of interviews over at Sci-Fi Talk:

Leelee Sobieski on In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale |MP3|.

Richard Patternson, the Visual Effects Supervisor for the web series Sanctuary |MP3|.

And various interviews with the cast of Cloverfield |MP3|.

Posted by Charles Tan