StarShip Sofa has a Pat Murphy tale

SFFaudio Online Audio

Star Ship SofaThe StarShipSofa this week puts out a cracking tale from SF writer Pat Murphy. The story is called Going Through Changes and was first published in the Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction in 1992.

When I asked Pat Murphy if she would allow me to get this story narrated… she agreed straight away, saying she was more than happy to donate a story to the StarShipSofa Audio collection. She also went on to say this was one of her favorite tales and… it’s one of mine.

It is narrated by Summer, a SF podcaster herself over at Slice Of SciFi and what a narration she does – it’s first class. And… what is really nice, Summer has offered to narrate another tale for The Sofa! Can’t get better than that?
All our stories will be delivered free through our feed and will always be available through our Sofa Audio part of the site.

So… kick off your shoes… put you feet up and listen to the best in science fiction audio tales… from your friendly StarShipSofa.

Blast Off!

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Posted by Tony C. Smith

2005 Robert Jordan Interview at Dragon Page

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Dragon Page The Dragon Page  celebrates their 6th Year Anniversary and uploads an interview they had with the late Robert Jordan in 2005.

Get the |MP3| here.

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Posted by Charles Tan

Greg van Eekhout and Tom Williams at Drabblecast

SFFaudio Online Audio

DrabblecastThere are two short stories up in the latest Drabblecast: Chi by Greg van Eekhout and Headroom by Tom Williams. You can’t download them but you can stream them. |LISTEN|

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Posted by Charles Tan

Robert J. Sawyer talks Big Ideas

SFFaudio Online Audio

Big Ideas - A TVO PodcastTV Ontario, the channel that brought us Prisoners Of Gravity is now podcasting the audio track from its terrific lecture show Big Ideas. The most recent broadcast and podcast features SF author Robert J. Sawyer expounding on the virtues of Science Fiction (and the original Star Trek) and the vices of Star Wars. Have a listen |MP3| to his 40 minute lecture and be blown away! RJS’ analysis is solid, and his delivery is absolutely Shatnerian. Also under the microscope are the film of Planet Of The Apes and novelist Michael Crichton. Here’s the official description:

“Author Robert J. Sawyer explains how Hollywood’s approach to science fiction, starting with George Lucas’s Star Wars, has dulled the edge that made science fiction such a pertinent film genre. Sawyer disects the problematic aspects of the original Star Wars film and shows how science fiction books continue to tackle difficult issues while their big screen counterparts take the easy road of big explosions and small ideas.”

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Posted by Jesse Willis

The Sci Phi Show Interviews Mike Resnick on Atheism

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Sci Phi Show interviews Mike Resnick on atheism and his writing. Here is the |MP3|.

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Posted by Charles Tan

SF in SF Panel Courtesy of The Agony Column

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Agony Column The Agony Column has a recording of a SF in SF panel moderated by Terry Bisson and features authors Peter S. Beagle and Mark Ferrari where they discuss the fantasy genre. |MP3|

Posted by Charles Tan