Ulysses Galactic Guides and Bounties Inc. a podcast audio drama

SFFaudio Online Audio

Broken Sea Audio Production’s Ulysses Galactic Guides and Bounties Inc.Created as a spinoff from Broken Sea Audio Productions’ GUSU series – Ulysses Galactic Guides and Bounties Inc. follows the adventures of Ulysses and crew. The characters are made up of a New Zealander, a Middle Eastern head in a cybernetic fish-bowl, a nymphomaniac alien babe, and an ancient Chinese mystic. “They don’t go looking for trouble, it finds them.” The latest story arc (the three part “Return of The Red Eye”) has been purely comedic. Future stories will involving free-range freak farming (for the circus side show market), zombies and sex toys.

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Posted by Jesse Willis

Audio Drama Podcast: Buffy Between The Lines

SFFaudio Online Audio

Buffy Between The Lines podcastBuffy Between The Lines is a podcast audio drama created by fans of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer television series. Actors, writers and editors from around the world are filling in the “summer” gaps left between the seasons. Check out their promo |MP3| and then subscribe to the podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Dream Realm Enterprises – The Realm Weaver – “Avatar”

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dream Realm Enterprises - AvatarDream Realm Enterprises is best know to SFFaudio readers as the proprietors of their popular Robotz of the Company (now in its fourth season). But, they’ve got other shows too including their own version of Doctor Who and a “Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes” series. Their anthology series The Realm Weaver is DRE’s “exciting sci-fi/fantasy/horror/suspense anthology series! Beyond our concept of reality lie things we cannot comprehend. Sometimes they flit across our plane and we notice them in the corner of our eye, or creeping up behind us while we’re alone. They weave back and forth between our realm and theirs, daring us to see…”

The latest installment of The Realm Weaver is entitled Avatar. Here’s the description…

“A story about a boy, a virtual blonde, and how artificial intelligence changes them both. A 21st century “Pygmalion”, with a little “Lysistrata” thrown in.”

Listen to the trailer |MP3| and then Part 1 |MP3| and Part 2 |MP3|.

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Agony Columns Covers SF in SF

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Agony Column The Agony Column has several recordings up based on the SF in SF Con:

Carter Scholz reads Brilliance |MP3|.

Terry Bisson on SF in SF |MP3|.

Carter Scholtz interview |MP3|.

Posted by Charles Tan

Audio exerpt: Philosophy course in solving murder

SFFaudio Online Audio

Obedience by Will LavenderHave a listen to this |MP3|. Normally I wouldn’t bother you with a mere excerpt from a new novel, but the premise of Will Lavender‘s Obedience does catch the ear and tease-out your attention. It is listed in the mystery/thriller section of most online bookstores but at least one site is classifying it as a Fantasy (though I suppose we’ll have to listen to the whole novel to know for sure). The unabridged audiobook is available from Books On Tape and Audible.com.

When the students in Winchester University’s Logic and Reasoning 204 course arrive for their first day of class, they are greeted not with a syllabus or texts, but with a startling assignment from Professor Williams: Find a hypothetical missing girl named Polly. If, after being given a series of clues and details, the class has not found her before the end of the term (in six weeks), she will be murdered.

Posted by Jesse Willis

Adventures in SciFi Publishing Interviews Jeff Vandermeer

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Adventures In SciFi PublishingAdventures in Scifi Publishing has an interview with Jeff Vandermeer and there’s a segment where Neil Clarke talks about Clarkesworld Magazine. |MP3|

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Posted by Charles Tan