The Dragon Page Interviews John Joseph Adams

SFFaudio Online Audio

Dragon Page Cover To Cover LogoThe latest Dragon Page Cover To Cover podcast features an interview with editor John Joseph Adams on the anthology Wastelands.

You can download the |MP3| directly or subscribe to the show’s XML feed:

Posted by Charles Tan

StarShipSofa and the BSFA

SFFaudio Online Audio

Star Ship SofaStarShipSofa and the BSFA are back for Day Two in their week long run of releasing narrated versions of the Best Short Story Nominees for 2007.

Today is the turn of Ken MacLeod with his story Lighting Out. This story first appeared in the anthology disLocations.

Mother had got into the walls again. Constance Mukgatle kept an eye on her while scrabbling at the back of her desk drawer for the Norton. Her fingers closed around the grip and the trigger. She withdrew the piece slowly, nudging the drawer farther open with the heel of her hand. Then she whipped out the bell-muzzled device and levelled it at the face that had sketched itself in ripples in the paint of her study.

Narrated by Diane Severson Mori

So, join the StarShipSofa today and subscribe free via iTunes or direct from the StarShipSofa website and collect all five short stories that are up for the award.

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Posted by Tony C. Smith

UPDATED Author Pages

SFFaudio News

Meta SFFaudioHey! Check out the newly revised Author Pages – there you’ll find links to hours and hours of FREE LISTENING.

For the H.P. LOVECRAFT page we’ve added the links to more than THIRTY online audiobooks, novellas, short stories and articles in the MP3 format.

ANDRE NORTON’s page includes several full length novels and a few short stories.

ALAN E. NOURSE’s page has one novel, three short stories, and two radio dramas.

Posted by Jesse Willis

StarShipSofa and the BSFA

SFFaudio Online Audio

Star Ship SofaStarShipSofa and the BSFA have teamed up to bring you the five short stories that are up for Best Short Story 2007. Each day this week StarShipSofa will release one of the short stories. Last one goes up Friday.

These are the stories that have been shortlisted for the 2007 Award:

  • ‘Lighting Out’ – Ken MacLeod (disLocations)
  • ‘Terminal’ – Chaz Brenchley (disLocations)
  • ‘The Merchant and the Alchemist’s Gate’ – Ted Chiang (F&SF, September)
  • ‘The Gift of Joy’ – Ian Whates (TQR)
  • ‘The Sledge-Maker’s Daughter’ – Alastair Reynolds (Interzone #209)

So, join the StarShipSofa everyday this week, subscribe for free via iTunes or direct from the StarShipSofa website and collect all five short stories that are up for the award. Then… why not join Tony the week after and see if you and he can pick the winner.


FIRST off is Chaz Brenchley narrating his own story Terminal
unspeakable journeys, into and out of the light

He stood on the Tower of Souls, and watched her fly.

Say it another way, he stood on the high-stacked bodies of his Upshot kind, but that was nothing: filing. Bureaucracy. Paranoia.

It was the locals, the natives, the dirigibles – she called them dirigistes, but that was ironic – who had built and named this height, who gave a value to these discards. Black discs, each one identical, each one uniquely coded: each one the residue of a human passing through. A carbon footprint, she liked to say.
Blast Off!

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Posted by Tony C. Smith

World Fantasy Convention 2008 Interviews George R. R. Martin

SFFaudio Online Audio

World Fantasy Con 2008
World Fantasy Convention 2008 interviews George R. R. Martin. |MP3|

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Posted by Charles Tan

Tor Forge Podcast Interviews R.A. Salvatore

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Tor Forge Podcast has an interview with R.A. Salvatore. |MP3|

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Posted by Charles Tan