PodCastle – The Fantasy Fiction Podcast begins tommorow, thanks (in part) to me!

SFFaudio Online Audio

PodCastle - The Fantasy Fiction PodcastThe world’s most long awaited podcast is brought to you by me! Yup, PodCastle – The Fantasy Fiction Podcast begins tomorrow!

No, I didn’t write the first story. I didn’t narrate it either. I didn’t edit it. I didn’t procure the story from the author, or even choose which story it’d be. Nope, I didn’t even host the file! No, instead what I did was put my money where my ears are.

I paid for the first story!

That is, I was the first donor, and PayPaled Escape Artists (the parent for PodCastle). If you like listening to podcasts, if you anticipate their delivery to your podcatcher on a regular basis, I say to you… “Hey, buddy! Put your money where your ears are and pony up some dough.” You can subscribe to the podcast feed for PodCastle via this feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Escape Pod Features Stephanie Burgis’s “Behind the Rules”

SFFaudio Online Audio

MA in PA reads “Behind the Rules” by Stephanie Burgis over at Escape Pod. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:


Posted by Charles Tan

The Bat Segundo Show Interviews Jeffrey Ford

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Bat Segundo ShowThe Bat Segundo Show has a lengthy interview with Jeffrey Ford on his latest novel, The Shadow Year.


You can subscribe to the feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/segundo

[via SF Signal]

Posted by Charles Tan

Beam Me Up podcasts Mike Resnick

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcast - Beam Me UpThis week on the Beam Me Up podcast, a Hugo nominee up for your listening pleasure… Host Paul Cole sez: “This week I jump start the Hugo season by reading a great story from author Mike Resnick. His story, Distant Replay, has been nominated for a Hugo in the short story category.” and “I have some very exclusive observations by Mr. Resnick referring to this great story. That alone is worth the cost of admission!” Check it out…

Distant Replay
By Mike Resnick; Read by Paul Cole
Podcaster: Beam Me Up
Podcast: March 29th 2008

And here’s the podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Stories by H.P. Lovecraft and Amelia B. Edwards

SFFaudio Online Audio

Gisburne.comNick Gisburne, author and YouTuber, is posting self-read audiobooks to his website. Among them, two Lovecraft shorts!

The Beast in the Cave
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Nick Gisburne
Never stray from the path. If you do, you might find you’re not alone.

The Cats of Ulthar
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Nick Gisburne
Always be kind to animals. If you’re not, anything could happen.

The Phantom Coach
By Amelia B. Edwards; Read by Nick Gisburne
While lost in a snowstorm, a man is picked up by a mysterious coach. – A classic Victorian ghost story.

Posted by Jesse Willis