PodCastle Features “Hotel Astarte” by M.K. Hobson

SFFaudio Online Audio

Podcastle PodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast, features “Hotel Astarte” by M.K. Hobson |MP3|.

You can subscribe to the feed at http://feeds.escapeartists.net/PodCastle_Main

Posted by Charles Tan

Escape Pod Features Michael Swanwick’s “A Small Room in Koboldtown”

SFFaudio Online Audio

Cheyenne Wright reads “A Small Room in Koboldtown” by Michael Swanwick over at Escape Pod. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:


Posted by Charles Tan

StarShip Sofa interviews Ted Chiang

SFFaudio Online Audio

StarShip Sofa StarShip Sofa interviews Ted Chiang. |MP3|

You can subscribe to the feed at http://www.starshipsofa.com/rss

[via SF Signal]

Posted by Charles Tan

Uvula Audio presents: Doc Savage UNABRIDGED – The Man Of Bronze by Lester Dent

SFFaudio Online Audio

Uvula AudioDr. James J. Campanella, the wonderful narrator of the wonderful The Merchant And The Alchemist’s Gate at StarShipSofa, has just premiered Lester Dent’s The Man of Bronze bookcast on his own podcast! Here’s the scoop:

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the first publication of the legendary pulp novel The Man of Bronze by Lester Dent, we will be presenting an audio bookcast of the novel starting May 9, 2008. Doc Savage, the hero of the novel, is the archetype for almost every major literary and film hero of the 20th Century including Superman, Batman, James Bond, and Buckaroo Banzai. Despite there being several radio shows of Doc over the last 70 years, this will be the first time that The Man of Bronze will be presented complete and unabridged.

Doc Jim sez:

“I’ve started with an introduction and history of the characters, author, and book– next week I will continue with the actual beginning of the story itself. The bookcast will be ‘dramatically enhanced with sound effects’ which is something I usually only edit into juvenile stories.”

Audiobook - Doc Savage: The Man Of BronzeDoc Savage: The Man Of Bronze
By Lester Dent; Read by James J. Campanella
Podcast – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Uvula Audio Bookcast
Podcast: May 2008 – July 2008

Go check it out or subscribe to the podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis

Forgotten Classics presents… Stanton A. Coblentz’s The Wonder Stick

SFFaudio Online Audio

Forgotten ClassicsJulie D. is the proprietor of Forgotten Classics; it’s one of my favorite podcasts. And that is rather strange thing to say as Julie and I really don’t seem to have much in common. She’s Catholic, has a big family, a husband, and kids in high school and university. She’s into knitting (or at least knitting podcasts) and cookbooks. Many of her blog posts and podcasts talk about what I’d call the pleasures of ‘hearth’ and ‘home.’ None of that’s really my bag, not at all. But on the other hand she’s into podcasts, SF and has an abiding love of old books. All that shows in every single podcast. Julie reads her “Forgotten Classics” with warmth, confidence and clarity. It’s always a pleasure to receive one of her podcasts in my podcatcher. Part of this is her passion for the books themselves, another part of it is that all the books she reads from have been ones unfamiliar to me – I like to be surprised. Her latest project is one just such, namely Stanton A. Coblentz’s first novel The Wonder Stick. I first read a Coblentz story in the Blackstone Audio collection called A Galaxy Trilogy (Volume I). That novel came from the tail end of Coblentz’s carreer. Julie’s recorded chapters 1 and 2 of The Wonder Stick, Coblentz’s first book, and I’m eager to hear the rest of it. Check it and Forgotten Classics out…

Forgotten Classics presents… Stanton A. Coblentz’s The Wonder StickThe Wonder Stick
By Stanton A. Coblentz; Read by Julie D.
Podcast – [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Forgotten Classics
Podcast: May 2008 – ????
Variously described around the net as “a cave-man story” and “a prehistorical” my attention was piqued when I realized this was an out and out Science Fiction story, that “wonder-stick” of the title, it performs what could playfully be called the original spooky action at a distance.

Have a listen to the Forgotten Classics promo |MP3| and then subscribe for the podcast feed:


Posted by Jesse Willis