WALL-E, a Bill C-61 copyright criminal.

SFFaudio Online Audio

WALL-E, copyright criminal.WALL-E, copyright criminal.

I just saw Pixar/Disney’s WALL·E.

What a sweet and wonderful film!

The theatre was full of kids, many of whom were absolutely terrified when it looked like WALL-E might die.

Have a listen to the director, Andrew Stanton, talk to reporters about his movie |MP3|. Stanton makes no bones about this being an homage to many of his favorite flicks. And it’s true, there are so many SF references in it. At one point Stanton even says ‘I wanted this to be “R2D2 the movie.”‘ I think he really nailed that.

But the really sad part, the part none of those young kids in the theatre knew, the truly despicable part, is that poor Wall-E would be deemed a dirty copyright criminal under Canada’s new copyright law. Bill C-61 would criminalize much of Wally’s behavior in the film. Now that’s something to really cry about!

Here’s the evidence against WALL-E documented in the movie (**SPOILER WARNING**):

1. WALL-E records audio from his favorite movie, Hello Dolly, putting in onto his own digital recorder (bypassing the macrovision DRM on the tape). A COPYRIGHT CRIME UNDER C-61

2. WALL-E archives the audio, he doesn’t merely time-shift it. He listens repeatedly! A COPYRIGHT CRIME UNDER C-61

3. WALL-E shares his DRM-broken music with his friend, another robot named EVE. A COPYRIGHT CRIME UNDER C-61

4. WALL-E watches Hello Dolly on multiple evenings, on the screen of an iPod. Hello Dolly is not available through the iTunes store, therefore he broke the videocassette DRM when he platform shifted it. A COPYRIGHT CRIME UNDER C-61

If for no other reason than to save the poor tear-drop eyed robot from being destroyed we should stop Bill C-61!

Posted by Jesse Willis

UPDATE: Here’s a terrific interview with with MP Charlie Angus (the NDP parliamentary critic on digital issues) – it mentions this post and lots of other great points about the utter terribleness of C-61.|MP3|

UPDATE: This post, or at least the graphic made for it, will be used by Marcia Wilbur, in a talk called “A Decade Under the DMCA,” which will be presented at The Last Hope which is a long-running hacker conference in New York on Sunday July 20th!

UPDATE: Here’s the Power Point Presentation by Marcia Wilbur, as was used in her presentation at the Last Hope hacker conference in New York on Sunday July 20th 2008. It covers the fallout of 10 years of the USA’s Digital Millennium Copyright Act (which is the US equivilent of Bill C-61) |POWERPOINT PRESENTATION|

Sonic Society enters GATE

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Sonic SocietyWith The Sonic Society’s podcast feed temporarily broken, you’ll be wanting to download the first episode of Gate, SS’s new homegrown Fantasy audio drama directly. Episodes of Gate will be released each week over the summer on the Sonic Society feed. Jack Ward, the scripter, was inspired to write the series by watching a marathon of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Are you a Buffy fan? If so, this show’s for you…

Audio Drama - Gate by Jack J. WardGate – Episode 1
By Jack J. Ward; Performed by a full cast
1 |MP3| – Approx. 18 Minutes [AUDIO DRAMA]
Podcaster: The Sonic Society
Podcast: July 2008
From Sonic Cinema Productions- specifically written and created by Jack J. Ward and co-produced by Shannon Hilchie comes the Sonic Society’s summer series. A modern age fantasy tale with demons, vampires and a high-school girl named “Gate”, who’s is entrusted with the safety of humanity. Naturally, comparisons to Buffy the Vampire Slayer are bound to creep up.

And, when the podcast feed is working again, subscribe:


Posted by Jesse Willis

BBC 7 performs James Follett’s Earthsearch

SFFaudio Online Audio

BBC Radio 7 - BBC7Rich Carlson writes in to tell us that “James Follett’s 1981 science fiction classic Earthsearch” began today with part one, and is continuing each weekday for two weeks. This was a BBC Radio 4 production from 1981. Attentive listeners will note that many of the cast member in this production also appeared in the BBC R4 adaptation of The Lord of the Rings (they were recorded the same year).

Science Fiction Radio Drama - Earthsearch by James FollettEarthsearch
By James Follett; Performed by a full cast
10 half hour parts – Approx. 5 Hours [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: BBC 7 / The 7th Dimension
Broadcast: June 30th to July 11th 2008
On a mission to find Earth-like planets for colonization the starship Challenger encountered a meteoroid shower that killed all of the adult crew and seriously damaged the ship. The only human survivors were four babies – two boys, Telson and Darv, and two girls, Sharna and Astra. The four have been raised from childhood by androids and tutored by two disembodied voices called Angel One and Angel Two.


1. Planetfall
2. First Footprint City
3. Sands of Kyros
4. The Solaric Empire
5. The Pools of Time
6. Across the Abyss
7. New Blood
8. Marooned
9. Star Cluster: Tersus Nine
10. Earthfall

And don’t forget, you can use the “listen again” feature to catch missed episodes for up to a week after they air!

Posted by Jesse Willis

PodCastle Features “Spell of the Sparrow” by Jim C. Hines

SFFaudio Online Audio

PodcastlePodCastle, the fantasy fiction podcast, features “Spell of the Sparrow” by Jim C. Hines read by Chris Furst |MP3|.

You can subscribe to the feed at http://feeds.escapeartists.net/PodCastle_Main

Posted by Charles Tan

Escape Pod Features “The Right Kind of Town” by Christian Klaver

SFFaudio Online Audio

Stephen Eley reads “The Right Kind of Town” by Christian Klaver over at Escape Pod. Here is the |MP3|.

Subscribe to the podcast via this feed:


Posted by Charles Tan