Man And The Cosmos by August Derleth

SFFaudio Online Audio

Man And The Cosmos by August W. Derleth

I discovered Man And The Cosmos by August Derleth, a poem from the cosmicist school of poetry, languishing in the pages of Wonder Stories, April 1935. According to ISFDB it has never been reprinted. When Derleth wrote it he was talking about what he thought would come. Today, at this very moment, people are up there on the International Space Station, living it.

Man and the Cosmos
By August W. Derleth

Death lies athwart the frozen dark
Where never the song of a lark
Has echoed; here breeds the unknown spawn
Of evil, here where there is no dawn.

None but man deserts the light
For probing in this endless night;
None but he dares the icy breath
Of the lurking cosmic death.

Only a tiny atom of flesh
Webbed in an unanswerable mesh
Of questions and burning doubt,
Wanting to known what Life’s about.

And, the generous Mr. Jim Moon, of the Hypnobobs podcast, has today recorded it for our listening pleasure.


[Thanks Jim!]

Posted by Jesse Willis

Clarkesworld: Guest Of Honor by Robert Reed

SFFaudio Online Audio

I first heard Robert Reed’s outstanding novelette, Guest Of Honor, as an audiobook in the mid-1990s. It was narrated by Amy Bruce for Infinivox (get that version HERE).

It blew me away.

Guest Of Honor is undeniably GREAT SCIENCE FICTION, the kind of which only seems to show up once or twice a decade. If you haven’t already heard it, prepare yourself for some pure idea fiction.

There’s no official description for this astounding story so here’s mine:

When immortality is on the table accidents are naturally the uppermost fear on your mind. As an immortal you wouldn’t do anything nearly so dangerous as space travel, but all the same as an immortal you’d necessarily crave such new sensations so as to offset the boredom of an infinite future. And that’s where Pico comes in, she’s an adventurer gathering experiences for the immortals who sponsored her back on Earth. Her story, or stories, even if they are only vicarious, will be cherished by the many and she will be the guest of honor when she returns.

Clarkesworld MagazineClarkesworld Magazine #79 – Guest Of Honor
By Robert Reed; Read by Kate Baker
1 |MP3| – Approx. 1 Hour 21 Minuites [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Clarkesworld
Podcast: April 22, 2013
First published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1993.

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Posted by Jesse Willis

Hour 25: A 1974 ten minute interview with Terry Carr

SFFaudio Online Audio

Hour 25A 1974 ten minute interview with Terry Carr (of Ace Science Fiction Specials fame) |MP3|

Posted by Jesse Willis

Poem Talk: Discussion of Dream-Land by Edgar Allan Poe

SFFaudio Online Audio

Poem TalkOne of my favourite poems, and one of my favourite Edgar Allan Poe poems, Dream-Land, gets an all too brief half-hour discussion (a close reading) by the folks at the Poem Talk podcast (episode #48). When I talk about this poem with my students it usually takes between 45 minutes and an hour.

Podcast December 19, 2011, it was hosted by Al Filreis and featurd John Timpane, Thomas Devaney, and Jerome McGann. The official shownotes are HERE.


Posted by Jesse Willis

LibriVox: Shadows In The Moonlight by Robert E. Howard

SFFaudio Online Audio

Shadows In The Moonlight by Robert E. Howard


Though Robert E. Howard had originally titled this Conan adventure “Iron Shadows In The Moon” it was actually first published under the title Shadows In The Moonlight. Current publications, and adaptations, tend to favour Howard’s original title. But either way the novelette, featuring a shipload of pirates, a shapely maiden, and a giant ape, makes for some very good reading.

LibriVoxShadows In The Moonlight
By Robert E. Howard; Read by Phil Chenevert
4 Zipped MP3 Files or Podcast – Approx. 1 Hour 31 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Published: April 17, 2013
First published in Weird Tales, April 1934.

Podcast feed:

iTunes 1-Click |SUBSCRIBE|

Iron Shadows In The Moon - illustrated by John Buscema and Alfredo Alcala

Iron Shadows In The Moon - illustrated by John Buscema and Alfredo Alcala

Iron Shadows In The Moon - illustration by Mark Schultz

Iron Shadows In The Moon - illustration by Mark Schultz

Iron Shadows In The Moon - illustration by Cary Nord

Posted by Jesse Willis

The Star Pit by Samuel R. Delany

SFFaudio Online Audio

The Star Pit by Samuel R. Delany

“In 1967, WBAI produced a two-hour radio dramatization of Samuel R. Delany’s first short piece [a novelette] of SF, ‘The Star-Pit’, with narration by Delany himself.” That broadcast is STILL available as 4 FREE MP3s, all of which are downloadable HERE, along with a fascinating article chronicling the radio drama’s production history. Enjoy!

Benjamen Walker's Theory Of EverythingThe Star Pit
By Samuel R. Delany; Perfomed by a Full Cast
4 MP3 Files – Approx. 2 Hours [RADIO DRAMA]
Broadcaster: Mind’s Eye Theater / WBAI FM New York
Broadcast: 1967
A tale of loneliness and difference, about grounded workers who service the starships that will travel the galaxy. First published in Worlds of Tomorrow, February 1967.

All four parts:
Part One (24.3 MB)
Part Two (23.7 MB)
Part Three (22.8 MB)
Part Four (25.9 MB)

Performers: Samuel R. Delany, Baird Searles, Randa Haynes, Walter Harris, Jerry Matts, Joan Tanner and Phoebe Wray.
Produced by Baird Searles
Production Assistant Neal Conan
Directed by Daniel Landau
Music and Sound Effects by Susan Schweers
Technical Direction by David Rabkin and Ed Woodward

The Star Pit by Samuel R. Delany - iIlustrated by Gaughan

The Star Pit by Samuel R. Delany - illustrated by Gaughan

The Star Pit by Samuel R. Delany - illustrated by Gaughan

[this post is an update on one from 2006]

Posted by Jesse Willis