The Fix: Rocket Science 1958 – 1959

SFFaudio News

The Fix - Short Fiction ReviewPosted on February 1 at The Fix: Short Fiction Review is the latest Rocket Science column, which covers 1958 – 1959. The stories covered: “Or All the Seas with Oysters” by Avram Davidson, “The Big Front Yard” by Clifford Simak, and “That Hell-Bound Train” by Robert Bloch.
“Or All the Seas with Oysters” by Avram Davidson – No audio version known.

“The Big Front Yard” by Clifford D. Simak – No audio version known.

“That Hell-Bound Train” by Robert Bloch – Included in Gravely, Alternate World Recordings, 1976, read by Robert Bloch.
While I’m in 1958 and 1959, I should mention that the Hugo Winning novels from those years have both been published by Audible Frontiers:

1958 Best Novel or Novelette:
The Big Time
By Fritz Leiber; Read by Suzanne Toren
Audible Download – 4 hours 42 mins – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audible Frontiers
Published: 2008

Audible Frontiers - A Case of Conscience by James BlishSFFaudio Essential1959 Best Novel:
A Case Of Conscience
By James Blish; Read by Jay Snyder
Audible Download – 7 Hours 55 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Audible Frontiers
Published: November 2008
Also worth mentioning, but not audio related, is that I got my latest issue of Fantasy and Science Fiction in the mail yesterday, and in that issue is a reprint of “That Hell-Bound Train” by Robert Bloch. Great story!
Posted by Scott D. Danielson

Recent Arrivals from Brilliance Audio

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

The Dolphins of Pern by Anne McCaffreyThe Dolphins of Pern
By Anne McCaffrey; Read by Mel Foster
9 CD’s – 11 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: 2009
ISBN: 9781423357421

When the first humans came to settle the planet Pern, they did not come alone: intelligence-enhanced dolphins also crossed the stars to colonize Pern’s oceans while their human partners settled the vast continents. But then disaster struck. The deadly silver spores called Thread fell like rain from the sky, and as human colonists’ dreams of a new, idyllic life shattered into a desperate struggle for survival, the dolphins were forgotten.

Now, centuries later, as the dragonriders of Pern prepare to complete the momentus task of ridding their world of Thread forever, T’lion, a young bronze rider, and his friend Readis, son of the Lord Holder of Paradise River Hold, make contact with the legendary “shipfish.” And as the dragonriders grapple with the end of an era, T’lion, Readis, and the dolphins face the start of a new one: reviving the bond between land- and ocean-dwellers – and resurrecting the dreams of the first colonists of Pern.
DoOon Mode by Piers AnthonyDoOon Mode
By Piers Anthony; Read by Natalie Ross
11 CD’s – 14 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: 2009
ISBN: 9781423376941

Beyond the world we know there is a multiverse of Modes where many strange realities interlock in an infinitely intricate pattern, and a perverse and deranged Emperor plays a deadly multidimensional game with human pawns as his slaves.

Now in DoOon Mode, Piers Anthony delivers the breathtaking climax to this awesome saga. Fearing the heroine Coleen’s dawning power, the depraved Emperor Ddwng dispatches a terrible Mind Monster to assault her soul and bend her to his will. To protect herself, and those she loves, Coleen must journey back through many worlds to her own home on Earth, face her deepest and darkest fears, and draw the strength for a final confrontation to save the multiverse from tyranny and domination.
Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts by Laura BenedictCalling Mr. Lonely Hearts
By Laura Benedict; Read by Emily Durante
9 CD’s – 11 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Brilliance Audio
Published: 2009
ISBN: 9781423334408

Growing up, Roxanne, Del, and Alice tested the limits of their friendship with cruel, and often dangerous, games – but they always knew they would be bound together forever. Now, Alice’s marriage is over, and her husband is having a child with another woman. Roxanne, an artist consumed by her work, is losing touch with her friends – and perhaps with reality. And Del is desperate to be a perfect wife and adoring stepmother, but her friends see that her careful facade is crumbling.

The instrument of their destruction is a single enigmatic man – Varick. He seems to be a lonely woman’s dream come true, but where has he come from? And what does he want? As he seduces the women in turn, their lives become unrecognizable to them. Varick’s secret lies buried in their shared past. One simple, childish act has brought them, all these years later, to a place where not only their lives but also their souls are at risk. For once upon a time, the three of them agreed to tell a lie – one that ruined the life of a young priest. Defrocked, destitute, and ruined, he hoped with the whole of his shattered heart that he would get revenge. And in that hope he shook hands with the one who promised it. The devil himself. Now they all must live with the consequences.

Dark and provocative, Calling Mr. Lonely Hearts will keep listeners in its terrifying grip long after the chilling conclusion.
Posted by Scott D. Danielson

Review of Stonefather by Orson Scott Card

SFFaudio Review

Stonefather by Orson Scott CardStonefather
By Orson Scott Card; Read by Emily Janice Card
Audible Download – 3 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Blackstone Audio
Published: 2008
Themes: / Fantasy / Magic / Nature / Politics / Youth /

Runnel is nothing special. He was never good at anything nor exceptionally bad at anything, just plain ordinary. He is frequently beat by a just as frequently angry father. He lives in a house with more than a dozen children. “Runnel” is a water name, which he was given out of piety to the god Yegut. Even though he has a water name, the only thing that Runnel is better than the other children at is rock climbing. He can find footholds and crevices where other children can’t.

As Runnel approaches his “man height” the other kids begin playing mean jokes on him. During one of these jokes Runnel finds himself on the top of a mountain all alone looking at a road heading to Mitherhome, the city of water mages. He decides to leave and starts to walk towards Mitherhome which is an island surrounded by a deep gorge in the land. He walks to the town of Hetterfairy, the only way to get to Mitherhome. Here he meets a servant named Lark who becomes his first friend. Runnel persuades her to take him to her masters house where he gets a job and discovers something amazing about himself.

This book is written by Orson Scott Card and is read by his daughter Emily Janice Card. Orson Scott Card is the famous award-winning author of the Ender series, Bean Series, and the Earthfall Series. “Stonefather” is a story set in a series he is writing, an introduction you might say.

Emily Janice Card read this book amazingly. This is the first audio book that I have heard that she has read and I was pretty surprised. She is not the best reader in the world but she is very very good. I could see the same voice in all the characters but this did not distract me from the story.

Card’s clever use of words had me from the beginning as all of his books do. I could tell each character not only from their voice but from their style of words. Some had very similar styles but there was always a little tweak in it that I could see and it made it all the better. I dislike books in which I can not tell who is speaking.

Posted by DanielsonKid (Age 14)

Recent Arrivals from Macmillan Audio

SFFaudio Recent Arrivals

Lamentation by Ken ScholesLamentation
By Ken Scholes; Read by Scott Brick, William Dufris, Maggi-Meg Reed, and Stefan Rudnicki
12 CDs – 15 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Published: 2009
ISBN: 9781427206251

Woo hoo! Ken Scholes’ debut novel, in bright shiny audio. Ken Scholes is a remarkable short story writer. For a sample story, check out the mesmerizing “Edward Bear and the Very Long Walk” – it’s Episode 146 of Escape Pod, read by Stephen Eley. That one’s science fiction, this novel is epic fantasy, the first of five volumes. I’m eager to hear it.

An ancient weapon has completely destroyed the city of Windwir. From many miles away, Rudolfo, Lord of the Nine Forest Houses, sees the horrifying column of smoke rising. He knows that war is coming to the Named Lands.

Nearer to the Devastation, a young apprentice is the only survivor of the city – he sat waiting for his father outside the walls, and was transformed as he watched everyone he knew die in an instant.

Soon all the Kingdoms of the Named Lands will be at each others’ throats, as alliances are challenged and hidden plots are uncovered.

This remarkable first novel from an award-winning short fiction writer will take readers away to a new world – an Earth so far in the distant future that our time is not even a memory; a world where magick is commonplace and great areas of the planet are impassable wastes. But human nature hasn’t changed through the ages: War and faith and love still move princes and nations.

Find an audio sample |HERE|.
Bones of the Dragon by Margaret Weis and Tracy HickmanBones of the Dragon
By Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman; Read by Stefan Rudnicki
16 CDs – 18 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Published: 2009
ISBN: 9781427204318

From a debut epic fantasy novel to the beginning of a new series by the masters:

Skylan Ivorson is a sea-raider of the Vindras, an undefeated champion of the Torgun clan, and eventually the Chief of Chiefs of all Vindras clans, an honor he truly feels he deserves as one who has been blessed by Skoval, the god of war. But sometimes a blessing is a curse in disguise.

Skoval and the other ancient gods are under siege from a new generation of gods who are challenging them for the powers of creation…. and the only way to stop these brash interlopers lies within the mysterious and hidden Five Bones of the Vektan Dragons.

It will be up to the Vindras, the dragon-goddess’s champion, to undertake the quest to recover all Five. The fate of the Old Gods and the Vindras’ people rests on their recovery, for this is not only a quest to save the world—it is also a quest for redemption.

Filled with heroes and heroines young and old (as well as human and non) spanning locales of exotic adventure in a magic-forged world, this is a series that fully illustrates the mastery of world-building and storytelling that has made Weis and Hickman into the bestselling fantasy co-authors of all time.

Find an audio sample |HERE|
Halo: The Cole Protocol by Tobias BuckellHalo: The Cole Protocol
By Tobias Buckell; Read by Jonathan Davis
9 CDs – 10.5 hours – [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Published: 2009
ISBN: 9781427205285

Despite what you may have heard, listening to a Halo audiobook will NOT make you a better player. I know this from personal experience. Turns out that to play the game well, you have to be able to move AND shoot – at the same time! Impossible, I say! Ah, well. Written by Tobias S. Buckell, read by Jonathan Davis… you simply can’t go wrong here.

In the first, desperate days of the Human-Covenant War, the UNSC has enacted the Cole Protocol to safeguard Earth and its Inner Colonies from discovery by a merciless alien foe. Many are called upon to rid the universe of lingering navigation data that would reveal the location of Earth. Among them is Navy Lieutenant Jacob Keyes. Thrust back into action after being sidelined, Keyes is saddled with a top secret mission by ONI. One that will take him deep behind enemy lines, to a corner of the universe where nothing is as it seems.

Out beyond the Outer Colonies lies the planet Hesiod, a gas giant surrounded by a vast asteroid belt. As the Covenant continues to glass the human occupied planets near Hesiod, many of the survivors, helped by a stronghold of human Insurrectionists, are fleeing to the asteroid belt for refuge. They have transformed the tumbling satellites into a tenuous, yet ingenious, settlement known as the Rubble–and have come face-to-face with a Covenant settlement of Kig-Yar . . . yet somehow survived.

News of this unlikely treaty has spread to the warring sides. Luckily for the UNSC, this uneasy alliance is in the path of the Spartan Gray Team, a three-man renegade squad whose simple task is to wreak havoc from behind enemy lines in any way they see fit. But the Prophets have also sent their best—an ambitious and ruthless Elite, whose quest for nobility and rank is matched only by his brutality . . . and who will do anything to secure his Ascendancy and walk the Path.
Posted by Scott D. Danielson

Start a New Series at Audible for $4.95!

SFFaudio News

Wow! A nice sale going on over at They’ve collected the first books of 71 series, and are offering them for a fiver.

Some quick recommendations from me: The Disappeared by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Hominids by Robert J. Sawyer, Voyagers by Ben Bova, and Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Jesse will be pleased to see Altered Carbon by Richard K. Morgan and Starship: Mutiny by Mike Resnick on the list.

I’ve been meaning to try out a Patrick O’Brian book, and they’ve got Master and Commander on the list (read by Simon Vance!), which is going in my queue… now.

Posted by Scott D. Danielson