Radio Drama Revival is celebrating three excellent years on the internet! Fred Greenhalgh looks back on that three years, in part by providing a list of five episodes to hear again:
1 – Dialogue with Martian Trombone (Episode 13) – What can I say? I’m a lover of jazz music and this absurd martian tale showcases the endless wit of Great Northern Audio Theater. Having David Ossman and Philip Proctor from the Firesign Theatre certainly doesn’t hurt, either.
2 – Buried in Falling Sand (Episode 16) – While Dreamseeed has not produced much else, this gem of a sci-fi bears deserves a listen.This inspired, eerie tale does what science-fiction does best: use a society not so unlike our own to tell us truths we’d rather not know. What WOULD happen if we had a drug that made us forget the work day?
3 – God of the Razor (Episode 94) – The Grist Mill has produced many fine tales, but God of the Razor may be the best.Moody, atmospheric, and unremittingly dark, Joe Lansdale’s God of the Razor tells of the dark that lurks in the basements of East Texas… and in the hearts of men.
4 – The Salmon of Blackpool (Episode 52, Episode 53, Episode 54, and Episode 55) – Okay, here’s a cheat, because it’s a series of four episodes, not just one, but it is worth it.Crazy Dog Audio Theatre’s “Salmon of Blackpool” is simply one of the most compelling produced and moving pieces of audio drama I’ve ever heard. The only thing I’ve listened to that deserves the name “audio cinema.” Give a listen and tell me you don’t agree.
5 – Hayward Sanitarium (Episode 126) – And let’s not miss this entry from the catalogue of audio suspense.While we only featured one episode of it, “Hayward” is a masterfully written and produced tale of the goings-on at one strange home for the mentally in coastal Maine. The precedent for shows like Wormwood and Shadow Falls, even if they don’t know it!
6 – Medusa on the Beach (Episode 138) – Okay, well this is #6, but I couldn’t help myself. I’m addicted to myth and Wireless Theatre Company’s “Medusa on the Beach” retells the myth of medusa beautifully. Cheeky, moving, and dark, I’m delighted from the first few minutes.
Congratulations to Radio Drama Revival from your friends at SFFaudio, and thanks for the great audio drama!
We were lucky to have Fred on one of our own podcasts – The SFFaudio Podcast #039.
Posted by Scott D. Danielson