Miss Star Trek: Enterprise? Try a podcast! Star…

SFFaudio Online Audio

Miss Star Trek: Enterprise? Try a podcast!

Star Trek: Pioneers is fan audio series created by Pioneer Audio Productions. Several episodes have been produced so far (they started back in 2004). The sound effects and music are excellent, the writing good and the acting, like all amateur productions, is mostly amateurish, flat but always earnest. Not bad at all considering!

But I do have one reservation, can anyone explain to me why Decks 5 and 7 on Federation ships are always getting hull breaches?

Posted by Jesse Willis

Apple has created a Limited Edition Harry Potter…

SFFaudio News

Apple has created a Limited Edition Harry Potter iPod! Etched on the back of the 30GB iPod case is the Hogwarts Crest, a symbol of the school of magic that Harry Potter attends. Purchase also includes a coupon for a free download of all 6 Harry Potter novels released so far (as read by Jim Dale). Everything is magic about this deal except for the price – a steep $548.00 USD!

Posted by Jesse Willis

A brand new podcast has willed itself into exist…

A brand new podcast has willed itself into existence. It has an eminently logical premise and this makes me think it’s argument will be quite sound. If you’re skeptical you can validate this for yourself by checking it out…

The Sci Phi Show is a podcast dedicated to philosophy in Science Fiction. In my experience it wasn’t until very recently that most professional philosophers realized that philosophical content was actually to be found in science fiction literature. It has only the spate of recent films based on Philip K. Dick novels and The Matrix that have changed this.

You can visit The Sci Phi Show‘s website HERE. It doesn’t turn up on an iTunes search yet but hopefully that will change very soon.

Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Award winning aut…

Hugo, Nebula and World Fantasy Award winning author Neil Gaiman, who is on tour promoting his latest novel Anansi Boys and his new film Mirrormask, was interviewed on WNYC Radio’s The Leonard Lopate Show on Thursday, September 29th 2005. You can download the MP3 of that interview HERE.

Gaiman was also in Australia recently (July 2005) and the State Library of Victoria has posted three MP3s of the talk he gave there. He explains about his varied career, reads from Anansi Boys and answers questions from the audience. You can download all three segments:

Blogger, journalist and science fiction author C…

SFFaudio News

Blogger, journalist and science fiction author Cory Doctorow is now podcasting his fiction! Cory writes, “I’ve finally started podcasting! I love reading my stuff aloud, but it’s not practical for me to find quiet places to sit down with a mic and a Powerbook and record. So the idea is that I’m going to record my stories in serial form from wherever I am: hotel rooms, friends’ sofas, airport lounges, whatever, and post ’em.” You can subscribe to the feed here, or download individual installments as MP3s here. The podcast is also available through iTunes. To kick things off he’s reading from a novelette-in-progress entitled After the Siege.

Posted by Jesse Willis