Halo Novels Slated For Audiobook Release Get Axe

SFFaudio News

3 Halo AudiobooksAudio Renaissance‘s recently released Perfect Dark: Condition Zero may have been just the first of a new trend, the video game tie-in novel coming to audio. But it now it looks like that trend may never really materialize. See, there were plans afoot to release three audiobooks based around the incredibly popular XBox game called Halo but those plans have now been scrubbed. Apparently the rights-holder a small but feisty computer company called Microsoft, based out of Redmond, WA, has pulled the three slated audiobooks from the publication schedule! Here’s the kicker, the recordings for all three were already completed at the time of the pull! The narrator for all three was reportedly the talented Todd McLaren (who performed the first two Richard K. Morgan novels for Tantor Media). If you’re a Halo fan you’re probably bunny-hopping mad right now. To vent this frustration I suggest you either load up your fuel rod rifle or write your congressman.

Rumors: Escape Pod Podcast, YEAR 2

SFFaudio News

What’s a powerhouse podcast magazine like Escape Pod going to do to celebrate a full 52 continous weeks of Science Fiction goodness? Rumor has it that another Paul Di Filippo story is in the offing (possibly even on this week’s anniversary show)! Sometime after that there’s a good chance we’ll see a few, most or even all five of this year’s Hugo award short story nominees too! That’s right boys and girls it’s entirely possible that all five of the Hugo nominated stories will be gracing your MP3 player in the coming months:

Seventy-Five Years by Michael A. Burstein (Analog January/February 2005)
The Clockwork Atom Bomb by Dominic Green (Interzone May/June 2005)
Singing My Sister Down by Margo Lanagan (Black Juice, Allen & Unwin; Eos)
Tk’tk’tk by David D. Levine (Asimov’s March 2005)
Down Memory Lane by Mike Resnick (Asimov’s April/May 2005)

Destructomundo! – The Podcast To End The World With

Online Audio

Destructomundo PodcastVault dweller take heed, Destructomundo! is the practical advice podcast for surviving the various scenarios that might end the world. Survialists Adam, Ted, Derek, and James tackle a different scenario for how the world will end each show and give proven advice based on the what the characters on television and film have successfully done to survive the end of the world.

Episode 017 Doppelgangers |MP3|
Episode 016 Mutants |MP3|
Episode 015 Rocks From Space |MP3|
Episode 014 Bunkers |MP3|
Episode 013 Post Apocalypses |MP3|
Episode 012 Dystopia |MP3|
Episode 011a/011b The Fourth Reich |MP3| & |MP3|
Episode 010a/010b Zombie Apocalypse |MP3| & |MP3|
Episode 009 The Antichrist |MP3|
Episode 008 The Last Man On Earth |MP3|
Episode 007 Doom Cults |MP3|
Episode 006 The Big List |MP3|
Episode 005 Science Run Amok |MP3|
Episode 004 Supervillians |MP3|
Episode 003 Aliens Attack! |MP3|
Episode 002 Rise of the Robots |MP3|
Episode 001 Road Warriors |MP3|

Shows come out on a regular basis but the end may be nigh so subscribe while you can – plug this URL into your ruggedized, EMP-proof and solar-powered podcatcher:


posted by Jesse Willis

"Classic" SF Podcast Launched: Escape Pod Classic!

SFFaudio News

WooHoo! Are you ready for this?
Escape Pod Classic podcast
That’s right, just one week shy of the first anniversary of its launch from the mothership, Escape Pod, the most consistently entertaining fiction podcast in existence has “berthed” a junior podcast! Escape Pod Classic is a reprint podcast bringing you the best of the family friendly stories from the Escape Pod archives. First up is Three Wish Habit by Janni Lee Simner (first podcast May 26th 2005). Be sure to tune your podcatcher into the frequency of this new Epod launchee by use of this URL:


Paperbook novel Infoquake promoted via limited MP3 chapter releases

SFFaudio News

Podcast Promoted Novel - InfoquakeAuthor David Lousie Edelman has posted (in MP3 format) the first of seven planned chapters of his forthcoming SF novel Infoquake. It looks like a unique promotion designed to pimp the paperbook release due out this July. But there’s a caveat, if you become addicted to the audio you’ll be forced to switch to the dead tree edition after chapter seven as it looks like the rest of the novel (everything after the first seven chapters) won’t be podcast or turned into an audiobook at all!

If you’re still interested you can subscribe to the free feed for the first seven chapters of Infoquake by plugging this url into your podcatcher:


Review of Eye For Eye by Orson Scott Card

SFFaudio Audiobook Review

Science Fiction Audiobook - Eye For Eye by Orson Scott CardEye For Eye
By Orson Scott Card; Read by Stefan Rudnicki with Margy Stein
3 CDs – 147 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: ReQuest Audiobooks
Published: 2005
ISBN: 1933299517
Themes: / Science Fiction / Society / Morality / Youth / Power /

“If you’re a half way decent person you don’t go looking to kill people. Even if you can do it without touching them. Even if you can do it as nobody even guesses they were murdered you still got to try not to do it.”

Mick Winger is only seventeen – and already he’s killed over a dozen people. Not on purpose of course; he never meant to hurt anyone. But when Mick gets angry, people die, even the people he loves the most. Set in the contemporary world, Mick is a godfearing young man with a mysterious power – the ability to kill people just by getting mad at them. He doesn’t want to kill people, but sometimes he gets mad and then they die of hideous cancerous tumors – sometimes fast, sometimes slow – depending on how mad he gets. The phenomena is explained by some “bio electrical field” handwaving on Card’s part but that isn’t the heart of the story. Mick’s been an orphan since the day he was born – even as a baby his uncontrollable power killed his caregivers. When he grew old enough to realize the danger he posed to others, he left the orphanage to get a job doing manual labour for a decent father figure. One day Mick finds himself unconciously withdrawing his meager savings and travelling to his birthplace – like a salmon going to spawn – but on the way he meets an older woman who knows his terrible secret. She tells him he doesn’t have to go and tries to persuade him to come with her instead. But Mick has other plans. He’ll go work for the CIA, make some good of his ability to kill. Of course Mick has forgotten even he has to sleep sometime…

I plain loved this book. Not only is the story told crisply and cleanly, but it also gets one doing some deep thinking. Mick’s gift/curse is almost the perfect allegory for gun control. Not even the most rabid NRA members would suggest it’s a good idea to give pistols to toddlers, and that’s basically Mick’s situation. He’s been given a weapon that is so a part of him that he can no more stop it than he can stop breathing. His emotions are tied into a hair trigger of killing. Pity even the most loved friend who is standing near when his emotions run hot. Orson Scott Card has tied this all in with what looks like a cross between an Old Testament inbreeding program and a fundamentalist militia.

This whole situation reminded me of a phrase Robert A. Heinlein once coined: “An armed society is a polite society.”* This concept has been much trumpted by the firearms lobby and Eye For Eye shows just what it would mean if it were practiced. If everyone was like Mick Winger, a community of the armed would also be a community of fear, where even constructive criticism is to be avoided at all costs lest someone take offense. Love thy neighbor doesn’t extend very well when thy neighbor demands the freedom to own nuclear weapons.

In this age of seemingly endless series, thousand page fantasy epics, and general fiction sprawl, it is wonderfully refreshing to listen to a short novel or novella. Request Audiobooks, a brand new player in the audiobook market, has dipped into Science Fiction and Fantasy’s glorious past for some wonderous tales that don’t require a forklift to enjoy. Eye For Eye was first published in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, Mar 1987 issue, and in 1988 it won the Hugo Award for best novella. Then in November 1990 it was paired as half of the Tor Double Novel #27 with another novella by Lloyd Biggle Jr. (The Tor Doubles are for my money the very best modern treeware series published). For more than ten years this terrific tale sat out of print. Then ReQuest Audiobooks stepped up. And boy did they ever! ReQuest presents the novella in all its glory, and then some. They tapped master narrator Stefan Rudnicki to read it. Rudnicki who’s sonorant basso has performed more Orson Scott Card audiobooks than any other voice on Earth is perfect for the job. Then, they went to Orson Scott Card himself and had him write an original afterword just for the audiobook. To finish it all off, they commisioned some truly eye-catching art. This is my very favorite kind of audiobook. A short novel with an intriguing premise, bristling with driven characters, read by a talented narrator, and sporting a bonus feature. With a USA price point of just $14.95 for three CDs this is like a slice of audio heaven.

*-The quotation comes from the novel Beyond This Horizon by Robert A. Heinlein

Posted by Jesse Willis