ABC Radio National: The Philosopher’s Zone on Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris

Online Audio

ABC RADIO NATIONAL's The Philosopher's ZoneABC Radio National (Australia’s public radio broadcaster) has finally got into podcasting. This is a very good thing, especially for those outside of Australia – just think, no more calculating what time a show is on at what time tomorrow or yesterday! And now The Philosopher’s Zone, a show all about philosophy, has a cool program available for download…

“The great Polish science-fiction writer Stanislaw Lem—author of the novel, Solaris, on which two movies have been based—died last month. This week, The Philosopher’s Zone explores the philosophy underlying his visionary work.”

Check out the MP3 of it HERE.

Or subscribe to the feed:

Posted by Jesse Willis

SFFaudio RSS-only Readers Take Note


Meta SFFaudioThe RSS-only readers of SFFaudio might not be aware that we are more than just a daily news and reviews source. So for your edu-musement we present…

The Top 5 Things SFFaudio’s RSS-only Subscribers Miss:

1. Review Archives – We archive reviews for all-time. Just because it didn’t come out last week doesn’t mean it isn’t worth reading about today.

2. Features Section – Read archived interviews, publisher information and author profiles, and other features. One particularily useful feature is to browse audio editions of Hugo award winning fiction.

3. Online Audio Page – Check out our page of easily navigable links to Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror related podcasts, online radio shows, podcast novels, and more online audio goodness.

4. Browse Archived News – SFFaudio has posted more than 500 entires since 2003!

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Check out the site for yourself right HERE.

Spec Fic Podcast Heads-up: Variant Frequencies

Online Audio

Variant Frequencies PodcastVariant Frequencies is a podcast that bounds the entire spectrum of genre fiction, but they give special emphasis to the fantastic. With a dozen shows under its variably sized belt we can say that Variant Frequencies is well worth checking out. You’ll find elements of Gothic horror, space adventure, dark fantasy and the “reality-bending vibes of The Twilight Zone” all available free of charge. You can subscribe to the show by pasting either the MP3 or the M4a feeds into your podcatcher…

MP3 RSS Feed:

M4A RSS Feed:

CBC Radio One Radio Drama Update


CBC Radio OneCBC Radio producer Joe Mahoney has just posted some interesting radio drama related tid-bits about two upcoming CBC Radio One series:

“Last Friday we finished whipping the J. Michael Strazcynski (JMS) piece The Adventures of Apocalypse Al into shape. Greg DeClute and I spent the entire week with JMS and Samm Barnes fine tuning the edit and the sound effects assembly. We’ll actually mix it next week some time. Apparently it will air over the summer, but I don’t know exactly when yet.”

Joe also writes about a follow up to the two successful Matt Watts’ series Steve, The First and Steve, The Second. It will be called Canadia. Cast details can be found in the same post which you can find on Joe’s blog.

Free H.P. Lovecraft Short Story, The Nameless City, in MP3 Format

Online Audio

Yog Radio PodcastThe right proper fellows at Yog-Radio have recorded their second creepy H.P. Lovecraft tale and released it as a FREE mp3. Nice of them to prov… hey, wait a second, why would these guys be releasing such good stuff for free? Is this some lure to make me join their unspeakable cult? Well, mayhaps it is, but I’m happy to join if only they keep releasing such eldritch richness for my aural delight…

The Nameless City by H.P. LovecraftThe Nameless City
By H.P. Lovecraft; Read by Michael Scott
1 MP3 file – 27 Minutes 46 Seconds [UNABRIDGED]
Podcaster: Yog Radio
Podcast: May 7th 2006

That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange æons death may die.”
-From the Necronomicon