Sigler / Hutchins Plan The First Podcast Fiction Crossover In History


Podcast Novel / PODIOBOOK / 7th SonInfection by Scott SiglerJ.C. Hutchins‘ podiobook 7th Son, Book One: Descent is doing a clever crossover with Scott Sigler‘s lastest podcast novel Infection. This is the first time in the podcast history where two fiction podcasts have shared scenes! I’d guess that a mutual cross-pollination of listeners is the general idea but J.C. informs me there’ll be some rewards for some careful listeners of both shows…

To participate, you must listen to both novels and deduce the six “cross-over scenes” – there are three in Sigler’s, and three in Hutchins’. Prizes include…

-A voice part in Scott Sigler’s next podcast novel and a character name in his upcoming novel Nocturnal
-A guest voicing of a “The Story So Far…” chapter recap in Book Two of the 7th Son trilogy and an exclusive print version of 7th Son, Book One. This will be a particular treat because 7th Son is not available anywhere in print making this a truly one-of-a-kind edition!

To play, subscribe to both podcasts, read the rules for the contest, listen, deduce and win!

ADPoV: A Different Point of View On The Star Wars Saga

Online Audio

A Different Point Of ViewLest we incur the wrath of a hardened Imperial Storm Trooper battalion we thought it best to pimp… err… I mean bestow, ya that’s the ticket, bestow the good news about the existence of the Empire’s most loyal website The site contains all the reasoned documentation and MP3 audio reports of Sand Trooper TD-0013. Tee Dee Oh Oh One Three may be already be familiar to you from his long running A Different Point of View segments on the Michael And Evo’s Wingin’ It podcast. Tee Dee writes, “The site is pretty much my new base ops and houses the complete, and growing, collection of all of the “A Different Point of View” MP3 segments, as well as a weekly cartoon strip by Starlog magazine’s bortQ, Wallpapers, an answering machine recording, and other nonsense.” And by nonsense Tee Dee means “mandatory viewing materials.” Not to put any pressure on you, our dear readers, but I got the impression that SFFaudio’s been assigned a weekly quota and that if we don’t deliver some serious numbers to and soon we might be going for a one-way forced march to the Pit of Carkoon! Please visit Tee Dee’s site, and in the Emperor’s name we beg that tell them that SFFaudio sent you!

New Dean Koontz Limited Run Podcast Starts

Online Audio

The big-wigs at Random House have convinced Dean Koontz to start a podcast to help promote his latest novel The Husband. The first two episodes, already released in this limited eight part podcast are simply Koontz talking about his experiences with editors and filmmakers. New instalments will be posted weekly over the summer months.

You can subscribe to the podcast by clicking on over to the official Dean Koontz website show.

The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas Announce Two New Literary Shows

Online Audio

The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas LogoTime to flip-out kids! The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas have just announced the list of upcoming podcasts and two great speculative fiction novels are on the list:

KAMN #17: Ill Met in Lankhmar by Fritz Leiber

KAMN #19: The Demolished Man by Alfred Bester

Although Ill Met in Lankhmar is still not available as an audiobook The Demolished Man is and can be purchased from ISIS publications in the UK:

The Demolished Man
By Alfred Bester; Read by Joe Dunlop
7 Cassettes – 8 Hours 45 Minutes [UNABRIDGED]
Publisher: ISIS Audiobooks
Product Code: OAS98114
ISBN: 1856955435

You can subscribe to The Kick-Ass Mystic Ninjas show using iTunes by clicking HERE.

BBC Radio 4’s Imagining Albion: The Great British Future Still Streamable!

Online Audio

Online AudioHurry! hurry! If you haven’t already there’s still a bit of time to hear the first installment in the four part series Imagining Albion: The Great British Future. The show started airing on BBC Radio 4 last week. Episode 1 is still streamable by Realplayer as of this post. Click HERE to hear it if you have a player built into your browser already. Those who haven’t – go get a Realplayer plugin – you’re gonna dig this documentary – it features an unabashed history of British Science Fiction with authors and SF excerpts illustrating the points made by host Francis Spufford. Details follow…

Imagining Albion: The Great British FutureImagining Albion: The Great British Future
Hosted by Francis Spufford
4 X 30 Minute Installments – [AUDIO DOCUMENTARY]
Broadcaster: BBC Radio 4
Broadcast: Thu 22nd Jun – 11:30
Week 1: The history of Utopian / Dystopia: “Big Brother and the Brave New World”
Week 2: The history of Alien Invasions: “Keep Watching the Shores”

Orson Scott Card Interviewed For A Writing Related Podcast

Online Audio

It's The Story StupidA podcaster who is currently and unfortunately unnammed is taking a writing class offered by Orson Scott Card and has scored an interview with his teacher! OSC and the unnamed student talk about essential writing techniques and OSC’s magazine Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show amongst other things. Check these three segments from the It’s The STORY Stupid podcast…

ITSS Podcast #16 OSC Interview Part 1 [MP3] – approx. 15 minutes

ITSS Podcast #17 OSC Interview Part 2 [MP3*] – approx. 35 minutes
*Includes bonus interview with Ed Shubert the new editor of OSC’s IGMS

ITSS Podcast #18 OSC Interview Part 3 [MP3] – approx. 10 minutes

Props to for the link!